Thumbnail for this weeks video :)

Sharing Knowledge and Helping Others

Back in the day, I used to make cricket tutorials on Youtube . I loved cricket, so I thought it would be cool to make videos about it.

Thomas Arnold


I’d pick an interesting topic, research it online and then go into my dining room and make some magic.

I didn’t see anyone else doing it at the time so I thought it was a good idea. I eventually stopped making them because I didn’t want to act like a ‘guru’ on the internet without being accomplished in my sport.

After all, I was gathering ALL my information from the net. If it’s not from personal experience, advice can be shallow at best.

Four years on I’ve made another tutorial, with greater knowledge and personal experience at hand.

‘How-to videos’ tend to get more views , given that there is always people with questions to ask. You don’t need to build an audience for someone to click on your, ‘how to edit a video’ video.

But what it does do is tap into the market of people who have an interest in your niche.

I love making videos, so sharing some of what I know is a decent way of reaching the yet unreached.

I can give back to others and help them improve the videos they make.

If you didn’t get a chance to see it, here it is:

This is the day #56 of my 100 day blog challenge. If you want to join me on my journey, click the ‘follow’ button below

See you tomorrow,


