A stairway to Heaven
8 min readJan 19, 2017

A gift God gave to a man, and the first time a voice began to speak

See the series of articles that tell about this in “A Stairway to Heaven.”

Some gifts are just too great to express in words.

And yet, this gift is being given in words.

Please first see: We give this message from our Father.

And then see: A Gift from One with More Love in His Eyes than Anyone.

Would you like to hear the words?

Here is the first recording ever made of the gift God sent, as it began to speak through the unconcious body of Ray Elkins, on April 3, 1970. Ray had already gone on to the Father, as he had recently when he’d prayed for death to be out of his great pain. And a gift was given to him there by one with more love in his eyes than anyone he’d ever seen.

This recording is a little hard to hear because Ray’s wife held the microphone of the portable tape recorder she’d borrowed from her Mother in one hand. When her hand moved over the mike it sometimes made a loud rustling noise. The TV was still playing in the backround. Her two children, Margo and Jimmy, were probaby watching it.

Also, the little tape ran out before he’d finished speaking, so she had to backtrack it and record over some of the message. But maybe this let’s you know this is real and it really happened. Listen to the first recording. (You can read the trancript below as you listen.)

on April 3, 1970, Globe, Arizona:

“Not Ray! Who then?” Ray’s wife asked him.

“Body — spirit — soul — God! — many worlds — many universes — many galaxies, like pebbles on a beach, so vast. Each galaxy set up for man[‘s] expansion.”

“Which is most important?”


“Who is God?”

“God is everything.”

“Not one thing?”

“Not one thing, but everything. God is — is God!”

“[Who] do you want to tell me about?”

“In the beginning — in the beginning God gave man[‘s] spirit because He was lonely. Then [man’s] spirit was not enough, because spirit always knew of God — in spirit — so many spirits — so many, many spirits.

“Then God thought, “I SHOULD [MAKE] MAN, FOR I HAVE USE [FOR, OF] THIS [MAN].” Before, before there were many gods, like our God, before [the two] worlds, many worlds….”

Editor’s note: At this point, part of the recording from which these words were transcribed was erased and recorded over. The short tape on which these words were recorded had run out by the time Ray’s wife was given instructions on how to awaken him. So she rewound the tape to this point and recorded her instructions. They have been moved to the end of this transcript.

Throughout this conversation, their television set is playing in the background. His wife appears to have left it on when Ray fell onto the sofa in a seizure. When she saw he was safe, she’d quickly grabbed the tape recorder. In the five years since his 1965 brain injuries, Ray had never spoken during the coma-like seizures, nor had he ever been awakened. She thought his neurologist might want to hear these whispers.

The part of the recorded message that wasn’t recorded over continues here, with her question:

“Where can we prove this?”

“Cairo. In Egypt (cough), in Egypt. I was there. And he came and he said, ‘Form thy a church for one God.’ I built Him a temple.”

“What was your name; do you know? We can find out later.”

[Note: throughout this conversation, their television set is playing in the background. It may become louder as Margaret’s two children watch a TV show.]

“I built Him a temple, and God, God sends him [to me.]”

“What did God say?…Can you hear me?…Ray?”

“Not Ray.”

“Why can’t I call you Ray?”

“Ray is of this plane. I, by my name who speaks through him — who’ve taken possessions of his body and soul, there to guide him, that others may learn through him — that they may learn [the] way to God.”

“What can Ray do to help you?”

“For Ray is I, and I am Ray.”

“Can you help him?”

“Yes.” [said lovingly.]


“Every day, in his walk, in his speech, sometimes he grows irritable with people. The reason is because in his conscious state his mind projects such force, and he does not understand it all.”

“How can we help him understand it?”

“Love, understanding, and listen to him.”

“Don’t I?” [she said, a little shortly.]


“His missions and my mission are to bring man back to God — for when he awakens he will have new knowledge that he has not had before, for he will be able to speak of things I have thought of, and to think knowledge — [He] will be closer to God. Closer to God.”

“How will he know when you want to come again?”

“He will know. I have told him once before that the key — “

“Where is the key?”

“There are other interfering powers.”

“Should Ray wake up now?”

