The Harmonic Factor
26 min readOct 6, 2022


“In a world of harmony there is no apocalypse.” — José Arguelles

2022 has been so far a year of unprecedented polarity and prophetic significance. This year is certainly not going unnoticed on the “history books” of the old paradigm… The magnitude and archetypal significance of the events that have been transpiring are presenting us clear signs of prophetic redemption of the artificial timeline.


The growing frictions and fractures between East and West in Europe and the increasing echoes of war and nuclear fears, are signaling the start of a NEW critical stage on the geopolitical theater playing out on Earth.

On this report we will highlight and briefly explore 5 EVENTS of unprecedented symbolic significance that serve as indicators that in 2022 we are closing the last chapters of old scripts and storylines. How is this?

From a higher perspective, these events are just projections of old movies of the ongoing war on consciousness that are now presented again as a “new versions” of the same old fear-based narratives that have been endlessly replayed and promoted by the powers that want to stay in control of the 3rd dimensional matrix.


Fortunately, there is a more powerful, subtle and uplifting archetypal story unfolding at the fourth dimensional level, above the third dimensional veil of illusion and parallel to the dystopian scripts presented by the mainstream media.

As presented on pART I the purpose with the “Shifting Timelines” series is to bring to the table some final and definitive aspects of the unconscious to the conscious that may enable us to equalize and redeem this unprecedented influx of polarizing energies and the (apparent) epidemic of COGNITIVE DISSONANCE (CONFUSION) affecting now the vast majority of the human family…


With this intention of making conscious the unconscious aspects behind this collective rite of passage in a progressive order, we will be addressing FIRST the current critical stage of events from the third dimensional perspective and THEN gradually elevate our view to re-interpret their archetypal message through the fourth dimensional lens of the synchronic order. This process has been assisting us in strengthening our inner discernment filters and helping us to comprehend the cyclical nature behind these events.


For the Mind of the Earth (The Noosphere) there are no splits, all realities can converge and merge in an instant… This is the reason why we have been emphasizing the cultivation of the “noospheric perspective” as a way to elevate our awareness to neutralize and transcend the increased polarity on the 3rd dimension.

As we weave in the NOW the connections between the 3rd Dimension of SPACE and the 4th DIMENSION of TIME, all apparent opposite realities start to merge. Through this process it is becoming clearer that in order to navigate with Grace this tumultuous dimensional transition, it is KEY to stay anchored in the HEART of the PRESENT MOMENT. It is from this intersection in the HERE and NOW that the noospheric evolutionary QUANTUM SHIFT is taking place and that we are birthing a NEW Time-line (spiral) into being. Each one of us is a neuron of the “noospheric rainbow brain”. Each “AHA! moment” brings a spark of LIFE and a NEW awareness to the entire human species.


In simple words: This is a TIME to keep our conscious awareness anchored in the neutrality of the eternal NOW. It is from this ZERO-POINT in TIME-SPACE that a new reality and a new story can emerge. One that is not poisoned by fear and corrupted by false time, but imbued by Love and informed by Harmony.

When we balance the challenging events from the PAST with events of close resonance in the PRESENT, we are able to RECONCILE the opposites and restore harmony… In this way we may be closer to bring PEACE and resolution to all these internal and external conflicting actions, emotions and thought forms that are coming now to the surface of our collective awareness to be addressed and redeemed.


“Of all the unexamined assumptions and criteria upon which we base and gauge our daily lives as human beings on planet Earth, by far the greatest and most profoundly unquestioned is the instrument and institution known as the Gregorian Calendar.” — José Argüelles

AS mentioned at the beginning of this article, the geopolitical drama we are witnessing in Europe seem to be just a function of a much larger script rooted within the programming device of modern civilization known as the Gregorian calendar. How is this?

