Black Lives Matter… Won’t Matter — Part 1

3 min readJul 14, 2016


Choose your words wisely especially your audience.

Black Lives Matter Advocates — Ask yourself why would the privileged i.e. “White” or those who are capable of existing below the radar of the day to day destructive social constructs e.g. (Police Harassment, Systematic oppression) care to assist those who are less fortunate?

Organically the black lives matter movement is far from being racially exclusive in contrary to popular belief; the standard divergence rate which is fashioned by media bias, and the misinformed populace may perhaps see nothing but exclusive blackness. Nevertheless, the primary objective is to illuminate upon how police disproportionately target minorities especially black men — additionally, validating the known disparities within the criminal justice system.

The black community has always been disproportionately positioned under a microscope, which has increased black incarceration rates; Non-black offenses are over looked. This new wave of hyperdocumentation via video surveillance has captured a narrative that has always existed throughout American history. In parallel, being one of many black men that have never had a bad experience with the law, I can easily declare that those who are stopped and harassed should reevaluate their mode of addressing law enforcement officials. When a cop stops an individual, it should be customary that both parties show respect, and the perpetrator should always do as the law enforcement official ask of them.

The masses have always piggybacked on black lives without supporting the cause while they reap the benefits.

“According to the United States Labor Department, the primary beneficiaries of affirmative action are white women. The Department of Labor estimated that 6 million women workers are in higher occupational classifications today than they would have been without affirmative action policies.”

Conversely, attaining the buy in from your peer group can be achieved by shifting the dialogue based on your tone and delivery in regards to the black lives matter movement. The appropriate fashion of swaying the masses is to provide a communal purpose, which can be a cognizance theme that can continually resonate with all members of society.

We can talk or protest about black lives matter until they are blue in the face, but until we captivate an innate empathetic response we have done nothing but beat a dead horse.

Click: Sen. Tim Scott Describes Experiences as Black American

Click: White People With Guns NOT Killed By Cops

Click: White Male Explains….

Click: Survey

All lives matter, but so do black lives.

To be continued Part 1…




We often err. False assumptions breed false theories, and our reluctance to question them persists. 🎓M.Sc. Energy & Sust'n • MBA • Sociology