The 1st Share Your Summary Contest Begins!

3 min readNov 27, 2023



A large number of customers have their eyes on the TOKYO BEAST project as the Early Entry Campaign reaches its climax.
However, our project has only just begun.
We would like for both those currently following our project and those who are not to come to a deeper understanding of our project and enjoy the future we are offering.

We believe it is necessary to thoroughly explain both the information we have already announced to everyone over the last two months and the information to be announced in the future.

However, large amounts of information can be difficult for many people to digest.
We are therefore holding this contest to enlist the help of everyone following the TOKYO BEAST project in explaining this information simply.

Plain Language Contest Overview

How to Participate

1. View the information posted by our team.
2. Post a piece of media featuring a simple explanation of that information on X, attaching the hashtag #TBsummary.


3. Repost and Like media with the #TBsummary hashtag.

Valid Media

Any kind of X post that follows the theme, regardless of format or language, is valid. You can even reuse old posts.
We want to spread the word of TOKYO BEAST with posts, blogs, art, videos, sound, YouTube videos, and more.
*For live streams, only those that are archived for later checking by our team are valid.

Campaign Duration

Posting period: November 27, 2023 — December 17, 2023 (EST)
Post selection date: December 21, 2023 (EST)
*Only media posted within the above period are valid.
*Reposts and Likes on posted media will be tallied during the selection process carried out by the team after the posting period has concluded.

Selection of winners and prizes

Grand Prize Winner/Other Winners

Grand Prize Winner (1 person)
Prize: TB Mystery Box (Diamond) x1

Other Winners (3 people)
Prize: TB Mystery Box (Gold) x1

The team will select four winning posts. The winner will be selected by a vote using the X poll feature. The piece of media which receives the most votes in the poll will be the Grand Prize Winner.

Runners-up (10 people)
Prize: TB Mystery Box (Silver) x1

The team will select ten pieces of media as runners-up.

Supporter Bonus
Supporter Bonus (10 people)
Prize: TB Mystery Box (Silver) x1

The team will randomly select ten people who Reposted and Liked media posts to receive prizes.

Contest Theme

For this first contest, the theme is “1st ERA: INCUBATION.”

Up until this point, we have communicated our vision for the entirety of the TOKYO BEAST project. This time, we have created an article explaining the significance of the INCUBATION era, the phase encompassing the release of the TOKYO BEAST service set for 2024.

Through this contest, we are hoping to help more people understand the project by asking users to summarize the article using their own words and approaches.
We hope you’ll take part!

