Tonpound Testnet Guide

5 min readMar 24, 2023


Read how to test the first release of Tonpound on Goerli network

Welcome to Tonpound’s Testnet

The test version of Tonpound is now available for everyone on! In this guide, we give an example how to use the test app step-by-step.

If you have any questions or comments, please join our Telegram chat — every feedback is highly appreciated. You can also fill out a Google form to send your review and add some screenshots — most helpful reviews will be rewarded with a 1000 TPI bounty. In any case, please have our gratitude for your time and effort in testing Tonpound!

The suggested workflow for the Testnet:

  1. Receive test ETH tokens in the Goerli network via any faucet, for example,
  2. Provide any collateral on Tonpound app. In Testnet, all assets are available for supplying. To get wrapped TON (pTON), please read the guide on how to get pTON.
  3. Borrow funds on Tonpound app.
  4. Mint a gNFT, upgrade it, and finally activate it by opening all 12 segments.
  5. Voila! Feel free to leave any feedback in our Google form or Telegram chat.
  6. You can also try testnet — a staking solution for TON, which is supported as collateral on Tonpound.

In the rest of the document, you can find in-depth instructions for each of the steps described above.

1 Get Goerli ETH and testnet pTON

First, make sure you are using the Goerli test network by switching to it in your wallet. If you do not have Goerli testnet parameters yet, please import the configuration from their official website.

To use Tonpound Testnet, you will need Goerli ETH for gas usage. The Goerli testnet is free and everyone can get Goerli ETH tokens via any faucet app, for example:

Once you receive ETH on Goerli, you should see it in your wallet after switching the network to Goerli. You can also check the status of your wallet and transactions at Goerli Block Explorer.

To acquire testnet TON tokens, please follow the guide. You will also be able to stake, bridge, and wrap testnet TON into pTON (all in one step).

2 Testnet tokens

2.1 TPI tokens

To open segments of gNFT, you will need to get some Testnet TPI tokens from our faucet by following the next steps:

  1. Connect your Ethereum wallet using the “Connect to Web3” button in the Contract -> Write Contract section.

2. Next you can expand the drip unit, click “Write” and you will receive testnet TPI tokens after confirming the transaction on Goerli network.

The faucet contract address: 0x7BCd2D68b110c5A6cdDbFD73210b4Cc9A737A07F

2.2 Stablecoins

You can get testnet USDT, USDC, DAI, wETH and wBTC the same way in our second faucet with an address: 0x0EB973a404AD3742E464Ae6424C86923C76B3540

3 Tonpound dashboard

Once you have some Goerli ETH and supported collaterals (including pTON), you can start lending and borrowing assets on Tonpound Markets. To do so, first enable wETH or pTON as collateral by clicking the slider in the “Collateral” column on the Dashboard page.

Now you can lend some of your assets as collateral to increase the borrow limit. Just click on the asset you want to deposit and the Supply/Withdraw menu will pop-up. There you can either supply new assets or withdraw the ones that you already provided. As you provide liquidity, you will be rewarded with claimable TPI tokens.

For borrowing pTON, wETH, USDC, USDT, DAI or wBTC use assets in the “Borrow market” section and the Borrow/Repay menu will pop-up.

4 Mint and upgrade gNFT

To try interacting with gNFTs, you need both Goerli ETH and TPI, which are required to open segments. Note that you can only mint a gNFT if you supplied at least $100 worth of liquidity in testnet tokens.

After minting a Topaz gNFT, try opening all 12 segments of it. Here is an example of opening 1 segment on a Topaz gNFT.

By clicking “Open segment” you will see a pop-up menu where you can choose the desired amount of segments to open at once.

If you are trying to open the last segment and start receiving protocol rewards as a gNFT holder, you’ll need to lock $100 worth of liquidity which can be unlocked and retrieved at any time.

5 Questions & Feedback

In case you encounter any issues, you can join our telegram and talk to us or other community members there. We would be glad to hear your ideas or feedback on how we can improve experience of using Tonpound.

As mentioned above, you can also submit a Google form with your review, adding some screenshots as an option. Most helpful submissions will be also rewarded with a TPI bounty — do not forget to leave your valid ETH address to compete for an aidrop!

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Tonpound is the first decentralized lending protocol connecting The Open Network and Ethereum blockchain.