The start of the current conflict on February 24, 2022 synchronized with 2 KEY events:
1. The completion of 440 YEARS from the signing of the papal bull that enacted the current calendar into law. 2022 marks therefore of 22 cycles of 20 YEARS from the institutionalization of dis-order. As we will explore later in detail 20 YEARS marks the span of ONE GENERATION.

“Inter gravissimas was a papal bull issued by Pope Gregory XIII on February 24, 1582 (Julian calendar). The document, written in Latin, reformed the Julian calendar. The reform came to be regarded as a new calendar in its own right and came to be called the Gregorian calendar, which is used in most countries today.” — Wikipedia

2. The completion of 35 YEARS from the event that seems to be triggering the evolutionary counter-spin of entropy and the artificial timeline: the discovery of Supernova 1987A, the first supernova visible with the naked eye in about 400 years. This celestial explosion served as trigger event of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 and set in motion a new wave of evolutionary shifts on Earth.

Since the calendar is a PROGRAM that tends to repeat the same script every time we reach the same position of the year, it is not surprising that since its inception February 24, became a crucial occult day in history and events with a similar magnitude of the original event have been playing out. We will explore this in more detail later.


October 4, 2022 is now precisely marking the completion of 440 YEARS since the END of the Julian calendar on October 4, 1582 and the start of the Gregorian count on October 15, 1582.

Note: Since the accumulated difference between the Julian and the Gregorian counts is 13 DAYS, the actual, factual anniversary would be on October 17, 2022.

“When we went to bed on October 4, 1582 we woke up on October 15. In this way Pope Gregory XIII promulgated his reform of the Julian calendar, from which the Gregorian calendar differs not one whit, except for the precise working out of the formula for leap year. When this “reform” occurred, the time sensibility of historical man was already crippled and disabled. The Gregorian calendar, by its moment of historicity, bound that crippled time disorder into its final institutional form, assuring that not only European man, but eventually all cultures and races dominated by European thought and conventions would assume and accept this deformed and deforming standard of time.

The mechanical clock, though evolved over many centuries, was perfected just after the Gregorian Calendar Reform of 1582 and promoted by Europeans as an example of the human triumph over nature. So it was that the human mind assumed as second nature its own invented time, encoded as a frequency that we have identified as the 12:60, an unconscious mental ratio determined by the irregular twelve- month calendar and artificial sixty-minute hour. The combination of these two factors in this one timing frequency have consigned historical man to a hopelessly debilitating mental disorder that is referred to as modern civilization, or nowadays, postmodern. But postmodern is not yet post-historical. Postmodernism is just the final convulsion of the time disorder that afflicts the human race as a virulent mental disease and encapsulates man in the technospheric cocoon of his own making. The only cure for such a profound and pervasive disorder is absolute harmony, the very harmony from which historical man so recoils.” — Jose Arguelles

“Intergravissimas” was a direct result of another papal bull from 1493, known today as the “Doctrine of Discovery” enacted 89 years prior to the Gregorian Reform, during the years of the invasion and colonization of America by the European armies. It was during this time that not only the Mayan Codices with all historical records were either stolen or burned by the catholic church priesthood, but also the time when the Mayan priests and astronomers were also brutally persecuted and burned at the stake under the blanket of the institution know as the Spanish Inquisition Tribunals… The colonization of the land was quickly followed by the colonization of the minds and souls of the indigenous populations in America…

Why is this relevant now?

At the heart of this 10-DAY window from October 5–15, the 10.10.2022 portal marks the observation of Indigenous People’s Day 2022 instead of “Columbus Day”, a name used to commemorate the start of the colonization process on October 12, 1493.



To summarize so far: The start of the current conflict on February 24, 2022 synchronized with the completion of 440 YEARS from the signing of the papal bull that enacted the current calendar into law. This papal bull is a function of yet a larger and older program that is still in effect and is known as “The Doctrine of Discovery”.

