Shifting Timelines pART #9: TIME IS GOING SUPERNOVA


The Harmonic Factor
18 min readFeb 16, 2023

As we have been presenting throughout these series, our planet is experiencing MAJOR transformations reaching new critical levels. There are multiple clear indicators that we are crossing a new KEY intersection between INORGANIC and ORGANIC paths of evolution of life on Earth…

One path leads to entropy and chaos. The other one leads to Syntropy and Harmony.

During this galactic moon we are being called to harmonize the mental field by holding coherence in our hearts and minds.


As presented on pART #8 of these series, the multiple alignments across the fabric of TIME-SPACE marking the closing of the 50-TZOLKIN / 13000-DAY FRACTAL hologram of the NEW TIME, signaled also the entrance into a powerful window of unparalleled harmonic and prophetic significance. How is this?


KIN 1 1 Dragon marked then a NEW GROUND ZERO of Galactic Time: the MIDPOINT of a 26000-KIN Journey that started on June 23, 1987 — KIN 1 (1.1) and will come to a close in 2058.

This day also marked precisely the 21-DAY countdown to complete 441 YEARS from the signing of the papal bull that gave birth to the Gregorian calendar on February 24, 1582, and established it as the current civil standard since October 15, 1582. 441 YEARS correspond to a perfect matrix of 21 CYCLES of 21 YEARS each since this reform.

In other words: The first 21 DAYS of this NEW Galactic Spin are synchronizing with the last 21 DAYS of YEAR #21 of CYCLE #21 of the signing of the Gregorian calendar papal bull (1582.2.24–2023.2.24), highlighting this window with incredible precision and elegance.

This prophetic milestone marker is enshrined within a cluster of multiple harmonic alignments and an impeccable set of synchronizations across the fabric of TIME-SPACE that are announcing a MAJOR RESET of the timelines. We will explore them in detail on this and future reports.


As we will explore below, from the perspective of the synchronic order, February 24, 2023 marks then the completion of a master hologram of 21 CYCLES of 21 YEARS from the inception of the original script or the “seed event” that sprouted and evolved(?) into today’s modern version of the artificial time matrix, now home of multiple artificial intelligence systems and their ever-expanding expressions…

The viral growth of these new applications is announcing a NEW digital event horizon, that some are also comparing to a “Gutemberg moment” event. 2023 is now being presented by main-stream science “experts” as the year that artificial intelligence is going mainstream.


Fortunately, parallel to this narrative there is another parallel story imbued by harmony and synchronicity taking place beyond the veil of appearances…

This 441-YEAR prophetic marker is ALSO highlighted by the completion of 36 YEARS (6x6) since the discovery of SuperNova 1987A “Quetzalcoatl” on KIN 22 9Wind, analog sign of 9Ik — 9Ehecatl, sign of Quetzalcoatl-Kukulcan-Venus…

According to the biosphere-noosphere transition timeline, it was on February 24, 1987, KIN 142 12Wind when this supernova event signaled the FULL entrance into a new stage of the evolution of life on Earth: THE NOOSPHERE

This potent celestial light appears to be triggering the evolutionary counter-spin to the entropic paradigm embedded into the artificial time matrix.

This was the first supernova visible with the naked eye in about 400 years. This cosmic explosion served as trigger event of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 and set in motion a new wave of evolutionary shifts on Earth, unlocking dormant life codes and a DNA mutation process that is accelerating and reaching now new peaks…. What are the cycles of time trying to tell us?

130013 : 13.13.13 SYNCHRONIZATION

As we publish this entry, we are closing the first 13 DAYS of a NEW Galactic Spin of 260 DAYS, and WE are completing 130013 KIN of the New Dispensation of TIME. 130013 on KIN 13 (13.13)!!!

This NEW hologram of 13000 KIN from Ground Zero of Galactic Time that we just completed is at the Heart of a 26000 KIN CYCLE that is a perfect fractal of the 26000-YEAR cycle known as the precession of the equinoxes.

This 50-TZOLKIN / 13000-KIN milestone of the NEW TIME is taking place as we complete another MAJOR PROPHETIC MILESTONE:

100 TZOLKINS / 26000 KIN from the discovery of the tomb of the ancient Maya sage and king Pakal Votan on June 15, 1952 KIN 218 White Planetary Mirror by archeologist Alberto Ruz at the ancient city of Palenque (Lakamha), in Chiapas, Mexico.

