Open Source Can Save Humanity

Brian Piere
11 min readAug 18, 2018


Does humanity need saving? One thing is for sure, the world is not a peaceful place today and there are no signs of it moving in that direction. The great fear is that technology makes it easier on those who wish to inflict widespread harm. Military utilizes the best technology in secrecy with a common objective; kill the bad guys (whoever that is). Hate is pervasive, across borders and within. Even if mankind moves forward without facing extinction under the current paradigm, it isn’t hard to argue that it needs saving.

Many are quick to suggest that people are inherently evil and incapable of collaborating a fallen world. Why can’t there be a simple fix that has gone unnoticed until now? People certainly made a mess out of their systems before accepting the heliocentric solar system. There was also terrible animosity towards the ones who suggested a better way. Is the world capable of messing up just the same today or have people already discovered the perfect systems?

Humanity has been living with a fundamental flaw and it will take a simple but revolutionary idea to reverse. The cure can be described as a philosophy based upon trust/truth-by-default. The next step requires collaboration on open source projects which utilize this miracle of modern thought, the first of which has been called the Human Intelligence Protocol Interface. This framework was used to find a way out of the Dark Ages for humanity and the result is described within this article. The links above explain the purpose of (-)negative (+)positive “polarity indicators” found within the arguments below.

What is Open Source

The open source movement recently celebrated it’s 20th anniversary. It emerged unexpectedly as a consequence of the internet and continues to baffle economists who lack the tools to explain a model operating on “infinite-supply & demand”. Products of open source are ubiquitous and yet most people today have no idea what it is; even fewer can explain why people would be willing to work for free. “There’s got to be a catch.”, they say. Perhaps most surprising is the absence of discussions surrounding future possibilities for transforming society. Can it actually replace capitalism and communism through plentiful-ism, and if so, what would such a world look like?

Assertion (true by default)

(+) Open source has the potential to quickly transform a society founded upon …

(a) greed, (b) violence, (c) competition, (d) authority, (e) suspicion, and (f) finite-supply

… replacing it with …

(A) selfishness, (B) peace, (C) collaboration, (D) independence, (E) trust, and (F) abundance.

Contradiction Process

This subject has been raised many times in verbal and written dialogs. In all cases to date others are quick to dismiss such a possibility. Whenever concerns are contradicted it’s common to see people become annoyed before ending the dialog. Sadly, it seems that people are inclined to stubbornly defend the status quo despite it going against everyone’s self-interest. It can be said that the assertion above stands true and impenetrable, except for one contradiction who’s fate is still unresolved.

TRUE (-) There’s no way that world can replace capitalism and communism with open-source-ism (+) because people are generally adverse to change and refuse to entertain discussions regarding the sunset of money. It’s the one thing that everyone wants more of.

Putting the blocker aside, the following contradictions, in bold, are commonly raised and have been contradicted themselves with a maximum tree-depth of two (just to get the dialog going).

FALSE (-) Open source cannot provide mankind with everything that it needs to survive (+) because it only works for software, which can be copied instantly and without cost.

FALSE (-) It’s impractical to assume that people will work for the common good if they’re not forced to (+) because if everything is free then everyone will simply take without giving back.

  • TRUE (-) A prosperous open source world will not be stopped by lazy bums who watch TV 24/7 (+) because in today’s world nobody cares if people download many models from without contributing in return. Even if the smart and motivated represent a fraction of the population, they are more than capable of carrying everyone else, especially once society is liberated from useless jobs. A person will not volunteer to do something repetitive for strangers, such as cleaning their houses or working on assembly lines. People have clearly demonstrated that they will give their time and expertise to others, without expecting anything in return, if it can be done once and replicated many. Blogs and question/answer sites are other examples of this.

FALSE (-) Open source might facilitate a free exchange of information which can be duplicated ad infinitum but it will never be able supply humanity with raw materials (+) because the world’s resources are limited.

  • TRUE (-) There is no danger of running out of resources (+) because the planet has an overabundance of water and nearly everything else comes out of dirt. Open source machines are capable of harvesting and recycling as much as their human counterparts desire. They can grow food beneath every home in sterile chambers without pesticides, danger of environmental disasters, or supply chain interruptions. There’s no shortage of power on Earth and beyond with new forms of solar power and geothermal harvesting. A great majority of resources are currently squandered on military and corporate competition. Machines are just forms of information which are capable of replacing any job that humans perform today. That is, except for designing the machines (that’s what open source is for :)

FALSE (-) It’s unreasonable to expect open source machines to liberate every household from the need to trade (+) because the machines which will build the machines have to come from somewhere. Also, not every home is sitting on top of every type of resource they might need.

