Transparency Report, Issue #1!

The Arkade
3 min readMar 5, 2018


Hey everyone, it’s been almost two weeks since we started forging as a delegate on the Ark main network. We thought it would be a good idea to periodically post some updates on a semi-monthly basis regarding what we’ve been doing behind the scenes.

Before we begin, the team is pleased is announce that our flagship tournament will be for… drum roll please….

League of Legends <- click here

The team believes that the user base potential and wide-spread popularity of League of Legends will help us reach out to more users than with any other game at the moment. Due to various obstacles, the team felt it would be best to postpone the announcement of the first tournament off one week in order to provide the best gaming experience for our participants. On that same note, the team will be shifting platforms to Battlefy instead of FACEIT in light of recent events. We feel it will provide a better experience for both the team and the participants.

Below, we’ve laid out what we have accomplished in these two weeks and what we currently have in the pipeline.

What we did:

1. Developed a homegrown voter payout script internally which
-Supporting weekly voter staking payouts
-Setup our opt-in fee-less ecosystem for voters
2. Took initial steps to hosting our first tournament, which
-Continued reaching out to FACEIT and Battlefy, the main two
tournament hosting platforms
-Began working out the logistics of the first tournament
-Tried running a simple dry run tournament, but ran into
unexpected problems with the FACEIT platform
3. Started developing some cool bots for our Discord channel
4. General server organization and configuration
5. Ran out first payout run

What we plan to do:

1. A complete dry run of a tournament, which includes:
-Gaining familiarity with the Battlefy platform
-Gathering enough people to help us test it (partially complete)
2. Host the first tournament, which includes:
-Creating advertisements and reaching out to various communities
regarding it
-Preparing dedicated admins present throughout to oversee the
3. Create additional automation for our backend internal scripts
such as True Block Weight to reduce pool hoppers
4. Add additional safety features into our internal scripts to
minimize any chances of error
5. Continued development of cool bots for our Discord channel
6. Continued server organization and configuration
7. Run our second payout run (tonight!)

Once again, you can find our proposal here and our guide to getting free transactions within the Ark ecosystem here!

Come join in the adventure on Discord! (

