My University Experience So Far…

James Robinson
2 min readJan 18, 2018


I have been a student of Media at Leeds Trinity University for 4 months meaning I have completed my first Semester of my course and I have gained much knowledge. Here is my story…

Upon my return to Leeds for my second Semester I realised I wasn't as nervous or afraid of social interaction as much as I was when I first started university. I feel as if the short time of the first semester helped me gain much confidence and has shaped me and moulded me as a new person completely. I believe this as I live in accommodation on the campus, I only have myself to rely upon.

I have learned how to cook properly and i feel that is a necessity in life. I feel as if I am the master of the stir fry. However, no matter how much I think I am Gordon Ramsey, I am yet to master keeping a runny yoke when cracking an egg into a pan. My chef skills still have along way to go.

Ideal Stir Fry Outcome

I have met many of people and some I get along and others I may not but I feel comfortable in the environment I am in and feel free and not restricted via the idea of the parental eye always watching. I have experienced things I have never experienced before such as thee “cheeky Nando’s” or even crosscut chips.

I know it is crazy when i come to think about it now and I don’t know why I waited so long to have the crosscut and cheeky Nando’s experience.

Since coming to University I have never looked back or had a regret and I am loving the life. I may be in my first year and second semester now but I already don’t want the uni experience to end.

To read about an alternate student story click here:

Twitter: @TheRealJamesRR

Pinterest: JamesRyanRobinson



James Robinson

I am a student at Leeds Trinity University. I have a great interest in natural landscapes and world wonders