The discovery doctrine, or doctrine of discovery, is a concept of public international law that was promulgated by Christian European monarchies in order to legitimize the colonization and evangelization of lands outside Europe. Between the mid-fifteenth century and the mid-twentieth century, this idea allowed European entities to seize lands inhabited by Indigenous peoples under the guise of “discovering new land”, meaning land not inhabited by Christians.[1] The concept of terra nullius was a major part of the discovery doctrine, particularly around the Indigenous people of North America. Terra nullius, meaning that land was empty or void,[2] was a justification for European groups to claim that land for their country, despite the many Indigenous groups already present on the continent.[3] — Wikipedia

“Any peoples who were not Christian were declared to be non-human in the Bull and were thus of no consequence and that led to countless atrocities which were perpetuated by Christian explorers and settlers upon all the ‘non-human’ native peoples they came into contact with and the consequences of all those acts are still very much with us.”

Precisely 5 YEARS ago, during this same window, on Oct 6, 2017 Lyla June Johnston (Tatah Uha Omani) of the Dine/Navajo Native American Tribe, published this heartfelt message as “ a respectful request to Pope Francis on behalf of indigenous peoples around the world to rescind the 1493 Papal Bull Doctrine of Discovery. Filmed on location at St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City (Rome) on the Feast Day of St. Peter and St. Paul during the Rome & Assisi Spirituality & Sustainability Conference June 27 to July 4, 2017.”


This 10-DAY window is therefore an opportunity to heal, once an for all, the karmic imprints of ongoing generational abuse. As we acknowledge the errors from the past and let go of the stories that keep us trapped into “victim consciousness”, we reclaim our creative quantum power to shift reality.

On pART 1 + 2 of these series we established how the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 served as the prophetic counter-spin to the atomic events of Trinity, Hiroshima and Nagasaki… The 10-DAY window contained between August 6 (Hiroshima) and August 16 (The Harmonic Convergence) served as holographic time container for the redemption of KEY events and markers along the Biosphere-Noosphere Transition Timeline…

As we arrive to the 10th month of 2022 we are also entering a new 10-DAY redemptive window signaling a NEW stage within the biosphere-noosphere transition timeline that we have been carefully mapping and tracking since 2012. How is this?


On the 13-MOON, 28-DAY calendar these periods open an opportunity to meditate on the type of world we want to create as the dissolution of old power structures continues and we birth a new paradigm into being.

In order to fully grasp the significance and scale of the events transpiring in 2022 we need to revisit the past and slowly peel the layers of distortion that hold the current calendar in place:

“Since its inception in 1582, the Gregorian calendar has been dragging forward a host of conditioned thought forms and perceptions, including those inherited from 1,500 years of the Julian calendar that it had reformed.

The technosphere has its origins with the full capture of the human mental field by the 12:60 frequency in 1618. From 1618 onward, the noosphere is increasingly obscured by a mental field known as the technospheric sheath. Slowly but surely, the technospheric sheath replaces civilization. This is first done by the introduction of mechanistic linear time. It is important to note that the Julian count, the basis of all modern scientific calculations, is a scale created by Thomas Scaliger in 1583, twenty- one years after the 1562 Mayan book burning. This linear time scale, like the Gregorian calendar reform itself, was intended to co-opt the Mayan thirteen baktun Long Count by setting a count of days that begins the first of January, 4713 B.C., or some 1,600 years prior to, the beginning of the thirteen baktun count in 3113 B.C.

The mechanical clock, though evolved over many centuries, was perfected just after the Gregorian Calendar Reform of 1582 and promoted by Europeans as an example of the human triumph over nature. So it was that the human mind assumed as second nature its own invented time, encoded as a frequency that we have identified as the 12:60, an unconscious mental ratio determined by the irregular twelve- month calendar and artificial sixty-minute hour. The combination of these two factors in this one timing frequency have consigned historical man to a hopelessly debilitating mental disorder that is referred to as modern civilization, or nowadays, postmodern. But postmodern is not yet post-historical. Postmodernism is just the final convulsion of the time disorder that afflicts the human race as a virulent mental disease and encapsulates man in the technospheric cocoon of his own making. The only cure for such a profound and pervasive disorder is absolute harmony, the very harmony from which historical man so recoils.” — Jose Arguelles


As presented at the start of this report, 2022 now holds the memory imprint of 5 historic events that are shaking the foundations of the present third-dimensional reality and signaling the final redemption of old unfinished chapters of modern history.

