Lily Gonzalez
5 min readMay 9, 2017

Candles In The Dark, A Seminar by Larken Rose — A Review

Candles in the Dark by Larken Rose


I was in there this weekend and it was awesome! It’s already bearing fruit in my circles.~Ray

I was there and the information you provided was exponential. I’ve already been using some of the communication tactics on political debates. It is like night & day the response I receive. You provided so much food for thought.~Marissa

If you were old enough to grasp the enormity of 9/11 at the time it happened, it probably caused you a sense of imbalance. The world as we knew it, shattered. We experienced stages of grief typical to the loss of a loved one — denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

For many of us, the event was a wake-up call that even our “empire” was vulnerable to experience the same type of sick inhumanity that we’ve seen throughout history and in places far, far away. For many, the event was a stepping stone to asking questions and seeking truth.

As for me, I questioned:

· Why the endless wars?

· Why so many laws?

· Why is our police state increasing so fast?

I paid attention to anyone claiming to understand. Then I discovered one remarkable individual that made the most sense to me. His name is Larken Rose, Author of, The Most Dangerous Superstition. His explanation was painfully simple — yet painfully difficult.

In his book, Larken Rose explains that the belief in “authority” is the most dangerous superstition, and is the biggest threat to humanity.

He made the case that the belief in “authority” is the basis for all of the biggest crimes against humanity today and throughout most of recorded human history.

Larken Rose made it simple for me to understand that this belief in “authority” is to blame for the vast majority of human suffering. But it’s extremely difficult to explain it to others. Let me try here:

For most, the belief in Santa was a fun fantasy — a benign superstition. But how do children first react to the truth about Santa? Usually with the famous five stages of loss, starting with denial and anger, and on to eventual acceptance.

But what if I told you that the belief in “authority” is a myth? Most would laugh it off and dismiss me as a lunatic.

But it’s hardly a laughing matter. And dismissing this important fact is hazardous to humanity.

The belief in the “authority” of Stalin, Mao Tse-tung, and Hitler — to name just a few — caused incalculable and heinous human suffering and human carnage. Did these individuals cause the horrors? No. The inhumanity was carried out by a few obedient cult followers that imagined these megalomaniacs’ “authority” to be real and thus, legitimate.

Now let me bring this closer to home. Should we blame U.S. presidents for wars? Should we blame lawmakers for domestic policies that have caused our own prisons to explode with human suffering and carnage? No — and here’s why.

No individual president or lawmaker has the ability to cause any more suffering than their own hands can impose. Their power is made real, relevant, and colossal ONLY because obedient followers imagine their “authority” to be real.

If you are a staunch patriot of the U.S.A., how does that last paragraph make you feel? Are you calling me names? Are you tempted to tell me to move to Somalia? Are you wishing bad things for me and for my family?

I have experienced all of those reactions in person and throughout social media.

So why do some people react violently? Is it because their own brand of superstition is questioned? Why do these same people recognize that kids who believe in Santa are simply stuck in superstition? And that the actions done in the name of Mao and Hitler were evil?

It’s for the exact reason that Christians reject Allah; that Protestants reject Catholicism; that adults reject Santa. It has to do with psychology. It has to do with what we were led to believe to be true at a very young age. It’s about our psychology.

People hold many beliefs to be sacred. Challenges to sacred beliefs are consistent with the five stages of loss. And few can get past the first two or three — denial, anger, and bargaining.

People who recognize that “authority” is a myth, also recognize it is very literally the most dangerous superstition to humanity. They also recognize this myth as being the biggest barrier to personal and collective liberty and happiness.

Most of us lack Larken Rose’ 20-plus years experience in effectively conveying this information. So he came up with a workshop type of seminar to help people like me called, “Candles in the Dark.

I attended his very first seminar in Phoenix, Arizona. To say it was PHENOMENAL is an understatement. Here are just a couple of the many comments that were offered on Facebook from attendees:

I was in there this weekend and it was awesome! It’s already bearing fruit in my circles.~Ray

I was there and the information you provided was exponential. I’ve already been using some of the communication tactics on political debates. It is like night & day the response I receive. You provided so much food for thought.~Marissa

I believe Larken Rose is onto something big. As big as I see Larken Rose, the objective to extinguish the most dangerous superstition from humanity is much bigger.

But a word of warning: mass awareness that “authority” is a superstition has the power to make impotent the world’s most dangerous megalomaniacs. They benefit from keeping humanity stuck in obedience. I predict these psychopaths will throw some obstacles along our way — maybe even deadly ones.

So I try to have courage with conviction; but also wisdom with discretion. I truly believe that any act that helps extinguish the most dangerous superstition is a gift for me, my loved ones, my community, and all of humanity.

The Candles in the Dark seminar is an incredibly powerful tool that I believe will help me help people get from denial to acceptance in record time and with minimal trauma. I truly can’t think of anything that is more important to our survival and to the well-being of the entire human race.