Back at university

2 min readJan 18, 2018


First semester left me with a diagnosis of Dyspraxia that has been a struggle to cope with, and an anxious brain that told me I couldn’t succeed in the degree… then I started getting grades back from my assignments- unexpectedly good grades.

First semester was a culture shock

  • Living without parents for the first time
  • Going out
  • Making friends
  • Struggling to find out what I wanted to do in life.

By second semester, I have a vague idea of what I want to do with my life (I am still unsure of how to get there but I know that will come in time), I have friends here, I am surviving without my family, I have a part time job, I’m doing okay here. In fact, I’m doing a lot better than I expected to do.

Here are some pictures that sum up first semester for me. (Did I mention I wanted to be a photographer?)

Video calling my mam and my cat during one of the first weeks
My best friends
A sad Christmas tree (we’re broke university students)
My pets that I miss
An impromptu London trip that was needed
Bonfire night

Song of the post: Slow Burn- State Champs

To read about someone else’s experience click here




Concert photography, music, media degree & Disney.