Bitcoin Beginner Rec’s

Tantra Labs
Tantra Labs
Published in
7 min readNov 11, 2019

by Brekkie von Bitcoin

***This article has been updated and republished. Click HERE to read***

Hi all. This is a little list of Bitcoin resources I wanted to make available. I keep this in a note on my phone so that it is readily shareable whenever I meet someone who is interested in going down the Bitcoin Rabbit Hole..

I hope you find this useful and that you share it with as many people as you can! I personally believe that hyperbitcoinization IS an inevitability, but that doesn’t mean we can’t strive to get there a little bit quicker.

Please note, this is not a complete list of resources, and I do plan to publish an expanded, more comprehensive version in the coming weeks.

Bitcoin Beginner Rec’s

If you are new to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general, I would urge you to really really study Bitcoin before looking at anything else.. It was the first “cryptocurrency,” and there are very good reasons why it is still the most popular and well known. Bitcoin may be the oldest, but it is not the “MySpace” of crypto. Bitcoin is constantly evolving and adapting and there are many exciting developments on the horizon.


Bitcoin Resources— A great website from Jameson Lopp to start off on your Bitcoin journey. It can point you in a million directions for everything Bitcoin.

Nakamoto Institute — A fantastic resource from Pierre Rochard & Michael Goldstein. This link is to the Bitcoin White Paper written by Satoshi Nakamoto, but the site is a treasure trove of other reading material as well.

21 Lessons — 21 Lessons is a great audio podcast / series of lessons by Gigi that will get you to really understand why Bitcoin is so important. Gigi also has his own resource site that’s fantastic and will soon be community driven.

Bitcoin Only — This is great site with tons of bitcoin resources organized by category.

On YouTube

Watch every single video by Andreas Antonopoulos. This is a must.

But start with his Bitcoin for Beginners playlist.

Andreas is an expert in all things Bitcoin, and he has been speaking around the world, educating folks about Bitcoin for a long time. Ask any Bitcoiner and there is a high chance that Andreas is directly responsible for helping them down the Rabbit Hole..

Must Read Books

The Internet of Money by Andreas M. Antonopoulos — Perhaps my favorite book on Bitcoin that really gets to the heart of why Bitcoin is so important and powerful. Order Volumes 1 & 2 and pre-order Volume 3. You won’t regret it.

The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous — One of the seminal pieces of Bitcoin literature, this book explores what money is from the ground up and will give you a primer on Austrian Economics, which is key to a proper understanding of Bitcoin.

Inventing Bitcoin by Yan Pritzker — This book is just fantastic. It’s very short, but it does an amazing job of explaining the key aspects of Bitcoin in an easily understandable format. I highly recommend this book.

Bitcoin Podcasts

Tales from the Crypt — This podcast is the reason I am a Bitcoiner. Host Marty Bent interviews all the major people in Bitcoin, and once a week, Marty is joined by co-host Matt Odell for a “Rabbit Hole Recap,” of the week’s events. I would also HIGHLY recommend signing up for Marty’s daily newsletter.

Citizen Bitcoin Podcast — Join Brady on his journey down the Rabbit Hole. He interviews all sorts of interesting folks in Bitcoin and you get to learn alongside him. Definitely one of my favorite podcasts.

What Bitcoin Did PodcastPeter McCormack hosts this excellent podcast and asks all the questions other people are too embarrassed to ask. He is not worried about asking dumb questions, and I love him for it.

Stephan Livera Podcast — This podcast is focused on Bitcoin and Austrian Economics. It is more of an intermediate pod, but a MUST listen.

The Cryptoconomy with Guy Swann — Bitcoin is incredibly thought provoking, so much so, that it causes people to write about it at length. If you’re like me and prefer listening to reading.. this podcast is for you. Guy Swann aggregates all the best articles and thought pieces about Bitcoin and records himself reading them along with some choice commentary.

Bitcoin Knowledge with Trace Mayer — Trace is what we call an OG. He’s been spreading Bitcoin knowledge from the very beginning and you’d do VERY well to pay attention to what he has to say..

How to Buy Bitcoin

CashApp — One of the easier ways to buy Bitcoin in the United States. The CashApp also allows you to transfer dollars just like Venmo, and you can get discounts at local retailers if you order their Cashapp debit card.

GiveBitcoin— Buy bitcoin for friends, family, or yourself, with a minimum timelock of a year or more. They will also send the recipient educational resources to learn about Bitcoin and how to secure it properly.

BuyBitcoinWorldwide — This site is a nice aggregator of places to buy bitcoin worldwide. There are many things to consider when buying bitcoin, including your privacy, and this site does a good job of explaining these considerations.

How to Earn Bitcoin

⚡️ FoldApp — Protect your privacy and earn Sats Back (Sats are the smallest denomination of Bitcoin) — Using my link will earn us both 20,000 sats

🍭— Earn Sats back on online purchases — Using my link will earn us both $10 of bitcoin

💳 Pei App — Earn Sats back on purchases made with credit/debit cards — Use my code “q14zxd” and there is usually a sign up bonus for both of us.


As you go down the Bitcoin Rabbit Hole, you will see that privacy is a major concern for most Bitcoiners. And it should be a major concern for you too. As it stands, Bitcoin transactions are not private, but this is being worked on. is a great website with links to articles and videos on why privacy is important.

This wiki article is a lengthy explanation of privacy as it relates to Bitcoin, comprehensive, but not a short read.

For a more digestible exploration of privacy and Bitcoin, check out this episode from the Stephan Livera Podcast.


Do not visit bitcoin .com — it is a misleading website that pushes Bitcoin Cash, which is NOT Bitcoin.


Please note that scams are rampant in the world of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. If something sounds too good to be true, it likely is. No one can double your Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies overnight. Cloud Mining is generally always a scam. There are many scams out there, and I will be writing a separate article on this at some point, but if you are starting out in Bitcoin, be very careful. Never give out passwords, personal information, or private keys, and as we say in Bitcoin, “Don’t trust. Verify.”

Have questions? I don’t pretend to be an expert, but if you leave questions in the comments, I will do my best to answer them or point you in the right direction. Thank you again for reading, and I would appreciate if you share this article far and wide! Onwards!

-Brekkie von Bitcoin

For more from Brekkie von Bitcoin, follow him on Twitter @BVTBC.

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Tantra Labs

Tantra Labs is an algorithmic market maker and proprietary trading desk built to generate alpha on Bitcoin and Ethereum.