TEAM: A Token to Power A Crypto Platform for Celebrity-Fan Experiences

3 min readNov 16, 2017


Photo credit: Pexels

What do you imagine when you hear the word ‘team’? Your favorite sports team winning finals? Or your highly motivated work team successfully closing a project? Or maybe a team of friends with some unique squad goals? We at TokenStars give TEAM a whole new meaning.

ACE token sale success proved our vision that the world needs a blockchain-based platform for celebrities, their fans and sponsors. TEAM by TokenStars will take a further step to enable new and exciting celebrity-fan experiences.

However, it’s not as simple as a red carpet visit or hanging out with your favorite athlete for a coffee. Celebrities inspire. Celebrities create social agenda — think of Emma Watson and feminism, or Leonardo di Caprio and environmental issues. Celebrities navigate their admirers in the ever-growing world of information by highlighting anything they consider important — from their favorite products to political issues — for people who share their views and values.

We truly believe that connecting existing celebrities with their fans and relevant brands, raising new stars who will shape the world’s agenda, and doing it in a decentralized way with more than ever equal opportunities to participate will benefit the society in general.

TEAM by TokenStars connects rising talents in sports and entertainment with fans and advertisers.

It is a first-ever crypto token which allows token holders to support groups (or teams) of rising stars and then to use TEAM token for various services, provided by star teams. And — it’s the next step for the TokenStars platform ahead of launching a STAR token for globally recognizable celebrities.

12 Modules of Success

To showcase the tremendous opportunities of our tokens, we have visualized 12 key modules of the TokenStars platform. It’s a one-stop-shop and a handy toolkit for supporters — to gain value from our tokens, for celebrities — to manage their fans and brands relations, and for brands — to find the best endorsement opportunities.

We will tell more about each module and how it works for our community over the next week. Meanwhile, you can visit our website and give it a try!

TEAM executives and advisors

What about the team of the TEAM, you might ask? We have a fantastic executive team of 25+ experienced professionals with outstanding track record in USA and European Internet projects.

$350 million worth of closed financing and VC deals, 2 Cannes Lions awards, 100+ millions users acquired — here are just a few achievements of our team members. Wish to learn more? Subscribe to our blog and follow the updates.

You have already met some of our incredible Ambassadors and Advisors — and that’s not it! Soon you will hear more about our new supporters from poker, football, tennis and entertainment — and, of course, blockchain.

Are you excited? TEAM Token Sale will start soon.

Stay updated — follow the projects social media channels on: Facebook Twitter Telegram Medium LinkedIn Reddit or take a look at our video on YouTube.




The first celebrity management platform on blockchain. TEAM token sale completed.