Quarantine Fit Home Workout #3

Tom Gray
2 min readJul 10, 2020


Today I woke up a little stiff, so I decided to do some mobility work upfront to wake myself up. I did a fast kettlebell mobility workout, and then some quick hamstring work. Since lock-down, I have gotten into kettlebells, and find that they work well for me. There are a lot of pluses when using kettlebells, the top ones for me are — you only need to buy a few bells, there are infinite workouts and variations, and they are virtually indestructible. I am pretty hard on most inanimate objects and have a history of breaking shit, so durability might matter more to me than other folks.

Kettlebell resource: Check out Mark Wildman HERE for all things bell.

Let’s get into it:

AM Workout:

Kettlebell Mobility

Hamstring Work


  • Mile run to get the heart rate up!

Afternoon Workout:

Do 10 pull-ups followed by a 10 calorie Echo Bike (or 10 burpees), then do 9 of each, then 8, and so on, down to 1 of each.

Countdown workout for Time 10–9–8–7–6–5–4–3–2–1 reps/calories of:

  • Pull-ups
  • Echo Bike or Burpees

If I need a quick tutorial or I am unsure how to do a movement, I always go to YouTube for help. I always use lighter weight until I build proper muscle memory and form. Also, if you need help with any terms used, great resource for you → HERE. Lastly, if you need help scaling or don’t have the equipment listed, hit me up I am happy to help or point you to some solid resources.



Tom Gray

USCG Iraqi Freedom Vet, Consultant — Fitness, tech, business consulting and strategy, energy, mobility, data driven sales and marketing — www.TomGray.nyc