UX writing challenge: Day 7

Vikas Rawat
1 min readJun 26, 2023


Sports fan at a wedding

Scenario: A sports fan is at a wedding while their favorite team is playing against their arch-rivals. Their team scores.

Challenge: How would you, quickly, let the sports fan know about the latest play, the current score, and the key players? Write it.

Headline: 30 characters max
Body: 45 characters max

Points to keep in mind

  1. Focus on the main highlight of the match.
  2. Using a catchy headline.
  3. Not to distract the user with unnecessary elements/text.

What I came up with

  1. An attention grabbing headline with the use of visual.
  2. Creating engagement and curiosity with the bodytext.
  3. CTA to check detailed scoreboard.

Feel free to comment with your views on my challenge; criticism is appreciated as it will help me hone my skills 🙌🏻.

Checkout my other challenges —

Flight cancellation

App promotional screen

Login error message

Supermarket subscription

Did it get saved?

Fire ahead

