Explained Easily: All The Interesting Benefits of Blockchain Games

Small Bites of Crypto_Currents
6 min readDec 6, 2022

NB: Blockchain, Strictly for Lazy Beginners

Table of Content

  • The Benefits of Blockchain Games to Blockchain Technology
  • The Benefits of Blockchain Games to its Players
  • The Benefits of Blockchain Games to game developers
  • The Future of Blockchain games
Small Children Playing with Toys

Blockchain games came into existence because of blockchain technology. The beauty of blockchain gaming relies on this wholesome technology and its characteristics.

The blockchain gaming industry has significantly benefitted from this technology. Is this all a one-sided relationship? Or has the blockchain gaming industry contributed immensely to the growth of the blockchain world today?

Come on in. Let us find out.

The benefits of Blockchain games to Blockchain technology

Benefits of Blockchain Games to Blockchain Technology illustrated by Illinto&Dicinto

Ease in Blockchain understanding.

Everybody has, at one point in life, played games, either physical games, video games, or online games. The advent of blockchain games made more people aware of what blockchain technology could do and how this technology works.

What better ways to introduce newbies to the blockchain world if not through games?

Ease in Blockchain Adoption

The incentives blockchain games provided, like the earning aspect, made people want to get involved with them; This led to an increase in people making use of this technology and seeing how helpful the technology could be in the long run.

The Diverse Use of Blockchain

Since Bitcoin bought blockchain technology into the limelight, many believed that was all it was suitable for. To be only used for cryptocurrencies.

But the advent of blockchain games showed a different side to the technology. That there was more use to it than just cryptocurrency.

A Clearer Understanding of Decentralization

Decentralization is the backbone of blockchain technology, where power does not belong to a single selected group but to everyone.

Every blockchain game created has decentralization, whereby players can vote and make gameplay decisions. The power does not belong to the game developers alone.

Our finding reveals that the relationship between blockchain games and technology is balanced.

One cannot talk about Blockchain games without mentioning the players who keep them alive.

The next question is, why do people play blockchain games?

The Benefits of Blockchain Games to its Players

Benefits of Blockchain Games to Players Illustrated by Illinto&Dicinto

Earning power

The Play to Earn feature is one of the foremost reasons people play blockchain games. In traditional online games, when players earn in-game rewards, these rewards are only helpful in the game and not in reality.

But in blockchain games, the bonuses (In-game tokens and NFTs) are exchanged for real-world money; This is to say there is value for the player’s time. Players have fun and, at the same time, earn money.


Blockchain game players enjoy having authority in their palms. Game developers cannot just wake up one morning and decide to change a part of the game. Players would have to vote before changes can occur in the game.

In-game properties bought or earned by players do not belong to the game but to the player. The player can choose to sell these properties or keep them. The players can also export these properties to other wallets, unlike in traditional video games, where in-game properties belong only in the game.


The social interaction encouraged in blockchain gaming is mind-boggling. Every blockchain game has a social hub where players can discuss the gameplay. Community managers control these social hubs.

These hubs foster a sense of belonging to players, they support activities that encourage player communication, like post engagements. Game newbies can join, ask questions and learn from veterans. And game rewards are also given out for participating in these hubs.

Telegram, Discord, Twitter, and Medium are the most popular hubs for games.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) Adoption

All blockchain games make use of NFTs. The properties, characters, and items found in these games are all in the form of NFTs. All these make it easier for players to exchange them on the game marketplace or external marketplaces.

Most players who needed help understanding the concept of NFTs would immediately get how it works after getting involved in these blockchain games. Some players needed to be made aware that what they were using in these games were NFTs.

These games show the importance of NFTs and the ease they would bring when integrated into our everyday lives.

Most people only think about how blockchain gaming influences players. What about these game developers?

How has blockchain gaming influenced them? Let us find out below.

Benefits of Blockchain Games to Game Developers

Benefits of blockchain Games to Game developers Illustrated by Illinto&Dicinto


Developers can think far and wide about the features their games would possess:

  • They have to think up creative storylines and continuation of these storylines to keep gamers playing.
  • Put a lot of consideration into game designs and gameplay to appeal to players.
  • Develop proper execution of in-game activities such as mini-games, quests, and puzzles that players can indulge in.

In summary, blockchain games heighten the creativity of game developers.


Game developers generally make money from the games they develop. The amount of money game developers can earn is not new information to anyone.

Blockchain game developers can earn more if the token of the game they created can perform well in the market. The other ways game developers can gain from their blockchain games are in-game NFTs, game tokens, and in-game purchases.

The Sense of Achievement

The feeling that comes with creating a functional world:

  • Where the world’s name, currency name, and the name the players are called by are all decided by you and your team.
  • People love the game designs and look forward to playing your storylines.

These and more would bring a sense of achievement to anyone.

We are all caught up with the benefits of blockchain games. Now it is time to look at the future of blockchain games.

The Future of Blockchain games

Future of Blockchain Games Illustrated by Illinto&Dicinto

Blockchain games are the future of gaming. Some Traditional online games already include Blockchain features in their gameplay, such as NFTs. At the same time, some of them are redeveloping their games on the Blockchain.

One of the disadvantages of blockchain games is they lack variety as compared to Traditional online games. This flaw would be rectified with time as, in the future, more game developers would create more varied and better games.

The rules and policies guarding blockchain games could be more explitive and definitive. There are no systems in place to verify scam projects from authentic ones.

In the future, regulations safeguarding the blockchain gaming industry will be present, and policies will accompany this to guard players against scam projects.

We are at the end of today’s articles. If you want to see how we introduce blockchain games to beginners, click the link below.

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Small Bites of Crypto_Currents

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