Introducing SuperCollider

2 min readNov 2, 2015


In daily life and business, there are hidden opportunities to optimize the way we use resources such as energy, air, water, food, and materials. We’re the type of people who actively see these opportunities through a unique lens. So are the entrepreneurs and innovators we work with.

Seeing the world with a SuperCollider lens (image credit to

There is a tremendous need to shake up resource markets and create significantly better experiences for customers and the planet. We believe digital technology, human-centered design, and entrepreneurs are amongst the most powerful tools available to unlock latent resource efficiency. We formed SuperCollider to discover and foster startups within this emerging web of technology, people, and resources.

Part seed fund, part design firm, part customer development lab, SuperCollider is built to cultivate startups at their formative stages. By colliding entrepreneurs with capital, customers, and our multi-disciplinary team, we expect that our portfolio companies will get to market faster with better designed products, business models, and brands.

Productive collisions resulting in new discoveries and insights

Where To Look

We find entrepreneurs across verticals, geographies, and platforms. Our thesis is guided by major trends in cities, energy, and connected devices:

The convergence of resources with digital technology represents an inevitable and massive opportunity. It has already started and we’re not the only ones who see it. Our combination of experience, early-stage focus, and model is unique, yet plugs into an existing innovation ecosystem that includes great organizations like Obvious Ventures, the CREO Syndicate, Westly Group, NYC ACRE, and Urban.Us among many others.

In the coming weeks we’ll share more about our approach to early-stage investing, human-centered design, and customer development. We’ll further elaborate on the latent opportunities we see by highlighting examples of emerging entrepreneurs and success stories. In the meantime, please share your feedback and let us know how you’d like to collaborate.




Early-stage investors focused on solving important environmental problems through energy and resource innovation