  • TRUE (-) An open source world, void of capitalism and communism, does not preclude the notion of free trade (+) because there is a much better system waiting over the horizon, informally called the Open Supply Network.

    - It’s not bartering but doesn’t use global currency either
    - Doesn’t require threats of force/impoverishment to motivate
    - Is attainable with current technologies
    - Will not instigate theft or promote separation of classes

    Blockchain technology will make it possible for producers to have a say how their output will be spent by consumers. In contrast with today’s world, the ones who give their time produce specialized parts have no say how their labor will ultimately be consumed. Products are sold out to the not-so-free market where the purposes are obfuscated. It may go into building weapons and other things which the contributors are opposed to. The Open Supply Network will allow consumers to post projects and enumerate their blockers (the inverse of necessities). Producers will be able to pledge various quantities of materials or technical expertise with certain conditions attached to eliminate blockers-of-choice. After various criteria are met, projects will advance through the blockchains until goals are eventually reached. Each project is free to define trade guarantees by means of a “consensus protocol” on the blockchain (local, not global value). Those who give their time to some endeavor might get to move in front of the line based upon public, tamper-proof agreements.

FALSE (-) The world can never become truly secure (+) because if water, energy, food, and medicine are ever cut off from a population (intentional of otherwise) there will be a societal meltdown with anarchy in the streets.

  • TRUE (-) There will be no danger of social upheaval in an open world (+) because independence from central planners will, by its very nature, lead to a sustainable and fault-tolerant society. Endeavors important for human survival which product the 5 essentials (food, water, electricity, medicine, shelter) will inevitably reach every person on Earth, regardless of participation in the Open Supply Network. When this happens worldwide desperation will subside along with its counterpart, violence. There will be certain experts who donate their time to keep projects running smoothly for the good of others, but that is nothing new to open source. If someone steps down someone else will invariably step up (if it’s important). In today’s world decisions to automate are weighed against the cost of cheap labor. In tomorrow’s world any repetitive task that a person performs will become automated. Human labor and mind power will be used to keep the supply chain working for selfish reasons. That being said, the overarching goal will forever remain… having every home become entirely self-sufficient with regards to the five essentials.
    1) automated/sterile grow rooms and meat printers
    2) atmospheric water generation
    3) solar and geothermal power
    4) medicine printers and USB-powered robo-docs
    5) digger bots that carve out luxurious dwellings

FALSE (-) Worldwide peace and prosperity can never take hold (+) because the ones who wield power will never let go of it. Moreover, the flow of information is manipulated which will prevent a majority of people from ever turning the tides.

  • TRUE (-) Power, violence, and/or a majority of people are not required to catalyze a worldwide transition to peace (+) because the Arab Spring clearly demonstrated that peace is not something to fight for. The advent of the internet, smartphones, and decentralized architectures has made genocide impalpable for leaders of degree of despicability. When an open source community demonstrates that scalable solutions exist for people to thrive, without the use of money, it will become contagious. Any attempt to crush such a movement will merely draw attention to the catalyst, an intelligence framework. Those attempting to go against their plan, without using the framework which derived it, will be called out as unintelligent and this will invite more participants. Problems will be dealt with in the most intelligent way (i.e. no hypocrisy, mistakes, or contradictions). Democracy has no place in an intelligent world. Unanimity is already achieved in places like Mission Control before a rocket launch. Frameworks designed with the Human Intelligence Protocol will help collective endeavors reach unanimous outcomes.

FALSE (-) Standing against government makes no sense (+) because even if one is collapsed another strongman would rise in its place.

  • TRUE (-) There’s no danger of new governments rising to power once it becomes apparent how to live with open source (+) because once a society begins to thrive without the use of money it will become impossible to levy taxes. Without the concept of tax it becomes impossible for would-be-leaders to control others through the use of authority. Those attempting to threaten others with violence will be recorded and forever identified through peer-to-peer bio-metric technology. It doesn’t matter if they are doing something at the behest of some leader, those who threaten or hurt others will cause serious mistakes for themselves. Besides, those who carry out orders today are only doing so because they are scared for their own survival (due to finance). In the future there will be an easy way for minions to defect.

FALSE (-) The problems of finance today cannot be blamed on the concept of money (+) because money is supposed to represent global value through a finite supply. However corrupt governments abuse their power and print more money with impunity, something which blockchain technology (i.e. BitCoin) aims to fix.

