Drabble Travel Blog: Day 18

Food, food, and more food! Also, IN-LAWS!

Jonathon Sawyer
2 min readMay 31, 2023
My mother-in-law Tanya, Greta, my wife Diana and me, at Happy | Photo by Author

This travel blog will be released as a series of Drabbles, stories of exactly 100 words, not including titles and CTAs.

Got up this morning and Diana was super sick and fatigued.

We cancel plans and instead visit with Diana’s father, who is mentally unwell and lives a secluded secret life hiding from God-knows-who. After the "meeting", he "gifts" us a bag full of cakes and sweets and disappears into the crowd.

Now we are left carrying a bag of cakes and sweets.

One of Sofia’s many street cats. He wasn’t hungry, but he didn’t tolerate bad service, either! | Photo by Author

We grab soup at a local garden restaurant and give the bag to Tanya, who drops it off at home.

We wait at the St Sofia monument for Greta, basically Diana’s aunt.

Lunch at Happy.

St. Sofia Monument. She's gold AND has a nice rack! 🤣| Photo by Author

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Jonathon Sawyer

I’m a Canadian writer of short stories; a poet of dubious repute. I experiment with interesting concepts and styles, which is why I head TKL's Monday Mash-Ups