In order to present a coherent tapestry, we will explore them in chronological order, but from the fourth dimensional point of view these events may be easier perceived as radial, like “nested spheres” where the seed event is at the core and the replicas are on the exterior. Let’s examine them one by one and explore the multidimensional temporal overlaps between them.

1- 2022.2.24: WAR IN EUROPE

As mentioned before, the main event of the year, as it has ongoing repercussions, started on February 24, 2022 synchronized with the completion of 440 YEARS from the signing of the papal bull. Since this day we have been witnessing the progressive fracture of the relationships between East and West. Since then no dialogue or peace negotiations have taken place. The annexation of new territories and the sabotage of the most important gas pipelines in the region are indicators of a major split


The Gregorian reform was introduced on 2.24.1582 but it only started to be enforced 223 days later on October 4, 1582 (Julian count), EXACTLY 223 (222+1) days after the papal bull was signed. The obscure reasons behind implementing this radical shift of eliminating 10 days from the month of October, without synchronizing it with the start of the year, the start of the month nor the start of the week are still a mystery…


In the same way as the Julian calendar precedes the Gregorian Calendar, the Roman calendar precedes the Julian, and the day February 24 used to mark the LAST DAY (OMEGA Point) of the Roman year. This may be the reason why the papal bull was ALSO signed on February 24, 1582 (Julian calendar)

Interestingly enough February 24 (2.24) was until the calendar reform considered a leap day and it was just until 2.24.1996 when last reforms in the European Union were made…

The prophetic occult significance of the February 24 date as a “Time Portal” is precisely rooted in the date of the Gregorian calendar reform of 1582, signed by Pope Gregory XIII on a day like today (on the Julian calendar) 440 years in the past:

It is also a mystery that since the Gregorian Calendar Reform of 2.24.1582, other rare events in modern history have been taking place on this same date enshrouded in secrecy, adding layers to its occult significance:

2/24/1920 — (338 years from the Gregorian calendar Reform) — The Nazi Party is founded.

2/24/1942 — (350 years from the Gregorian calendar Reform) –The Battle of Los Angeles, one of the largest documented UFO sightings in history; the event lasted into the early hours of February 25.

2/24/1987 — (405 years from the Gregorian calendar Reform) : Discovery of SuperNova 1987A Quetzalcoatl. (Redemptive timeline starts)

2/24/1996 — (414 years from the Gregorian calendar Reform) The last occurrence of February 24 as a leap day takes place in the European Union and for the Roman Catholic Church.

2/24/2015: — (433 years from the Gregorian calendar Reform) Completion of 28-YEAR wave harmonic since the discovery of SN1987A Quetzalcoatl on KIN 222 1Wind…

2/24/2022: — (440 years from the Gregorian calendar Reform) War drums in Europe between East and West…

2/24/2023: — (441 years from the Gregorian calendar Reform) 441=21x21 Completion of 36 years since the discovery of SN1987A Quetzalcoatl on KIN 22 9Wind, sign of Quetzalcoatl-Kukulcan-Venus…

Every year, this supernova explosion serves to highlight this day as one of special relevance throughout the modern history of civilization… In the words of Jose Arguelles:

“What we are talking about in terms of the Biosphere-Noosphere transition is that we are preparing for a solar-galactic biomutation. “Bio” is life; hence, a mutation of life that is in accord with a much larger solar-galactic mutation that is now occurring. This was signaled a few months before the Harmonic Convergence by the appearance of Supernova 1987 A. The first supernova that the humans had seen since before the beginning of the 13th Baktun. Since that time the astrophysicists have been flooded with all sorts of “anomalies.” These “anomalies” are not something that are apart from us. As we accelerate ourselves through the Technosphere, the Earth itself is becoming overexcited.”

