4 min readMay 17, 2017

An Integrated Sustainable Socio-Economic Model: Step by Step Implementation

Episode One — Culture as Anchor

“Between the traditional and the new, or between order and adventure, there is no real opposition; and what we call tradition today is a knit work of centuries of adventure.”

-Jorge Luis Borges

Solarium Socio-Economic Model

The bottom line, under the Solarium Model, expands beyond the financial incorporating four additional standards: social, health, environmental and food sovereignty.

In other words, Solarium seeks to integrate its three pillars: renewable energy, organic agriculture, and culture into a wheel of five balanced standards. This effort of emphasizing four additional standards — SHEF, in addition to the strictly financial — F, is seen as not only compatible with income stream growth but essential to it.

The inquiry into how to maximize all five bottom lines is Solarium’s core value. This process of analysis is envisioned, in and of itself, to have both direct and indirect income stream results.

In effect, the search for a sustainable socio-economic model is not seen by the Solarium team as a block to business model growth but is the bottom line.

The following is an attempt to outline how the search for a sustainable socio-economic model is expected to impact positively the five standards exponentially.

A standard business model might first outline the division that will generate significant income in the short term. In the Solarium model this is the renewable energy division. But Solarium is focused on deep long term results across five standards, not just one. This analysis therefore begins with the pillar with the greatest influence on the complete effort, Culture.

The Three Pillars

I. Culture

A. Background

The Culture Pillar is at the center of the Solarium wheel and epitomizes the power of an emphasis on the quest for knowledge. This pillar has the greatest potential to affect direct income streams and indirect income streams across all three pillars.

Furthermore, the Culture Pillar is the catalyst for sustainable standard streams positively affecting SHEF and the well being of the community at large. That is, the Cultural Pillar also serves as the research and development arm of the company, the marketing division, and the hub of facilitating the training of future “designers.” Designers that continue the quest for maximization and balance of the five standards well into the future.

“The process itself is the actuality”

-Alfred North Whitehead


How an investigation into the methodology of creating content serves as the fuel to propel an integrated socio-economic wheel of sustainable growth.

1. The concept of the entire Solarium program is facilitated by the creation of content.

2. The search for how best to search for content individually, as a team, and with the world is the responsibility of each member of the Solarium Team and a defining corporate mission.

3. The creation of content and its dissemination indirectly affect both the income streams of organic agricultural products and future renewable energy construction contracts/consulting fees/partnerships worldwide.

4. Since Solarium goals go beyond the goals set by standard corporate guidelines, Solarium Content (SC) is not strictly defined by what is commonly described as “entertainment properties.”

5. SC includes also the process of creating (POC).

6. In and of itself, POC is — in corporate terms — capable of monetization.

7. At the same time, POC is — in Solarium Model terms — capable of dynamic local and global SHEF valuation.

8. Basically, the process and the goal contribute to the five standards.

9. Pedagogical study of sustainable economic models — within the context of Solarium corporate, social and artistic action and tested/implemented locally and worldwide — is envisioned as capable of a revaluation of “corporation.”

10. The entirety of the Solarium program might be illustrated as an attempt at defining what’s next. Perhaps, a “co-orporation?”

11. The synthesis of virtual investigations via the Solarium online digital platform and on the ground in Nicaragua provide for a unique and powerful wheel of integrated socio-economic growth. A potential perhaps never before realized due to the significant Solarium effort to organize and actualize a nationwide public private partnership.


Linkedin — Solarium Founder

Linkedin —Solarium Founder





Facilitators of region-wide sustainable socio-economic renaissance: Solarium Model * By the people for the people * One region at a time...