AI In Games

4 min readSep 28, 2022


“AI will provide a new level of immersive experience and will bring more life and personality to games.”

What Is AI In Gaming?

AI in games is a set of algorithms that set the behavior of NPCs in different situations. In-game AI is incapable of thinking or creativity, its actions are predetermined by the developers. Despite such limitations, competently created AI adapts to the situation and changes its behavior depending on the situation.

The AI is needed to imitate the intelligence of the NPC, and its task is not to beat the user, but to entertain him. Modern games use different approaches to create AI.

Why Does AI Matter In Gaming?

Nowadays gamers pay a lot of attention to details — it concerns not only the appearance and graphics of very good quality, but also how bright and interactive the game is in every possible way. Thanks to the constant customization of scenarios, the AI is able to do the vital work of taking the gameplay to a new level.

The goal of AI is to immerse the player as much as possible, by giving the characters in the game a lifelike quality, even if the game itself is set in a fantasy world.

As AI gets better and more advanced, the options for how it interacts with a player’s experience also change.

AI is also used not only for gameplay, but also for solving a number of tasks in the development of video games. First of all, AI algorithms can significantly improve the quality of graphics and the naturalness of the dynamics of various objects: people, transport, animals, weather manifestations.

Types Of AI In Games

Deterministic behavior or performance is specified and predictable. There’s no uncertainty. An example of deterministic behavior is a simple chasing algorithm. You can explicitly code a nonplayer character to move toward some target point by advancing along the x and y coordinate axes until the character’s x and y coordinates coincide with the target location.

This method forces developers to anticipate all the possible scenarios and code all the behaviour themselves. These methods don’t even allow for learning or evolving, which makes the game’s behaviours predictable after a little gameplay and even has a limiting effect on the game’s play-life.

Nondeterministic behavior is the opposite of deterministic behavior. Behavior has a degree of uncertainty and is somewhat unpredictable (the degree of uncertainty depends on the AI method employed and how well that method is understood). An example of nondeterministic behavior is a nonplayer character learning to adapt to the fighting tactics of a player. Such learning could use a neural network, a Bayesian technique, or a genetic algorithm.

Gaming Experience With AI In The Cosmos 2050 Metaverse

Our team created an AI Avatar technology called Nova AI which can bring to life different avatars or you can create your own avatar based on our technology.

AI Avatar — a digital animated human, game character with intelligent and emotional AI capabilities.

Our AI algorithm came through a combination of mindfulness, psychology, neurophysiology and coaching. We created the technology based on studies of the human brain, psychics and consciousness and brought this knowledge to the mathematical model.

AIA can help game developers integrate their own bots, with its rich lexicon, characters, assets and upgrades, the gaming experience will improve manifold and enable users to control simple things by text or voice and integrate into multiple channels and play with friends and strangers around the world in a seamless manner.

For more information, see our article about Nova AI.

Almost all games use AI. Without this, it would be difficult for the game to provide the player with an immersive experience.

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😇SensEI is AI personal guru and coach for career and personal growth, identifying strengths & unlocking potential.