My Road To Code (Week 2)

Sef Shayk
3 min readDec 15, 2016


Photo by Luis Llerena

Click here to check out the first installment of this series.

So my main goal for this week was to strengthen my JQuery knowledge as well as continuing to better learn and understand the C programming language. I would say I succeeded in doing both. By learning JQuery, I’ve gotten a better understanding of how certain websites use it to enhance their sites interactivity. Meanwhile, learning the C programming language has helped me understand programming logic and it also helps that C has similiar syntax with Javascript (C is considered my many to be the mother of modern programming languages. My goals that I hope to achieve by next week is to get started with the JQuery project on my Udemy course. The project is for you to build a functional code player. For my C goals, I want to get closer to finishing all of the excercises in that book and overall, get a good grip of one of the most important programming languages ever. Anyways, here is my progress so far:

Online Courses:

Online Bootcamps:

  • Free Code Camp- Here is my FCC page where you can see all of my completed projects and challenges. I’ve decided to resume FCC on January 1st.
  • Here is my Codepen page where you can see some of my front-end projects.

Programming Books:

Devoloper Meetups I’ve attended : has been an amazing tool in helping me meet other people interested in learning how to program. This, in my opinion is extremely beneficial because coding alone can be well… lonely sometimes and adding the social element to it makes it a lot more enjoyable.

  • Group: B’more On Rails Event: Monthly meetup with guest speakers (August 2016)
  • Group: JrWebDev Event: Second Mondays Code Sesh with guest speakers (November 14)
  • Group: JrWebDev Event: Second Mondays Code Sesh with guest speakers (December 12)