May this masterful numerical synchronization serve as a perfect invitation to explore the multiple alignments taking place during this window.


On the 13-Moon count, as we publish this entry is DAY #9 of the Galactic Moon of Integrity, and on the Tzolkin count this day corresponds to KIN 13 (Tone 13 — Seal 13). 9 and 13 are the Numbers of Prophecy and as we are closing the first 13 DAYS of a NEW 13000-DAY hologram, we are 9 DAYS from completing this 21X21-YEAR Gregorian hologram matrix.


The Mesoamerican understanding of the cosmos was guided by parallelisms, or dualities. From this perspective, everything is formed from a pair. Within this cosmology probably one of the most fundamental dualities was the pair comprised of “macrocosmos”, or the divine powers in the universe, and “microcosmos” or life on EARTH. Mesoamerican Cosmovision connected in this way space and time in a way that provided necessary structure to encompass life.

The Numbers 9 and 13 represent therefore the axis of Mesoamerican cosmology. This axis holds the entire Creation comprised by 13 Heavens and 9 Underworlds, with 9 Lords guarding the 9 levels of the earth (BolonTiku) and 13 Lords guarding the 13 celestial realms (OxlahunTiku). These are the protagonists of the “myth of creation” according to the Book of the Chilam Balam of Chumayel.

Within the Mesoamerican Cosmovision, Number 13 is therefore SACRED as it holds the highest cyclical position. It represents the power of COSMIC ENDURANCE and TRANSCENDENCE. Today September 13, 2021 (written as 9.13) holds therefore a KEY NODE of harmonic resonance and prophetic significance on across the fabric of TIME-SPACE.


Within the the Cosmology of Time, Tone #13 holds the cyclical Power of Cosmic TIME represented by:

★ The 13 Baktuns of the Long Count

★ The 13 Moons of the Year

★ The 13 Orbits of Venus around the Sun during one pentagonal cycle

★ The 13 days of a Wavespell

The Red Skywalker explores TIME as SPACE and represents the archetype of the Prophet coded by the Solar Seal 13.

From the prophetic perspective, KIN 13 13 Skywalker (13.13) acts then as a holographic container of SPACE, holding the power of Cosmic (13) Prophecy (13) through the cyclical power of TIME (13)

The affirmation for KIN 13 states:

I endure in order to explore
Transcending Wakefulness
I seal the output of SPACE
with the Cosmic Tone of Presence
I am guided by the power of Navigation

KIN 13 marks alsothe closing of the 1st cycle of 13 days of the 13:20 Matrix: The Red Dragon Wavespell holding the powers of Birth/Nurturing/BEING.

Today is therefore a perfect opportunity to dive into the ocean of time to EXPLORE the PRESENCE and TRANSCENDENCE of Number 13 across the multi-dimensional spectrum of prophecy.


Considering the transcendental coordinating cyclical role of the Number 13 to navigate Natural Time + Fractal Time, the Restoration of the memory of the Sacred Power of 13 represents then the archetypal Healing of the Creative Power of the Divine Feminine in ALL things… How is this? There are several aspects to consider:

★ The turtle represents the ancient primordial goddess carrying the 13 scales on her shell.

★ The 13 lunar cycles in a solar year honor the Sacred Cycle of fertility and the Creative Power of the Divine Feminine. Indigenous cultures around the Earth understood this and honored this cycle. The 13-month, 28-day calendar was the standard time-keeping system for the Essenes, Egyptians, Polynesians, Celtic, Maya, Inca, Lakota, and Cherokee.

13-BAKTUN BEAM. IMAGE SOURCE: “The Mayan factor” by José Arguelles

★ The difference between 13 and 20 is 7. Seven is the Number of Creation (7 Musical Notes, 7 Colors of the Rainbow, 7 Days of the Week)

★ While Number 7 holds the central axis of every 13-UNIT cycle, Number 13 holds the 7th position on the Golden Spiral of creation.


KIN 13, 13 Skywalker holds the polar end of the 13-TONE spectrum, where 1 Skywalker holds the opposite side marking the START of the prophetic line from 1 Skywalker (KIN 53) to 13 Skywalker (KIN 13).

KIN 53 1 Skywalker acts as analog of 1 Ben (1 Reed/Acatl) associated with the historical prophetic figure know as Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl. His prophecy of 13 Heavens and 9 Hells was condensed by American author, Tony Shearer in his book “Lord of the Dawn” (1971).

