Gaius Darkspell and the Duel of Fates (Pt 1)

From “Instructions for Strange Desires”

9 min readFeb 18, 2024


I’ll publish some of the content from my short story collection, “Instructions for Strange Desires”, which you can read about here and here. This is the first story I finished, and while it may or may not end up as part of the interconnected story, I just wanted to get it out there and let people enjoy it. It was a ton of fun to write, so here’s part 1 of 3 of the epic showdown between Gaius Darkspell, the greatest of wizards, and Valkath the Inferno, his greatest foe.

Instructions for Strange Desires

Gaius Darkspell stood in the shadow of the World’s End and looked up. The sky was painted with the ominous hues of a bruise, like one might get when walking into a coffee table when one was thinking about spells instead of paying attention to where one was going. Gaius stooped and rubbed his thigh and considered looking through the catalog again for one of those large ottomans instead. A plush one with soft corners.

“Here we are,” he said to no one in particular, mostly because no one in particular was around. “It ends here.” Gaius sighed, a long, deep breath that resulted in a hacking cough. He caught the edge of his…




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