POV Crypto Episode 36-Against Maximalism, with Alvaro Jimenez

Alvaro Jimenez of Gaudium Capital comes to POV Crypto, to confront David and Christian about their maximalist tendencies.

David Hoffman
1 min readMar 11, 2019

Alvaro questions Bitcoin’s capabilities!

Says that Ethereum will be threatened by superior tech from Dfinity, EOS, and IOTA!

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Topics of Conversation

  • Is Maximalism legit?
  • Is it possible to have “Gotten it right”, so early in the crypto process?
  • Distributions of value across projects
  • Value of Tech, vs Value of Community/Network Effects
  • Does a blockchain really have to be “the best” in order to win?

Missed our other Episodes?

33 -The Burner Wallet with Austin Griffith

29 — Evaluating Currencies with Murad Mahmudov

35 —Bitcoin Biology with Branden Quittem

34-The Rise of Moloch and Ethereum 2.0

You can find us @POVCryptopod on Twitter

Christian @ck_Snarks

David Hoffman on Twitter and Medium @trustless_state



David Hoffman

Chief of Operations @realtplatform. The Ethereum side of @POVCryptopod. Bringing Ethereum to the world through writing and speaking. Read my medium👇🏼