“28 Meditations on the Law of Time” by José + Lloydine Arguelles (1999)

We will expand more on this later…


Last July 25, 2022 in a historic and highly controversial ceremony, the current pope apologized over ‘catastrophic’ historical mistreatment of Indigenous children in Canada.

From the perspective of the synchronic order, July 25, 2022 corresponds precisely to the last day of the solar year coded by KIN 224 (3 Seed). This 365th day is known as Day Out of Time and celebrated as the “DAY OF UNIVERSAL FORGIVENESS”…

The ceremony took place precisely one day before the completion of 9 YEARS from crossing the Galactic synchronization portal of July 26, 2013. Number 9 represents completion.


Precisely on the eve of 9.9 and after 7 decades in power, the death of the most emblematic figure of royalty representative of a history of colonial power and imperial expansion, is therefore an invitation for deep contemplation.

Elizabeth was the first monarch to be featured on Bank of England banknotes and placed also on bills and coins of all British colonies including Canada, Australia and New Zealand… Her face is therefore the face of the old paradigm based on “TIME is money…”

“… with the passing of Queen Elizabeth 2 of England we are experiencing the end of an era that lasted 70 years and spanned from just after world war 2 and in to the 21st century. Her passing actually is part of the massive shift and realignment of energies that is taking place on the Earth in this month of September.” — Celia Fenn


From the perspective of the synchronic order this event was enshrined in prophetic markers:

September 9 (9.9) marked the completion of 3333 DAYS from crossing the Galactic Synchronization event horizon of July 26, 2013.

The queen of England was born precisely on KIN 33 (7 Skywalker) and was living her KIN 233 (12 Skywalker) rotation. The Skywalker represents the archetype of the Prophet. Her passing on the eve of the 9.9.2022 Gregorian portal on KIN 113, 9 Skywalker, the 9th day of the 9th cycle of 13 days on the Tzolkin Matrix represents therefore a powerful triple sign of prophecy that is reverberating across the fabric of TIME+SPACE. KIN 113 is guided by KIN 9 9 Moon (Seal 9 Tone 9), representing Purification and Flow.


2022 marked the completion of 21 YEARS from the 911 event. On the Tzolkin count this day corresponded to KIN 116 12 Warrior. 116 is a perfect reverse of 911. A perfect counter-spin of history! Precisely 1 YEAR ago, the 20th anniversary synchronized with KIN 11 (11.11) and the completion of 116 galactic spins since José’s arrival to planet Earth.


“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is a pattern”.

Mexico is at the heart or navel of the continental mass of America.and according to linguists, the word “Mexico” is of aztekatl origin, and dissecting it, one learns that meztli means “moon” — and xictli means “navel.” Mexico means therefore “place in the navel of the moon.”

Last September 19 a major earthquake hit Mexico on this same date for third time since 1985. As in 2017, the event took place just minutes after a nationwide earthquake drill “exercise”, inviting us to contemplate the connections between the collective consciousness and these 3 apparently unrelated events from a higher perspective. From a purely mathematical point of view, the probabilities of having three events of this magnitude taking place on the same day of the year is extremely low, but thanks to the advanced Maya Time science we are able to appreciate the deeper layers of resonance between the 3 events.



