How to Boost Testosterone Levels? Cortisol

Ufuk Altan
2 min readSep 19, 2017



Tons of advice is running on the internet about testosterone. After finding out about its benefits; I ran to my computer and spent my day researching about it. Lifting weights, quality sleep, healthy fats and other things are all good recommendations. They all can penetrate into the biology of testosterone’s production but most of them neglect the psychological part.


Testosterone’s production is the first step of achieving its benefits and circulation is the second. However, just like any other goal missing a step of the progress can ruin the rest of it. Testosterone’s circulation is blocked when cortisol levels are increased. Cortisol is known as the stress hormone and some scientist consider it as the opposite of testosterone. I know, opposite of testosterone is known as estrogen but I believe, scientist state that because cortisol impedes testosterone circulation even more than estrogen does. It is a figure of speech but should be taken seriously.


Apparently, stress hormone cortisol can be decreased by dealing with the stress level. Stress, anxiety and depression are the indirect causes of testosterone level’s reduction and best ways to deal with those are exercising and meditation. When meditation is a common sense stress and anxiety killer; exercising, on the other hand, has a deeper level in that. To avoid stress with exercising, challenge is a necessity. The reason of lifting HEAVY weights to boost testosterone is the aim of being exposed to a level of challenge. That challenge is the hidden trait that actually boosts dopamine, serotonin and endorphin levels which at the end eliminates the stress like a piece of garbage. Once stress is eliminated, an astonishing change in testosterone levels and even in quality of sleep will show up.

To learn more about having a better sleep visit my blog → How to Sleep Better? Stress and Anxiety