This prophecy was embraced by José and Lloydine Argüelles, who organized the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, the first synchronized global meditation on Earth and August 16–17, 1987 to commemorate its fulfillment.

Shearer was born as KIN 222 (1Wind) and every year the date September 13 (written as 9.13) synchronizes with DAY 22 of MOON 2 (written as 2.22) of the 13-MOON year.

These synchronizations serve today as an open invitation to connect with the archetype of the “prophet/angelic messenger” to re-awaken within us dormant ancient-future memories.


“…prophecy is a function of a mathematically structured order of consciousness whose prime method of organization is a matrix of 21 x 21. Investigation of the interrelationships of the number sequences within the various overlays of this matrix as they describe different dimensions of reality and states of mind within the synchronic order define the new science of consciousness. […] First of all 441 — matrix of 21 X 21 — is considered to be the minimal fractal order to represent the unity of totality. For practical purposes, this means any number can be located on the 441 matrix, even if it is greater than 441. The number 20 is considered the factor of totality, while 20 + 1 or 21, is the unity of totality. 41, as noted, the difference between 400 (20 squared) and 441(21 squared), is called the interval of God. So 441 is the matrix of the unity of totality.”- Jose Arguelles
Rinri Project Newsletter III, Volume 5, №1

Announcing The End of the 12:60
Prophecy and a New Science of Consciousness. Establishing Galactic Culture on Earth, the Post-2012 Program: The 441 Cube Matrix — Presentation and Application

From the perspective of the synchronic order, the Number 441 holds therefore the Master Hologram of Unified Totality.

These 441 cycles can now be holographically mapped and redeemed as an overlay of the 441 Synchronotron Matrix (21x21). On this matrix, UNIT 441 holds the exact central axis and is guarded by Hunab Ku (“The ONE Giver of Movement and Measure”).

The 441-YEAR Gregorian Calendar reform can now be contained within a perfect hologram of 36 YEARS (6x6) from the supernova explosion.


36 is also a perfect numerical fractal of the 360 degrees contained within a CIRCLE. 36 is also ONE perfect QUARTER of 144, the inverse of 441.

This 21X21-YEAR hologram is therefore no ordinary event at all. From the perspective of the synchronic order, this CRUCIAL marker contains the fullness of the WHOLE-O-GRAM and is arriving enshrined within a cluster of multiple harmonic alignments and an impeccable set of synchronizations across the fabric of TIME-SPACE that are announcing a MAJOR RESET of the timelines, and marking a NEW GROUND ZERO and a NEW Containment Chronotopology.

On the Infographic below we can appreciate and learn more about this synchronization cluster. We will explore in detail these multiple alignments below.


February 24, 2023 (NS1.35.8.18) KIN 22, 9Wind sign of Quetzalcoatl, serves then as the virtual alchemical container for the containment and transmutation of the artificial time matrix. How is this?

To summarize, there are at least 9 Harmonic Factors to highlight between February 24–25, 2023:

It was on February 24, 2022 when a new chapter in the geopolitical drama between East and West started in Central Europe.

It is also a mystery that, since the Gregorian Calendar Reform of 2.24.1582, other rare events in modern history have been taking place on this same date enshrouded in secrecy, adding layers to its occult significance:

2/24/1920 — (338 years from the Gregorian calendar Reform) — The Nazi Party is founded.

2/24/1942 — (350 years from the Gregorian calendar Reform) –The Battle of Los Angeles, one of the largest documented UFO sightings in history; the event lasted into the early hours of February 25.

2/24/1996 — (414 years from the Gregorian calendar Reform) The last occurrence of February 24 as a leap day takes place in the European Union and for the Roman Catholic Church.