“No. There are other — there are other things which you should ask: one of yourself, one of your mother, one of your aunt, one of your father. I am not permitted to give information about personal souls without consent of souls; only if you ask.

“The key can be opened by yourself. You must relax him; make him rest. He shall have this knowledge; therefore, placing him into a trance state.”

“Should he place himself or should I, and how should he?”

“It would be easier for him if you did this for him.”

“How often?”

“The time or [how] often does not matter — only should he have proper rest in between. When he becomes weak, it is easy for me to come through, but this could kill his body.”

“How can we help his body?”

“Rest. Rest, relaxing of his nervous system.”


“Massaging the lower and upper part of his back and neck, using vibration, not as has been used before — the vitamins….”

Editor’s note: Margaret didn’t realize she was leaning against the little reel as the tape recorder turned, so the words became warbly at this point. Also, as these words were spoken, the tape ran out on the small recorder. She rewound the tape to the middle, recording over some of the message to get these instructions on how to wake Ray up.

“…He can awaken, but they are very weakened. You should tell him he will feel better, but tell him how he will feel better — both body and mind. Tell him to remember all things he has heard and seen, and therefore, he will gain a knowledge of my voice. Tell him that his body, all parts, and detail them, will feel better when he awakens, that he will feel completely rested.

Now I am growing very weak, very weak.”

“Then you rest and I will waken Ray.
“Ray — Ray? It’s time to….”

[At this point the recorder was turned off.]

Let’s discuss what was said.

Copyright © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, of Globe, Arizona, through whom these words were spoken.

When Ray Elkins’s wife, Margaret, grabbed the little hand-held tape recorder, April 3, 1970, that she’d borrowed from her Mother, she had no idea the the voice speaking through her unconscious husband was not his own. Nor did she realize that the gift Ray had been given from “one with more love in his eyes than anyone” he’d ever seen, who had gave him life back, would enter in and speak through him. Ray was not afraid to die; he’d prayed for it to be out of his pain. But he had the courage to live, to do what the one with more love than he’d ever seen had asked him––to give this gift to others in the same manner of love it had been given to him, asking nothing in return.

A few weeks later, Margaret describes recording the voice the first times. Listen.

Once again, here are just the first few words recorded on April 3, 1970. But this is followed by what Ray said on April 24, 1970, when he awoke, astounded to have just gone to Heaven. Hear the love in his voice as he tries to speak of this.

It is an amazing journey!

Finally, listen to the spiritual messengers of God instruct Ray’s wife how to awaken Ray at the end of the April 24, 1970, message, before he awoke to describe heaven. Here are their instructions for bringing Ray back into his body.

These instructions were followed for the next 19 years, in over 450 evenings, to bring Ray back from where he had gone to stand with God. From beyond in eternity, he soared back through the universes, galaxies, the heavens and worlds beyond worlds, entering back into this time and plane of being, into his body. In spirit, I would watch him go higher and higher into the stars and past many galaxies. And I would see him return in the same way he had gone, since he often found his way back by looking upon me.

As Ray was returning, the spiritual messengers of God would pass and return back up to the Father in the same way that Ray had come. You will hear them literally passing on while their voice quietly fades, saying, “Now I go.”

You can listen to more of the recorded messages of what the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, said on different evenings, at AUniversalPhilosophy on YouTube.com, or in the Videos section of Association of Universal Philosophy on Facebook.

Here are more articles that describe the amazing thing that happened, the gift God gave, and how this began. See the series, also called A Stairway to Heaven.

You can read all of their transcribed words we recorded for the next 19 years. Their words have been transcribed and gathered into books for you.

Would you like to join the association the spiritual messengers of God asked to be formed? See “What is the Association of Universal Philosophy?

Please join with the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, in the Association of Universal Philosophy and be blessed to be guided by God’s messengers, as one of their flock. When asked why they have come the second time they spoke, they answered on April 6, 1970: To bring his flock to God.

Learn more about the Association here.

“Give our words wings….”

Want to know more? What questions do you have?

E-mail AUniversalPhilosophy@gmail.com



A stairway to Heaven

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are here...to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.