When analyzed through the lens of the synchronic order, we can appreciate the following patterns across the fabric of Time and Space:

Seed event: 9.19.1985 KIN 139 9 Storm
Replica 1: 9.19.2017 KIN 119 2 Storm
Replica 2: 9.19.2022 KIN 124 7 Seed

  1. (((🌎))) Both the seed event of 1985 (the most traumatic of all 3) and its 2017 “replica” took place on a Storm day. 1985: Blue Solar Storm. 2017: Blue Lunar Storm.
  2. (((🌎))) The original event of 1985 and its 2022 “replica” took place on the same 20-DAY cycle at the “heart” of the 13:20 Harmonic Module. This corresponds to the 7th harmonic run or central column of the sacred Tzolkin Matrix. (See info-graphic)
  3. (((🌎))) The event from 2022 took place on KIN 124, right at at the heart of the 13-DAY cycle of the Mirror. KIN 124 Yellow Resonant Seed is the perfect mirror of KIN 137 Red Resonant Earth as they are symmetrically opposed on the 7th central column of the 13:20 matrix
  4. (((🌎))) KIN 137 7Earth codes precisely “the Spirit that dwells at the center (7) of the Earth” .
  5. (((🌎))) The 2017 and its 2022 “replica” took place on this same 13-DAY cycle of the Mirror, with only 5 DAYS of difference.
  6. September 18, 1618 marked the closing of the 12th Baktun and September 19 corresponded therefore the START of the 13th Baktun [LC]. It was during this 13th cycle of 20 generations when the Gregorian calendar took root as the institutionalization of false time and spread through the entire world. Note that the YEAR 1618 is a fractal of 1,618 or PHI. As a fractal numerical expression of the Golden Mean this year is therefore a MAJOR INTERSECTION POINT between the irregular Gregorian timeline and the perfect harmony of the Mayan count based on their advanced vigesimal mathematical system.
  7. September 19 marks therefore EVERY YEAR the anniversary of the start of the 13th BAKTUN of the Long Count and is only 2-3 days apart of the equinox portal. It is during this window of time when the sunlight aligns perfectly with the main stairway of the pyramid of Kukulcan at Chichen-Itza, creating a perfect game of shadow and light representing the body of the Feathered Serpent touching the Earth.


To fully grasp the intensity and nature of the events transpiring in 2022 it is KEY to comprehend the fractal resonance with the year 2012 . How is this?

Every 5 YEARS / 7 TZOLKINS takes place a 5-DAY synchronization period between the galactic count (260 days) and the solar~lunar count (364+1 days). This is because 7 Tzolkins of 260 DAYS correspond exactly to the 65 MOONS of 28 DAYS contained in 5 YEARS:

260 × 7 = 1820 DAYS
364 x 5 = 1820 DAYS (5 × 13 × 28)
365 × 5 = 1825 DAYS
Difference = 5 Days Out of Time

These 5 DAYS OUT OF TIME contained within these 5 YEARS serve as the “connecting bridge” between both cycles and as a result, every 7 TZOLKIN cycles we are only 5 DAYS away from reaching the same position on the Solar count of 365 DAYS, allowing us to experience every 5 years an almost “perfect replica” of the same combined energies on BOTH the Galactic and Solar counts.

Within the Mayan Timekeeping science this period is known as 1 HOLTUN. This 5-YEAR, 5-DAY synchronization period is of special significance as 2017 and 2022 are then almost perfect replicas of the year 2012! To illustrate this let’s examine the closing date of the 13th Baktun of the Maya Long Count:

December 21, 2012: KIN 207 12 Hand
December 21, 2017: KIN 212 4 Human (207+5)
December 21, 2022: KIN 217 9 Earth (212+5)
December 21, 2027: KIN 222 1Wind! (217+5)


On the Galactic Cycle of 260 DAYS as we publish this entry we are closing the 7th harmonic run of 20 days at the CORE of the Tzolkin Matrix: The CENTRAL AXIS of the 13:20 Harmonic Module. This passage that goes from KIN 121 (4Dragon) to KIN 140 (10Sun), is also known as “The Mystic Column” as it represents the “mirrorless” dimension” of Time. The healing is taking place at the heart of time and along the axis of the Eternal Present NOW.

