POV Crypto Episode 40 — Bitcoin Vs MakerDAO II

David and Christian go over the recent changes in MakerDAO governance, and how it has been received by the community.

David Hoffman
2 min readMar 27, 2019

Christian rebuttals David’s latest twitter-criticisms of Bitcoin

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MakerDAO has recently raised the Stability Fee to 7.5%, causing a lot of drama and FUD in the space.

David attempts to convey the points that people seem to miss when they criticize the high stability fee.

David and Christian have gotten nippy on Twitter as well, so they go and address some of the topics of conversation that have arisen in the last two weeks.


  • Maker Stability Fee = 7.5%
  • People upset at the high cost of a CDP
  • Primary role of MakerDAO is that DAI = 1$
  • Unique market dynamics of the current Maker ecosystem
  • On-Chain voting and voter participation
  • CDPs:Miners::Ethereum:Bitcoin
  • Social-engineering attacks for both Bitcoin and Maker
  • Mental states of blockchains
  • Bitcoin being under attack

Missed our other Episodes?

33 -The Burner Wallet with Austin Griffith

29 — Evaluating Currencies with Murad Mahmudov

35 — Bitcoin Biology with Branden Quittem

34-The Rise of Moloch and Ethereum 2.0

You can find us @POVCryptopod on Twitter

Christian @ck_Snarks

David Hoffman on Twitter and Medium @trustless_state



David Hoffman

Chief of Operations @realtplatform. The Ethereum side of @POVCryptopod. Bringing Ethereum to the world through writing and speaking. Read my medium👇🏼