2/24/2022: — (440 years from the Gregorian calendar Reform) War in Europe between East and West…

2/24/2022: — Containment of 441 years from the Gregorian calendar Reform equivalent to 21 CYCLES of 21 YEARS each, synchronizing with the completion of 36 years (6x6) since the discovery of SN1987A Quetzalcoatl on KIN 22 9Wind, sign of Quetzalcoatl-Kukulcan-Venus…

February 24, 2023, KIN 22 corresponds to the 55th DAY of the Gregorian calendar and marks the 3rd double digit synchronization between the Tzolkin and the Gregorian count since the start of this NEW Galactic Spin.
DAY #33 : KIN #260 (13+20=33)
DAY #44 : KIN #11
DAY #55 : KIN #22
DAY #66 : KIN #33
DAY #77 : KIN #44
DAY #88 : KIN #55
DAY #99 : KIN #66

February 24–25 mark DAYS #55 and 56 of the Gregorian year and serve as analog frequencies of the Harmonic Convergence of August 16–17, 1987 (KIN 55+56)

On the Pulse Calendar of the Gene Keys, every 5 to 6 days as the sun travels around the path of the zodiac, one specific Gene Key is activated. February 24, 2023, DAY # 55 of the Gregorian Calendar and KIN 22 White Solar Wind on the Tzolkin count, marks precisely the last day of the activation of the 55th Gene Key. This 55th Gene Key describes the evolutionary force moving from matter to spirit and works in tandem with Gene Key #22 (Grace) the evolutionary force moving spirit to matter.


The Long Count marker corresponding to February 25, 2023 is, and, when get rid of the zeroes, it contains ALL the numbers present in the Golden Number (PHI): 1.618

February 25, 2023, KIN 23 marks the completion of 121 Tzolkin of Pope Francis, the current head of the Catholic Church. 121 Galactic spins can also be mapped as a perfect square of 11 CYCLES of 11 Tzolkin each (11x11=121)

February 25, 2023, KIN 23 also marks the completion of 2 ARTIFICIAL TIME MILESTONES of KEY NUMERiCAL significance. How is this?

As introduced here on our special article published on December 31, 2022/January 1st, 2023, the Gregorian calendar is just the tip of the iceberg of an intricate and confusing system that holds 6 levels of encryption:

1. The Gregorian calendar (GC)
2. The Julian calendar (JC)
3. The Julian Date (JD)
4. The Modified Julian Date (MJD)
5. The Truncated Julian Date (TJD)
6. The “Lilian Date” (LD)

On this day the Julian Day category is entering an entire NEW NUMERICAL RESET and below we explain why this is important.

As explained before, the Julian Day Number is the underlying system used to compute intervals of time within the artificial time matrix framework.
The Julian Day is NOT related to the Julian Calendar. The Julian Day is the interval of time in days and fractions of a day, since January 1, 4713 BC Greenwich noon, Julian Proleptic Calendar, or November 24, 4712 BC, Gregorian Proleptic Calendar. In other words: the Julian Day is simple count of days since “the beginning of known history”. It allows the time between any two dates in history to be computed by simple subtraction and sync dates from different calendars.

The Modified Julian Day number (MJD) is the Julian Day number described above, less 2,400,000.5. It resets the count to begin at 0h on 17 November 1858, and makes the day begin at midnight instead of noon. It was introduced by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in 1957. Using this reference date for contemporary records saves having to unnecessarily record long numbers. Space programs and timekeeping laboratories use Modified Julian Day numbers. Computer programmers are now the most extensive users of the Modified Julian Day. It figures in the calculation of monthly bank statements, mortgage payments, and so forth. MJD is still in common usage in tabulations by the U. S. Naval Observatory. [2]

The Truncated Julian Date (TJD) is a truncated form of MJD. It was introduced by NASA/Goddard in 1979. The starting TJD point is midnight May 24, 1968. It eliminated another 40,000 days from the MJD, to simplify, even more, the calculations.


On this day the counts are entering WHOLE NUMBERS followed by a string of FOUR ZEROES:

MJD #: 60000 is a FRACTAL of the 60’00´ MECHANICAL MINUTES contained in an HOUR


MJD #: 20000 is a FRACTAL of the 20 UNITS contained in the Vigesimal 0–19 CODE of the advance Maya Time-Keeping Science.

Confirming the powerful nature of these alignments, the Unified Frequency of the Ancestral and Galactic Maya counts corresponds to KIN 1 1DRAGON!!! A NEW Time reset signal! Within the NEW Cosmic Time ePhimeris, this combined signature of both counts is defined as UNIVERSAL COSMIC TIME (UCT)… Remember: It was on KIN 1 of this NEW 13000-KIN journey when we started the 21-DAY countdown to close CYCLE #21 of YEAR #21 of the 21x21-YEAR Gregorian matrix.

