TokenStars Presents AMA Session with Nikita Kucherov

5 min readMar 12, 2018



TokenStars continues the series of AMA sessions with the worldwide famous celebrities. Did you ask a question to NHL star playing for the Tampa Bay Lightning and our hockey ambassador Nikita Kucherov? He picked the most interesting ones — check if he answered yours.

Let’s talk about your start in hockey. What inspired you to start? How old were you?

Inspired?! Well, my story is quite simple. When I was 5, my mom took me to the youth athletic center called “Silver Sharks”. To be honest, I was enjoying playing hockey from the beginning. Mainly because I’ve met my first coach Gennadiy Kurdin there.

Another question about your past. How important was the transition from White Bears to CSKA for your career? I would also appreciate your advice to young boys in Moscow Open Championship who play for small clubs. What should they do to become real professionals?

I haven’t thought what’s going to happen after White Bears. Dynamo hasn’t taken me, but I’ve been signed by CSKA. Then I focused on being in this team, my goal was to play in KHL and show a constant progress.

What is the secret of becoming a professional? You just need to play hockey well. Speaking seriously, you need to train and work on yourself all the time, and, of course, to care about nutrition and regime.

Who was you childhood hero? Who you wanted to be like and why?

When I was a child, not many NHL games were broadcasted. Everyone was talking about Pavel Bure, so he was a hero. Also I had posters of The Russian Five: Fetisov, Fedorov, Larionov, Kozlov and Konstantinov. They prefer to play smart and show a real team work. I wanted to be like each of them.


How you prepare for important hockey games? Do you listen to any particular music?

I don’t have any specific music preferences, I listen some music in a locker room with the team. To prepare yourself for a game, it’s not necessary to think a lot about it. You just need to go and enjoy hockey.

What books have completely changed your mindset?

I think we are the ones who change our own mindset. I like reading and usually choose books about sports or athletes. Recently I’ve read “Made in America” by Chris Chelios and Daniel Milstein’s “Rule #1 Don’t be Rule #2”. It is going to be published also in Russian soon, this book really motivates and inspires.

What would you do if you weren’t a hockey player?

I think I would have found a sport where I could use my potential and reach a success. It could be even football, but now I’m just happy to play hockey!

Have you ever wanted to end your career? What have helped you to stay?

Never. I have always lived for hockey and enjoyed it. My closest people supported me, and nothing else mattered.

Where do you see yourself when you are 45?

I prefer not to jump ahead, I just live from game to game and want to improve myself every day. Let’s see what the future brings.

What apps do you use most often?

Actually I haven’t thought about it. I use Twitter often, recently I also installed Instagram. Sometimes I open YouTube to watch sport highlights.

Source: Instagram

When was the last time you’ve eaten a donut, regardless a strict regime?

Sometimes you need to spoil yourself a little. However, I’m used to eat healthy during the championship. So I follow all the rules, even in summer. Outside the championship — only bread and water. Just kidding — water, vegetables and protein are essential if you want to start a season in a good shape. Good nutrition is a key to health and success.

What is the best way to cool your head down after a goal?

In general, I try to stay relaxed during the entire game. My purpose is to play well and help my team to win.

How many shots do you do every day?

Honestly I don’t count, because there are never too many. When I have some time before and after training, I always do them from different sides. On summer my schedule is less busy, so I pay even more attention to it. Time is priceless, you don’t need to waste it, but to improve your hand work. Also I don’t have anything else to do. Sitting and doing nothing is not really my thing.

Source: Twitter

Which hockey player is the most interesting to talk to?

It’s difficult to choose one. At every stage and in every team there were always interesting people. However, I always remind myself what Gennadiy Kurdin said: “when a player starts talk too much, he finishes with hockey.” But there are few exceptions. Martin St. Louis was saying the right things, I was listening to him, feeling that we are quite alike, thinking similarly.

What are you worst at?

Cooking. I don’t like it that much, that is why I still haven’t learnt how to do it. Nevertheless, I like to eat well.

A lot of athletes love playing computer games. What about you?

Well, I am an athlete too (laughing). Sometimes I enjoy playing FIFA, NHL, CALL OF DUTY, etc. I even made a game room in my house. Now I’m waiting which producer will give me a powerful computer, the newest monitor and other gaming devices first. Especially COUNTER STRIKE (laughing).

Are you good at NHL and FIFA? Could you beat a professional football player?

I’m good enough, so I think I could. Even Russian national team (laughing).

What are the best and toughest moments in your career?

“My toughest moment was when I had those injuries, the shoulder, and had little money. Back in Russia, (CSKA) threw me into a situation where they said, “We don’t believe you have anything in the shoulder, if you want to do surgery, you have to pay for it yourself.” But at the time, I didn’t have much money. It was tough. Not as a player, but as a person. I felt like, I don’t really need them. They used me. At the time, my agent called Steve Yzerman. I had just got drafted. I came to Tampa a week after I told my agent to call Steve. I’m really happy and blessed that he helped me out, paid for my surgery, even though I was just drafted. I wasn’t even thinking to come (to North America) at the time. I’m really grateful.

My best moment is when I made the NHL and stayed in the NHL, and proved to everybody that they were wrong, especially back in Russia, people even here. They thought there’s no way I could play. That’s something that drives me more, that people didn’t believe in me. But I proved them wrong.” (source: Tampa Bay Times).

Source: Instagram

Why have you started to support TokenStars?

I just thought it would be great to help young athletes and I can do it. They should think about games, how improve their skills and not about the financial side of career. Hockey comes first, not money.

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