The Final WAR. Who will you let manage your Home and your Life?

Zen @
4 min readJan 2, 2017


by Zen—

Entertainment management. Video Telecommunications, AI assistants, Video/Audio sharing and Casting, Voice Recognition, Virtual and Augmented Reality Smart device System integration,Car/Home Automation and through it all …..Attentive analytics designed to learn and adapt to enhance the predictive algorithms for more precisely tailored, targeting marketing designed for YOU.

These are the players to watch this year, Apple, Facebook, Google, or Microsoft. 2017–2018 is shaping up to be the year of Home automation/integration from these big Tech Giants. Amazon, GE, Sony, Lenovo and many others are also in the game, keep an eye out for mergers and acquisitions.

Your phone is essential, you do everything with it, a personal mobile life control. It’s convenient. Your Laptop, PC, or Console are your Entertainment powerhouse, you do your Big processor driven stuff on them, Gaming and movies. Did you know that once they are connected together your phone, becomes an access controller for your life in a new and interesting way? Mobile devices now link with your powerhouse and you can choose and cast (send a video) from your phone to your TV, Console or PC (and vice versa)

Voice activation and sensor microphones in TV consoles, peripherals and mobile devices are gathering, analyzing and storing behavior patterns. As these systems get “smarter” and start to integrate with each other they can use “macro type” commands to perform tasks. (IFTT) With most new home devices being “smart” and WiFi or Bluetooth enabled, the most important battle of our century isn’t between countries, but between big corporations over the control of your life. Well, technically, the services they offer will be to make your life easier. “Take control of your own life, just let us help you. Trust us”.

Why? Do they want to be our Simplicity Dealer?the answer is: DATA. Whether you are in VR, AR, watching VR or just talking around your house. They want that intel. When do you shut off your lights? What shows do you watch? What products are you talking about or looking for? It’s marketing at a scale the likes of which you haven’t considered.

But they have, it’s useful for power and control)

Tracking your shopping habits by becoming your $ provider.

Knowing when you eat, sleep, what you watch, the things you say are all essential to target marketing at a more precise level. When you are in VR where you look and for how long is recorded in code. (you can bet they pay attention to what you pay attention to, too) Knowing that you like to shop online in the morning with your coffee in your hand has an immense profit value. (and could potentially be useful for power and control)

The race to be my new best friend is ON. Tech Giants, Apply Now!

Whomever releases to most simple to use tech, broadly integrated into my existing devices WINS. (I don’t want to buy all new stuff…)

I’m hoping something like this comes out in the near Future.

check out this video

The path to your DATA may also be through your internet connection.

There’s a war brewing in that “space” too!

There’s also a new trend of targeting marketing towards children!

in the news



Zen @

Zen is a Canadian innovator specializing in Ai/AR/VR/360video tech R&D, UI/UX GenerativeAi Prompt Engineering & Metaverse Strategy Consulting Servives.