Quickly Launch your Node on NuLink’s Incentivized Testnet

7 min readJan 4, 2024


Join NuLink’s incentivized testnet. On this ‘Horus’ testnet, participants will have the opportunity to test the NuLink dashboard, run a node, and engage in activities to earn rewards.

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I am BreizhNode, a blockchain and masternode enthusiast, and I’m excited to share my knowledge about this ecosystem through my articles. Don’t forget to subscribe to my Medium to stay updated on my new publications.

You can also follow me on Twitter and find my videos on YouTube!


NuLink is a Web3-based data privacy solution for Decentralized Applications (DApps), providing developers with a comprehensive suite of security and privacy features.

Using advanced access control mechanisms and secure computation protocols, NuLink offers a robust platform for data sharing and processing while preserving confidentiality.

In this testnet, participants will have the opportunity to test the NuLink dashboard, run a node, and engage in activities to earn rewards.


1- VPS Configuration

To set up your masternode, you have the choice of hosting it on your own computer or opting for a Virtual Private Server (VPS), which is ideal for hosting websites, applications, or other online services, such as nodes.

In my case, I opted for Contabo, a reputable VPS rental solution.
The NuLink node does not require a high-end configuration.

So, I recommend you choose the Cloud VPS S.

Now it’s your turn…

To order your Contabo VPS, you can click on this link.

It’s an affiliate link, with no additional cost to you, which allows me to support my work and provide valuable content.

Les offres de Contabo

Opt for a 200 GB SSD storage capacity and select the Docker image for your configuration.

Once you have completed the payment process, you will receive an order confirmation email. Please wait to receive a second email containing information about your VPS, including your login credentials.

To connect to your VPS, I recommend following this detailed tutorial. You will need to download the Putty software, which will allow you to establish a secure connection with your VPS and access its features.

2- Installation of Essential Components

Before diving into the installation of your node, it is crucial to update your VPS. To do this, simply execute the following command in your VPS terminal:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
Copy the command and right-click in your terminal to paste it.

Proceed with the installation of Docker.

Docker is a platform for running applications in “containers,” making it easy to deploy and run them on different machines without worrying about configuration differences.

To do this, execute the following command in your terminal:

sudo apt install docker.io

Verify the successful installation of Docker:

docker --version

3- Geth Installation

You will need the Geth software to launch your NuLink node.

Geth is a command-line tool for running a node.

wget https://gethstore.blob.core.windows.net/builds/geth-linux-amd64-1.13.8-b20b4a71.tar.gz

Extract the file:

tar -xvzf geth-linux-amd64-1.13.8-b20b4a71.tar.gz

Navigate to the Geth folder and create your EVM wallet:

cd geth-linux-amd64-1.13.8-b20b4a71
./geth account new --keystore ./keystore
You can see that my generated EVM address is 0xa137300236F18C61a59F3d338fa951e559f1e3Ab

Enter a password and keep it securely as you will need it later. A wallet address will also be generated. Keep that aside as well.

4- NuLink Installation

You will install the NuLink command-line interface.

Extract the NuLink folder:

docker pull nulink/nulink:latest

Create a NuLink folder:

cd /root
mkdir nulink

Copy the folder containing your private keys into the NuLink folder:

cp /root/geth-linux-amd64-1.13.8-b20b4a71/keystore/* /root/nulink

And grant all permissions to your NuLink folder:

chmod -R 777 /root/nulink

5- Node Configuration

You will start by setting a password for your operator. Replace <PASSWORD> with your password:


In the following command, enter the password you created in step 3:


You can now initiate your node:

docker run -it --rm \
-p 9151:9151 \
-v /root/nulink:/code \
-v /root/nulink:/home/circleci/.local/share/nulink \
nulink/nulink nulink ursula init \
--signer keystore:///code/<UTC--2024-xxxxxx> \
--eth-provider https://data-seed-prebsc-2-s2.binance.org:8545 \
--network horus \
--payment-provider https://data-seed-prebsc-2-s2.binance.org:8545 \
--payment-network bsc_testnet \
--operator-address <WALLET> \
--max-gas-price 10000000000

Replace <WALLET> with the address of your wallet generated in step 3.
For <UTC - 2024-xxxxxx>, navigate to your NuLink folder, then paste the name of the UTC file that appears.

cd nulink

For my configuration, the command gives this:

docker run -it --rm \
-p 9151:9151 \
-v /root/nulink:/code \
-v /root/nulink:/home/circleci/.local/share/nulink \
nulink/nulink nulink ursula init \
--signer keystore:///code/UTC--2024-01-04T01-24-40.999371594Z--a137300236f18c61a59f3d338fa951e559f1e3ab \
--eth-provider https://data-seed-prebsc-2-s2.binance.org:8545 \
--network horus \
--payment-provider https://data-seed-prebsc-2-s2.binance.org:8545 \
--payment-network bsc_testnet \
--operator-address 0xa137300236f18c61a59f3d338fa951e559f1e3ab \
--max-gas-price 10000000000

This will generate a recovery phrase (seed phrase). Keep it safe.

6- Launching the NuLink Node

You can now launch your node:

docker run --restart on-failure -d \
--name ursula \
-p 9151:9151 \
-v /root/nulink:/code \
-v /root/nulink:/home/circleci/.local/share/nulink \
nulink/nulink nulink ursula run --no-block-until-ready

You will check the log of your node:

docker logs -f ursula

Congratulations, your node is launched and operational!

7- Staking Tokens on Your Node

You can now stake tokens on your node. Visit the NuLink dashboard :

Connect to the site with the wallet of your choice.
You will need the BNB faucet in the wallet you created in step 3, to interact with the NuLink network
(This faucet will be necessary to continue the rest of the installation) :

Go back to the NuLink dashboard and claim testnet tokens $NLK.

To do this, press the wallet icon at the top right of the screen. Now in possession of $NLK, you can stake your tokens.

Once your tokens are successfully staked on the network, scroll down to the “Node Information” section. You will be able to link your staked tokens to your node.

Press ‘Bond Worker’ and enter the address of your wallet generated in step 3.

Keep your node active for seven days, then complete the following form to participate in the draw at the end of the testnet and have the chance to win NuLink tokens!


Thank you for taking the time to read my article.

If you have any additional questions or would like to discuss further, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or Discord. You can check out my videos on Youtube too.

Youtube: @breizhnode56

If you would like to support my work, I have created a dedicated wallet : 0x8AF4A2ec91469aBda8Fc36571D4f50A581215D29

You can also join the project’s social media networks:




Written by BreizhNode

Crypto, blockchain, and masternode enthusiast - Setting up your own node has never been easier - (French/English)

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