Proof of Politeia

Tantra Labs
Tantra Labs
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2019

The last few weeks have been an illuminating time for Tantra Labs. When we decided to submit a proposal to become a Decred market maker, we knew that we would be the underdog and would likely encounter both criticism and opposition to our alternative approach to market making. Although that prediction came true, we are incredibly grateful to have participated in this latest Proof of Politeia.

First, we would like to wish a hearty congratulations to i2 Trading on their winning proposal. We are confident that i2 Trading will meaningfully contribute to the Decred ecosystem and help propel DCR to new heights, bolstered by the liquidity pool it needs and deserves. Tensions may have run high at points, but there is no loser in these results.

At Tantra Labs we view those tensions as both meaningful and necessary for the continued success of Decred. Everyone who put forth criticisms of our proposal cares deeply about Decred, and the quality of questions posed to us is further proof of the strength of the Decred community. To all those who voiced their concerns and even those who voted against our proposal, we thank you and hope for the opportunity to prove ourselves going forward.

Thanks also go out to everyone who voted for our proposal. We could not be more humbled by the fact that we received over seven thousand votes of your confidence.

Decred is more than just a cryptocurrency based on the principles of sound money. It is a shared belief in the promise and viability of decentralized decision making. It is a hedge against corruption and total anarchy, and it is our belief that Decred will help usher in a more prosperous age for humanity.

We at Tantra Labs have given our all to this proposal and pledge to continue giving our all to furthering the Decred ecosystem. We pledge to take a more active and visible role in the community, and it is our hope that we can earn your trust and support, not by our words, but by our actions.

Even without the official support of the Decred Treasury, Tantra Labs will move forward with its plans to market make for Decred. We pledge to be open with all of our contributions and will update the community accordingly.

Our sincere thanks for reading. We look forward to working together to change the financial paradigm and make the world a better place for all.

For more about Tantra Labs, check out our introductory post here.

For the latest updates, follow us on Twitter @Tantra_Labs.

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Forward-looking statements. Certain information set forth herein contains forward-looking statements that give a reader the opportunity to understand the author’s beliefs and opinions with respect to the future. These statements are not guarantees of future performance of Tantra or any other company and undue reliance should not be placed on them, as they necessarily involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties.

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Tantra Labs
Tantra Labs

Tantra Labs is an algorithmic market maker and proprietary trading desk built to generate alpha on Bitcoin and Ethereum.