11 Websites to Share Your New Beta Project

Sagor Al Mamun
4 min readMar 19, 2019


You have developed a new project or startup and want to publish it so that people can use it and give feedback about your new beta project but you don’t know where to publish it. There are thousands of websites where you can share your project to get traffic. From them, I recommended some of these websites and social pages that can be helpful for you to share your project.

Product hunt

Product Hunt is an important site for new projects and products. Here users are known as ‘Hunters”. Every day thousands of apps, games, books, podcasts are launching here. So, it can be your place where you can share your project for everyone.


Medium is a place where new writers can share their articles for free and is a place for gaining much traffic for your post. If you’re an article or content writer, you can publish your post here. Here people read important and insightful stories about their choices and share ideas with the world.

Beta list

Betalist is a community of makers and adopters. You can share your startup projects and can get feedback from other users. You can share your new projects here to get noticed by others.


ShuffleHex is an online based content discovery platform where you can add a new project, product, and story after signing. People can discover new and interesting things here. Different types of developers will be able to submit their beta projects here for free and can get feedback from other developers.


Developers and beta testers come to Betatesters and work together to develop or build an app. If you are a new developer and want to get review or feedback from others you can submit your beta app here.


Github is mainly for web developers. It is a great place for sharing codes with others and it also offers free web hosting of your CSS, JavaScript Project, and HTML. Again, you can share your own website for free by using GitHub.

Again, you can find some social media or pages to share your new project. Some of these media are given below.

LinkedIn Articles

You can post your content or article on your LinkedIn timeline. It is one of the biggest social and professional platforms for writers. It has many networks and thus several users have designed up a powerful subscriber base for his or her articles on the platform. Users will get a notification when that user publishes one new thing.

Facebook Groups and pages

Almost every person uses Facebook nowadays. You can create a Facebook group and page to share your project and products. You can get many people within a short time and without investing. And also, you can reach to more person if your followers share your post.


Create a Pinterest account and upload your new captured images. It is a well-established platform for sharing images and again, you can sell your pictures from here.


It takes much time for creating good content and to share it among the people within a short time. Your content can catch more attention if you highlight the good points of your content and present it like PowerPoint in SlideShare. Just changing the format can get your content more view in a short time.

Instagram Stories

It lasts only for 24 hours, but you can share your content or article links here more easily than any other social media.


Twitter offers a brand account, Personal account. You can share your article again and again here and also you can schedule your article to be posted several times over a few months. Again, you can share your article on your timeline, post links of your stories and can also mention it by using ‘#’ before it for creating attention to people.

When you become a valued member of an internet community, whether or not that’s Medium or a Twitter chat you’ll become a part of a supportive community that shares each other’s link. Sites like Medium and LinkedIn have given us the chance to share our content with a lot of individuals, but don’t try to take advantages of this easiness by sharing low quality, uninteresting content.

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