No Title

4 min readOct 15, 2017


What is Revolution? Well, Revolution is a pretty good chain bar in Edinburgh (amazing cocktails by the way), Revolution is (or was) a TV show with “that villain KFC dude from Breaking Bad” on NBC, Revolution is an o.k. book by Russell Brand (I mean 3.7/5 on Goodreads is “o.k.”)… But what is it really, apart from the word so meaninglessly being thrown around lately?

“Revolution” is much more than just a word — among many other things, it’s about people, culture, and faith. In fact, originated from the Latin “revolutio” which means “a turn around”, Revolution is mainly about change. The change that radically transformed France and shook the entire World in 1789, the change that started in 18th century and led to coal mines, steam engines, and trade unions, the change that sparked “disruption” in “innovation” in the modern society. This constant shift throughout the history shows that change is inevitable and progress can often be the result of it.

The most recent financial crisis has hit the world hard. With major banks collapsing (remember Lehman Brothers?) and the global financial system crashing, millions of people have been left without jobs, money, and homes. The effects of 2008 are being felt to this day. And then Bitcoin came in.

“Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” was first published in 2009 by an anonymous author, Satoshi Nakamoto. The paper introduced a concept of a new payment system which relies on cryptography and electronic money, a completely virtual currency called Bitcoin. Here, Nakamoto argues that the current financial system works to a certain extent, however, trust in a third party is what’s causing increased costs, lack of transparency and fraud. Instead, the author suggests:

“What is needed is an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust, allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without the need for a trusted third party.”

Bitcoin is trustless and does not depend on intermediaries like banks. It operates on its own blockchain, a public ledger, a decentralised and distributed database which stores all cryptocurrency transactions and is visible and accessible to everyone. This changed everything (yes yes, an Apple quote). The introduction of Bitcoin has opened the doors to a new revolution and the world went nuts.

Today, there are more than 1,100 cryptocurrencies out there and the number does not stop growing. Although the rise of Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) has recently received some criticism due to its unregulated state, it has created a new way for companies to generate capital and thus, new opportunities for cryptocurrency enthusiasts and blockchain aficionados. However, while this crypto-revolution is trying to solve the problems of the 2008 crisis, it creates a new issue of spendability. Companies like TenX or Monaco, aim to solve this problem by offering physical cryptocurrency payment cards “to rule them (cryptocurrencies) all”. But what about spending cryptocurrencies online? Why can’t we just go to Amazon and choose to “Pay with Bitcoin”?

That’s where UTRUST causes a stir.

UTRUST comes with a bright ambition, to make crypto-payments a simple and effortless process, powered by the state of the art technology which is based on high autonomy, safety, and efficiency.

By offering a safe and easy to use, PayPal-like platform focused on cryptocurrencies, UTRUST aims to disrupt the payments industry and create a change in the way we make purchases online. Bitcoin created a revolution by creating virtual money. We want to create a revolution by making it fully spendable.

The key is about turning seemingly complicated or mundane things simple(r).

This article is about revolution. Revolution is about change. And change, well change needs no title you see… Why? Because change is revolution.

Let’s make it happen.

The UTRUST ICO is now finished. For more information, have a look at UTRUST’s Whitepaper or get the latest updates on the UTRUST’s Website, Twitter (@UTRUST_Official), Facebook, Reddit, Telegram, or Discord.

— Arthur Zubkoff

I am free thinker, wannabe entrepreneur, and risk taker. Creative in design, following the innovation and celebrating the cutting edge. Cryptocurrency and Blockchain enthusiast @UTRUST & @Coinaware. Proud alumnus @UnivofStAndrews & @Newcastle University.

I write on Medium (@Arthur Zubkoff), but also share “interesting stuff” on Twitter. My travel stories are available on Instagram. Feel free to get in touch to make something awesome together —




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