I Can See Myself Through You, But How? - a short story

Soheil Erfani Tabar
4 min readOct 28, 2023


Have you ever sat behind a public library chair trying to study, do your work, or even just read a book? I think all of us have had this experience in the past; the hell, maybe you are sitting behind one right now! For the fact that I’m feeling uncomfortable sitting on my yellowish wooden chair, which has lost its color in the past years, and the guy who’s sleeping behind me is snoring so loud that I have to use my headphones to write this passage, I know I’m in a library.

So, now that we have gotten past my problems, It’s time to have a talk with each other. What subject are we going to discuss, you might ask? Well, of course, something about the library! Why else should I nag about here when I could start my article’s opening in an infinite other ways. So, what about the library? What has caught your attention? As foolish as it might be, it’s not the books all around me or the people sitting next to me. It’s not about a hot chick working here whom I don’t know or an old man that somehow I have known since I was 8 or 9 years old.

It’s actually something between all of those thoughts. It’s about people, but it’s written everywhere. It’s about someone that I haven’t seen, but it feels like I’ve known him since my birth. Yes, I’m talking about the writings on the walls, tables, and even chairs! Most of them are just people trash-talking, swearing, and leaving their number for other girls and boys. Some of them talk about their lives, their problems, or their happiness. Actually, can’t see a lot of joy; let’s say it’s all sadness. One person has even drawn a beautiful portrait of a man and a woman beside each other on the walls.

The woman has long, curly hair tied from the top and a gorgeous smile on her face. The man with his own long hair and smile is looking at her; he seems so happy. I guess they should be lovers. Do you see what I am talking about? All these remaining words, all these stories waiting to be unrevealed. It’s beautiful! It is interesting Not only the fact that you can see part of someone’s life in a sentence left on a table in a public library but also the fact that you can relate to and understand some of them.

A kid who is worried about his exam, a guy who is concerned about getting into college, a person who has written one of their favorite poems, I guess. I do feel them! It’s like I know them! That’s because I have the same memories as they do; I once was worried about my exam, I once was concerned about getting to college, and I have to say I do like that person’s taste in poetry. Isn’t it interesting that you can agree with a person or understand them even if you don’t know them? Even that you haven’t even seen them once? Wow, it’s incredible how the human brain works.

I love the painting on the wall; I love it cause the boy reminds me of myself. I understand him because I stare at my loved one, too. I know that when he is with her, nothing is more important than her in his life to be seen or heard…

It feels like I’m the person who drew this painting! How can I feel so close to someone? We human beings are fascinating creatures; we can understand someone that we don’t know; we can have no feelings towards someone that we have known for our whole life and raised us. Why is this the case with us? Do we actually care about others, or are we just some selfish animals who only understand ourselves and care about our own ideas?

Soheil Erfani Tabar © 2023. All rights reserved.

