Gaius Darkspell and the Duel of Fates (Pt 3)

From “Instructions for Strange Desires”



Gaius and Valkath

This is the first story I’ve finished from “Instructions for Strange Desires”. It was a ton of fun to write, so here’s part 3 of 3 of the epic showdown between Gaius Darkspell, the greatest of wizards, and Valkath the Inferno, his greatest foe.

The story begins here with Part 1. Here’s Part 2.

“Valkath the Inferno,” muttered Gaius, and as if on cue, the great beast flapped its wings and lit into the air as easily as a bird, or rather a bird the size of a large church or a castle owned by the king’s second cousin or someone of lesser importance who probably just rented the place because castle upkeep was so expensive and royalty just wasn’t what it used to be.

The flying inferno, most notorious of monsters, the Bane of Balustra, the Shadow of Sinestra, the Meddling Menace of Meadowfield, where cow tipping was now outlawed, crossed the gap between the two in the blink of an eye. His hind claws crashed to the ground across from Gaius with a resulting boom that shook the mountaintop, the great wings folding neatly behind the scintillating scores of red-black scales that marked Valkath the Inferno as a fire-breather.

Gaius, his fingers itching to cast the spell he’d readied, watched as the monstrosity now…




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