  • TRUE (-) Supporting the notion of global value with a finite supply is a horrible idea, regardless whether central authorities or distributed ledgers are at the helm. (+) Having a finite supply welcomes greed and theft because it becomes possible to take at another’s expense. Value is a matter of perspective and cannot be made equal in a relative universe. For example a speeding ticket means something different to a slimy lawyer versus a single mom. Open source is based upon copies (unlimited supply), something which BitCoin has no purpose for. However blockchain technology is still a miraculous innovation and it will prove invaluable for arbitrating access to limited supplies. Read about the Open Supply Network above.

FALSE (-) A society could never function without authority (+) because there will always be bad guys and a need to deal with them.

  • TRUE (-) There’s no need for authority to administer punishments and imprisonment in an open source world (+) because when the notion of money (finite supply) is abandoned the source of greed will subside. People will always be selfish, as they should, but taking/stealing at another’s expense goes against one’s self-interest in a society where everyone can get their necessities through open source channels. All bad guys in today’s world can be traced back to money, or some other restriction imposed by government/corporations. The domestically abused remain in harm’s way because they are financially unable to flee. The abusers today were most likely the abused in the past, a cycle that will take a generation or two to break. In the future it will become apparent that there is no such thing as bad guys, just bad contexts, and it is the duty of others to help repair. In the interim, while greed and revenge continue to exist, there will emerge a better way handle problems. Rather than focusing on punishment, attention will turn to peer-to-peer applications which focus on preventing repeat offenses. Audiences stop violence, not guns. Rubber-neckers will be attracted to nearby distress signals and the offenders’ acts will be caught on video. Biometric recognition will help the world keep strangers at bay with evidence of their wrongdoings. The only way to lift a “black cloud” from one’s head is to ask for forgiveness from the one(s) who put it there.

FALSE (-) A healthy society cannot exist without government arbitrating the rights of its people (+) because the amount of real estate in the world is finite and some people will have better places than others.

  • TRUE (-) Real estate disputes will not block mankind’s transition to an open and free world (+) because the best things today will not remain that way tomorrow. Future dwellings of unimaginable luxury will mostly be carved into hillsides. Few building supplies are required, and the ones that are can be procured by robots using the removed Earth. This will keep humanity safe from all types of natural disasters while maintaining beauty on the surface. Moreover, a perfect temperature awaits beneath the surface which will greatly eliminate personal energy consumption. Homes will have private plateaus/backyards with natural light coming in through entrances or skylights, along with 3D faux windows. Hyperloops will transport everyone autonomously. If there’s insufficient beach-front property then machines will simply create more (i.e. Dubai Palms). Many people will also want to travel the world and machines will ensure that vacant homes can be painlessly traded without moving headaches or clean-up efforts. If someone tries to claim an egregious area for oneself in the center of Yosemite Park there will not be a government to kick off any would-be protesters. People will always take the path of least resistance due to selfish interests and this must be embraced.

FALSE (-) Even if Open Source could fix government or finance issues, that still does not address a large source of hate and violence in the world (+) because religious zealots have strong convictions that will continue to pass down through generations.

  • TRUE (-) Worldwide peace and prosperity in an open source world will not be ruined by religious zealots (+) because tithing is currently fueling organizations which promote hate. The rug will be swept out from under them, just as in government with tax. The vitriol which exists today comes from underlying desperation and inequity that is harnessed and redirected by various organizations who seek profit and power. Moreover, as confidence in the intelligence protocol continues to grow, the world will increasingly gravitate to a common believe in God which resolves long standing paradoxes in physics. As it turns out, heaven is on Earth but so is her counterpart and humanity’s final test is learning how to intelligently collaborate in order to escape the latter together. Leave nobody behind, work together, and what awaits is almost beyond words.

Some Questions to Ponder

  1. Why do most people believe that competition offers the best way forward when its objective is to destroy opponents? Perhaps a framework for intelligent collaboration has been the missing piece?
  2. There are a lot of very smart people in the world and when they work together anything is possible, especially in the age of Internet. Now that the ideas described here within have been conceived, what kind of blocker could possibly exist that cannot be knocked down with enough ingenuity?
  3. Can this be called the greatest discussion of all time? Who’s willing to argue against… (-) why not (+) because?



Brian Piere

I live to see the day when the world lays down their arms and begins collaborating intelligently and openly in the information age.