These have been days of great opportunity to tune-in, align and synchronize our intentions with the Heart of the Cosmos, the Heart the Galaxy, the Heart of Sun and the Heart of the Earth… and become ONE with the pulse of Creation… A time to pay attention to the signs around us… The Cosmos speaks in Symbol… A time for all to surrender our will to the Highest Will by placing our egos out of the way… A time for becoming attuned to a Higher Reality based on principles of pure harmonic resonance…

KIN 121 4Dragon holds the entrance to this “Cosmic Birth Canal”, or the “Kuxan Suum”. In “The Mayan Factor”, José Arguelles describes this passage as ”the Path to Heaven that leads to the Umbilical Cord of the Universe, holding the invisible galactic life strands or fibers that connect the individual and the planet through the Sun with the galactic core, or Hunab Ku.”


On the Gregorian calendar this 20-DAY window started on September 16 and is closing today (October 5) in an epic way a series of KEY alignments between the Tzolkin count, the ancient Maya Long Count and the Gregorian count. How is this?

🌀 KIN 121 (11 x 11) marked the first day of this passage, and the completion of 46 galactic spins of 260 DAYS since the Discovery of the Law of Time on December 10, 1989, signaling the distinction between artificial and Natural timing frequencies.

🌀 The next day, KIN 122 corresponded precisely to the completion of 260 DAYS since the start of the Gregorian Year 2022.

🌀The central passage through the navel of the 13:20 matrix (KIN 128–132) was preceded by the equinox portal of September 21, 2022 on KIN 127 10 Hand creating a perfect balance between day and night and the 2 halves of the Tzolkin!

🌀The last day of this 20-DAY window (KIN 140 10 Sun) corresponds to October 5, 2022 and is marking the entrance into the year Number 441 since the Gregorian calendar reform of 1582.

🌀 On the Jewish calendar this day also corresponds to Yom Kippur 2022 (also know as “Day of Atonement”) and observed as “the holiest day of the year.”

FULL TIMELINE view of the Julian-Gregorian transition window 2022: October 5–15, 2022 (Gregorian) and October 5–15 (Julian) [Oct 17–27 Gregorian] Please note that Long Count Date 3 Ajaw, marking the completion of 10 TUN cycles of 360 DAYS since December 21, 2012, is synchronizing with KIN 164 -165 and the completion of 14 Galactic Spins since Galactic Synchronization of July 26, 2013 on the Galactic Maya Count!


KIN 140 10 Sun is analog of 10 Ajaw, the day marking the last day (OMEGA Point) of the 20th BAKTUN of the Maya Long Count on October 13, 4772 and noted as 10 Ajaw…

This is a major fractal intersection as this date will also mark the final DAY of KATUN 140 of the 260-KATUN fractal matrix that started on December 22, 2012. In other words: The last day of the 20-BAKTUN cycle correspond to 10 Ajaw and is perfectly nested inside the Katun coded by the same energy (10 Ajaw). TIME IS ART!

These discoveries were presented in detail on a prior report .


2022 marks the year #440 of the Gregorian calendar since its inception in 1582, therefore it signals the completion of 22 CYCLES of 20 YEARS each or 22 GENERATIONS of 20 YEARS each.

For many ancient cultures and traditions 20 YEARS is considered to be the span of ONE GENERATION. The Maya revered these 20-YEAR cycles and observed them as AJAW KATUN cycles. AJAW is the 20th Solar Seal and this cycle is observed every 20 solar years.

This is very eloquent as there are 20 KATUN cycles of 7200 DAYS each contained in each BAKTUN of 144.000 DAYS. Each KATUN is cycle is therefore close equivalent of 1 GENERATION.

440 YEARS is also a fractal of 440 HERTZ one of the main Tuning Frequencies:


The tuning scale of A 440Hz, which has received the worst bashing by frequency conspiracy theorists, has G#3 = 207.7Hz. Again, according to cosmic octave calculations, 207.7Hz very closely approximates the higher octave of Uranus’ motion around the Sun. That makes 440Hz the harmonic frequency correlate of Uranus.

