Money or Game? Nikita Kucherov Makes the Right Choice

3 min readJul 10, 2018


Nikita Kucherov is not a fan of interviews, but he found a minute to answer his fans’ questions in the new AMA session for TokenStars.

What do you hate to do most?

I don’t like losing, and also cooking. I’m working hard on the first one. It’s important not to be weighted down by failures and not to not to pass this negative mood and anger to the people around.

How do you see your future?

Honestly, I’ve never thought about that. I prefer to live here and now, it’s more exciting!

You have recently joined Instagram and already got almost 100k followers. How did you do it?

I think only my fans can answer this question. I want to thank them for the support. It’s great to feel it outside the rink. For me it’s essential to be close to the people for whom I play.

What is more important for you: game or money?

Of course, the game! When I’ve started my career, I haven’t even thought about money. It’s only a nice-to-have bonus which improves life and not only yours. By the way, that is why I support TokenStars, it’s great to have a chance to help young athletes, so they won’t have to think how to find resources to pay for a doctor’s visit or an operation, as I have had to do. I believe this project has a social value.

Source: Instagram

Is there something you are not able to do?

Of course! I cannot chill! Even on vacation it’s impossible for me to lay on a sofa all day long. I’d rather play football.

Do you like to talk to your fans?

Yes, it gives me energy and self confidence. It shows that everything I do means something, someone really needs it.

Source: Instagram

The best weekend is…

A family weekend. Every spare minute should be spent with the people you love.

Why don’t you like to talk a lot?

(Laughs). My coach Gennadiy Kudrin once told me a very phrase I always repeat: “When an athlete starts to talk too much, he is done with hockey.”

Do you usually read what people write about you?

Only sometimes, I don’t have much time for it.

What is the most important aspect in a team?

Mutual understanding and devotion. It’s crucial for all the players to be willing to win and go for it. It unites and inspires.

Do you use any fitness or good nutrition apps?

No, I think training is better than any app. And it’s possible to control nutrition during a season without any advice. The only app I use is Twitter, and since recently also Instagram, or sometimes I can watch a video about sports on YouTube.

What would you like to wish young sportsmen?

To focus on the game and how to achieve good results, and not on money you will earn. Of course, it is a significant aspect, but not on the start. TokenStars really helps athletes to focus on their carrier and learn from professionals, leaving financial issues outside the ice rink.

How many shots a day are needed to be done to become a player like you?

It’s not about the shots. You need to dedicate to training each minute and become better and better in every game. You need not to set aside and play here and now.

Source: Instagram

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