Card Sort test for Filters

Sijon Thapa
2 min readDec 18, 2018

After previous successful and efficient of card sorting methods link here. For the filters problem we decided to take tactile approach.

Why did we choose tactile approach?

There was nothing in particular which was better than digital version other than that we wanted to use this conduct as a guerrilla test and that we didn’t want to be reliant on the internet.

Creating the cards

Creating the cards on Figma

The process of Card Sorting

This test was conducted over the several weeks with different users who matched out user base and our persona. During the the test we conducted both open and closed card sort. The results were very helpful in that it revealed us the nuances in how our users think. These details where helpful for us to come up final designs for the filters.

Various results

Documenting all of our results on spreadsheet.

Lastly we visualised the the data and changed the back end structure of the subjects and sub category accordingly.

Final Visualisation of the data