207.7 is a NUMERICAL FRACTAL of KIN 207–208 the interesection marking the END of BAKTUN #13, and the START of BAKTUN #14 on December 22, 2012


441 YEARS correspond precisely to a perfect matrix of 21 cycles of 21 YEARS each since this reform. These 441 cycles can be holographically mapped and redeemed as an overlay of the 441 Synchronotron Matrix (21x21). On this matrix, UNIT 441 holds the exact central axis and is guarded by Hunab Ku (“The ONE Giver of Movement and Measure”)

441 (21x21) BASE MATRIX

This synchronization between the artificial and natural timing frequencies is of unique synchronic significance considering that the 21st century technically began on January 1, 2001 and ends on December 31, 2100, in reality 2022 marks the YEAR #21 of this CENTURY #21. 21:21!!!


On the Maya vigesimal notation system, Number 20 is written as 1.0. Within this whole system, Number 20 is therefore defined as the Number of TOTALITY (ONE) and 21 as the Number of UNIFIED TOTALITY (20+1).

These MAJOR ALIGNMENTS are serving as PRELUDE to the GOLDEN INTERSECTION OF TIMELINES of October 14–15, 2025 as we complete a PERFECT GOLDEN RATIO FRACTAL of 161803 DAYS (443 YEARS) since the START of the Gregorian calendar on October 15, 1582 and reach the PROPHETIC Vigesimal Marker on the Ancient Maya Long Count…

To learn more about the significance of this date, please go to our recent entry: 1440 DAYS to the GOLDEN INTERSECTION of TIMELINES


The 13-Moon, 28-Day Calendar establishes a new harmonic standard for timekeeping that promotes greater access to our inherent creativity and capacity to live in harmony with each other and the planet.

The proactive choice now is to change the calendar yourself. That’s right. The way to change the old paradigm is to begin to live by a timing standard that is a harmonic reflection of the cycles of nature. The 13-Month/Moon 28-Day Calendar is an indigenous calendar for a sovereign humanity, a new harmonic calendar for a new time of peace and harmony!

To sign and support an open petition for Calendar Referendum and Declaration of Universal World Peace, and to ensure that a critical mass of humanity adopts and implements the 13-Month, 28-Day Calendar as a new Harmonic Standard by 2028, please go to:

“The synchronic order codes all of time and reality. The nature of true reality is a serene bliss, a non-dual empty state of awareness suffused with inner knowing. […] …how far is humankind from this pure state, running this way and that, not taking heed of or even oblivious to the signs appearing everywhere? What has been hidden is now being revealed. The Lost Chord shall sound, the interval of lost time in Eternity shall be recovered. If necessary, a new people, a new race shall be substituted for the sleepwalkers and robots that now spread across the face of the Earth.

For those who can understand, we are constantly obliged to point out ways of attaining higher states of harmony and more pure and expanded states of consciousness. The purpose of the New Time — the codes of the synchronic order — is to illustrate the hidden connections that bind all reality into One, while elevating the body, soul and mind to ever greater states of harmony and consciousness, which are, after all, inseparable. This is not a trick of virtual reality. Contrary to much stated scientific dogma and opinion, the universe tends toward ever more harmonious conditions of synthesis, and the evolution of life to ever more expanded states of cosmic consciousness.”

“We come in Peace. We are Peace. It is our mission to help establish a genuine culture of Peace on Earth. We call it a Galactic Culture, because liberated into the natural cycles of time, we shall come to experience and know ourselves as the cosmic beings that we are, partaking of a spiritual evolutionary process that intimately connects us to the entire order of the galaxy in which we find ourselves. Yes there is a time of war and a time of peace. In the time of war, we could only know war, so in a time of peace, we shall only know peace.

May Peace prevail! Global Peace NOW!”

-Jose Arguelles

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