The Next Big Thing That Saves Time — Lassi App

Lakshmi Ravali
3 min readDec 5, 2018

“Good things take time.”

All of us had heard this right?? But, what if the food you love makes you wait for too long when you’re hungry?? Don’t know about good things, but I’m I sure will end up with acidity..!! ;-)

Maybe, this proverb doesn’t apply to our “food situations”.

So, We always believed in “Time is the essence of life” and cherishing food is something that makes us all happy..! Hence, the Lassi App.

Curious to know how Lassi app started? Check this out — First baby step of Lassi App.

Now, you must be curious to know “How it works”. Well, why wait? Let’s get started..!

1. Step One — Let’s Locate You

Assuming all of you had downloaded the app :-) Once you open the app. You get a pretty much screen like this and wala.. your location is “detected”.

2. Step Two — Get To Know You’re Surroundings

The Lassi app presents you with the list of nearby foodcourts and restaurants with all the details you would want to know.

3. Step Three — The Chosen

After the choice is made, a digital menu that looks something like this will appear. Check out how the food looks, its price and ratings all in one go.!!

4. Step Four — A Deeper Look

Want to know more about the food? Get a closer look? Got it covered. Click onto the item you want and get a detailed description with other information about the food.

5. Step Five — The Shopping Bag

Here comes the cart page with detailed billing split-up. Ever felt that it’s so unfair to wait in queue’s every time you order something? Ever killed your food craving just because you were lazy to stand in another queue.?

Time to break a rule — Order from multiple restaurants in the same purchase. Yaaay..!!!

6. Step Six — Be Secured

Don’t worry about finding exact change anymore. Say goodbye to hassle payments. Go digital and pay with any mode of payment. Card, Netbanking, Wallets and UPI — you name it, you find it here.!!

7. The Step Seven — Track it Down

Know the status of your order. When it’s down to Pick-up, It’s your cue go and pick up the food at the designated point and enjoy the food..! :)

8. The Final step — Be Remembered

Loved some food you had last week but you can’t remember what it is.? Don’t worry…! Check out all your past orders and their status here.

Hope this was a helpful trip..!! Stay tuned for more exciting news and offers..!!

