History About Casinos(Part 3)

4 min readNov 1, 2021

For those who haven’t read previous article of “History about Casinos” please first go to the link below.


To The Next Level: Decentralized Casino

As for the overall online casino market, although progress had been made by representative organizations such as eCOGRA, the majority of online casinos do not have a legitimate license. It is still a cruel world where greedy merchants use dubious licenses and have bad intentions to lighten customer’s wallets. Even if the customer wins and their payment is successful, there are systematic problems that can cause them to lose money, and this is still a common occurrence going on to this day. The lack of user knowledge accompanied with the absence of stable infrastructure makes it almost impossible to deal with all the malicious intent and fraud.

In the world of gambling, if there is any element that is invisible, especially if it is digital, which is far from being analog, the merchant will always be under suspicion of cheating or fleecing. If there is no transparency, operators can change results in their favor by remote control or even go as far as illegal bookmaking. The best example of this is online casinos, which will always be under suspicion, even if they have the license to operate.

It is an undeniable fact that human intervention will always involve some kind of greed, malice, or other bad intentions. Of course, many people are able to suppress these emotions, but when factors such as the handling of large amounts of money and the desire for gambling start to become involved over a long period of time, it is unlikely that people who have been suppressing them will suddenly overcome their greed and malice.

Based on these assumptions, the ultimate perfect casino would be a self-sustaining program that continues to provide the fair play of “casino game operations” in an unobtrusive manner with as little human intervention as possible.

Although these concepts have never been put into use on the online market before, the concept of “DAO” was born on the public blockchain, which is rapidly expanding in the IT industry and has started to spread like wildfire.

As of now, a lot of these online casinos have started to adopt cryptocurrencies as payment. Both spending cryptocurrencies for in game coins or receiving cryptocurrencies when the players decide to withdraw their funds. This is a step in the right direction but it still does not solve the transparency of the various casino games results. All they have done is that now, the centralized management of the casino is accepting cryptocurrencies. The casinos are still governed by one management and it is not apparent if the games they provide are fair and just. Some newer cryptocurrency casinos have even decided to give out their own tokens but alas the management is still not decentralized and of course they still hide their transactions of the games because they do not want to put it on a blockchain.

This is where Sunrise Gaming comes into play. We believe with having a decentralized autonomous organization, it will get rid of centralized management that has been plaguing both online and offline casinos. If the token holders are able to vote on key managerial decisions, it will play an importance to everyone involved in this project. As for transparency of the gambling bets and games, we will have another blockchain (compatible to Ethereum Blockchain) that will record every transaction, so it would be proof that there is no rigging and malicious intention in the games.

We are ready to change the world of gambling and with the use of blockchain technology, users and owners alike can have a smooth, transparent, and fair experience.

For other inquires

Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions, we are always happy to hear from you. Our community managers are there for you on Telegram.


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“Our token, SUNC”

SUNC Contract Address: 0x692accdd8b86692427e0aa4752ae917df01cc56f

xSUNC Contract Address: 0xbf4d18ae16f2deeb1e24a3c85b5f9dcc41d4a09e

SUNC/ETH LP Address: 0x692accdd8b86692427e0aa4752ae917df01cc56f




Sunrise Gaming is dedicated to make casino games decentralized as well as make all the games trackable on its native blockchain.