The Importance Of Building A Personal Brand.

3 min readOct 12, 2015


Today’s job market is constantly changing. In times of Social Media most recruiters are reviewing your online presence on the web and check written & design work. Build a strong personal brand and separate yourself from the competition to succeed. Here is how.

Building the personal brand

The idea of a personal brand was first introduced by Napoleon Hill in 1937 in his book “Think and Grow Rich”. He says: “It should be encouraging to know that practically all the great fortunes began in the form of compensation for personal services, or from the sale of ideas.”

Your personality, your talent and your digital footprint are all part of your personal brand. It is essentially the ongoing process of establishing a prescribed image or impression in the mind of others. What others think of you when they hear your name and what companies think of you when they see your work.

Impress Companies

These days it is not enough to have good grades and lots of extra-curricular activities to land your dream job. We have arrived in the digital age where you have to impress companies. Recruiters will not only check you on paper but also online. It is your work and achievements which make you stand out.

Facebook, Twitter and others have introduced great ways of building your online personal brand. We at Squelo want to help today’s talent stand out by building an awesome professional brand. The talent market is changing and these days it’s important tto impress companies with your success stories and achievements, not just your CV.

Your past, presence & future

What have you done in the past, where are you now and where do you want to go in the future? These are all things defining your personal brand. Think about yourself and your values and how you want to be seen as a person. With your personal brand you can also define and steer your future.

Your channels

You have different channels to build and promote your personal brand. They all have different audiences who will perceive your brand differently and are looking for different things. You should make sure your content in your different channels is aimed at its audience. Be clear, consistent and also honest. Don’t build a fake brand — it will only hurt you in the long run.

More and more companies consider whether or not you will be a good cultural fit based on your personal brand. Keep your channels active and use them to promote your uniqueness.


Companies build brands and companies consist of people. Your Personal brand is what makes you — you. Is what sets you apart from others. Also your mindset is part of your personal brand.

Building a powerful brand and vision can lead to a better job, contacts and new amazing opportunities.

Think about what makes you unique and different from the masses? What amazing things have you achieved and done? How to you want to impress your friends, contacts and future employers?

Happy Thinking & Building.

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