February 24, 2023 KIN 22 9Wind also marks the completion of 112 Galactic Spins of 260 DAYS from the arrival of Lloydine Burris — Bolon Ik to planet Earth. Lloydine was the woman who in co-creation with Jose Arguelles brought to the world the New Dispensation of Time. Today marks therefore DAY #1 of her 113th Tzolkin cycle. 113 is analog of KIN 113 (Tone #9 Seal #13. 9+13=22) May this auspicious synchronization with this prophetic supernova light emanation serve as an opportunity to render a small tribute of gratitude for her service and her legacy to the NEW generations.


Red Cosmic Skywalker (KIN #13, Seal #13, Tone #13), holds today the “Magic Flight” of Prophecy of this Dragon wavespell and marks DAY #13 of a NEW 13000-DAY hologram to complete 26000 DAYS from Ground Zero of the New Time!!! This 441-YEAR synchronization on KIN 22 9Wind and the completion of a perfect matrix of 36 YEARS from the SuperNova 1987A Quetzalcoatl is announcing the entrance into higher HARMONIC RESONANCE between timelines.

As an offering to redeem the Julian/Gregorian distortion during this harmonic passage marking the completion of 13000 DAYS of the New Dispensation of Time, and the 21-DAY countdown to redeem the Gregorian calendar, we are happy to announce today the release of the first edition of the NEW Cosmic Time #ephimeris

This NEW navigation guide holds a new stage of integration between 4 calendrical systems:
φ • The ancient Maya Vigesimal Long Count (MVLC)
φ • The Gregorian Calendar (GC)
φ • The Julian Day Number (JDN)
φ • The 13 Moon, 28-Day Calendar and the Tzolkin/13:20 Natural Time Matrix also defined as the NEW Sirius Cycle Count (NSCC)

This new tool is intended to serve as a guide for the advanced chronoanaut to navigate the next 3 YEARS within the biosphere-noosphere transition timeline, as we approach the Golden Intersection of Timelines in 2025.

To pre-order your FREE PDF copy please just write us an email to with your name, kin # and a brief note on why and how you are interested and inspired to get one! For those who already signed to get one, we apologize for the delay in bringing this tool to the light, but NEW discoveries demanded from us to postpone its release until the “right time” to DO IT: NOW.


So, where are we? and where do we want to be individually and collectively on this evolutionary journey?

It’s up to us to decide. We are all the living-walking prophecy, connected to the Divine Principle of Creation through Mother Earth and Grandmother Galaxy. We are the Prophecy in motion, the “Second Creation”, so the first step in creating The New Earth is having a Vision of the world we are creating with every thought at every moment. What would you like to be our planet’s Self-Fulfilling Prophecy? What is your vision of the Future? This DAY of Cosmic (13) Prophecy (13) is precisely here to invite us all to contemplate these transcendental questions…

With so much confusion transpiring around our planet now, it is wise to save some time to focus our attention on the sacred harmony, elegance, and beauty of the larger cycles of evolution on Earth. By shifting our focus of attention from chaos to harmony, and seeing the world from this Higher Perspective, we are building a coherent mental field of harmony around the Earth. When our brains/bodies/cells entrain with this UNIVERSAL PATTERN coming together then our thought-forms / mental waves entrain in TIME with the Sacred proportions and ratios we can see present in ALL NATURE and also present in the FABRIC of TIME. This process is also known as the “telepathic reconstitution of reality”…

The 13-Moon, 28-Day Calendar establishes a new harmonic standard for timekeeping that promotes greater access to our inherent creativity and capacity to live in harmony with each other and the planet.
The 13-Month/Moon 28-Day Calendar is an indigenous calendar for a sovereign humanity, a new harmonic calendar for a new time of peace and harmony!

To sign and support an open petition for Calendar Referendum 2028 and Declaration of Universal World Peace, and to ensure that humanity adopt and implement the 13-Month, 28-Day Calendar as a new Harmonic Standard by 2028, please go to:

“It is of utmost importance that the knowledge of time as the 13 Moons in Motion be disseminated through all media and education systems of the planet as rapidly as possible, and that the Gregorian calendar be relinquished as soon as possible. Once humanity is operating on the correct standard of time, it will have a proper basis of unification for accomplishing the enormous and heroic task that now challenges it. Greater than any spiritual teaching is the gift of time.”
“Thirteen Moons in Motion”
By José Argüelles KIN 11 + LLoydine Burris KIN 22

May Peace, Harmony and Beauty prevail on Earth!
In Lak’ech
WI are another U!

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