What Is the Association of Universal Philosophy?

A stairway to Heaven
40 min readJan 15, 2017


“What is universal philosophy? How did an association begin?

Webster’s dictionary defines universal as used or understood by all; an entity(s) which can be in many places at the same time, throughout the universe.

Philos is loving, dear. Sophy is skill, wisdom.

Universal philosophy is “loving, dear, wise, skilled entity(s), used or understood by all, who can be in many places at the same time, throughout the universe.”

How appropriate a name the spiritual messengers of God gave their association with individual men and women, when they asked the Father what to call this gift the Creator sends.

To “associate” is to connect or bring into relation; to keep company; to unite, combine; to enter into union. Association is…suggested by or connected with something other than itself; an organization of people with a common purpose and having a formal structure. The spiritual messengers of God asked us to add “association” in front of this name.

And so, the Association of Universal Philosophy came into being. It is an association of all of this, in the fullest sense of the meaning.

The Association of Universal Philosophy is an association of our Father, by whatever name you may call our Creator––through the spiritual messengers of God He sends to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah — and in people of all faiths, religions, beliefs, and colors, who choose to join with them. The purpose of the association is to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah––first within one’s own heart — and then to give this gift to others in the same manner love it has been given.

Would you like to join with the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, and people? See how at end of this article. Or follow us on Facebook at the Association of Universal Philosophy page.

This is how the gift was first given.

On March 25, 1970, as the brightest light in the heavens passed over, spiritual messengers of God came to this earth — to a town named Globe, Arizona, to enter into a man named Ray Elkins and speak.

Read how this happened in, “We give this message from our Father,” and “A Gift from One with More Love in His Eyes than Anyone,” (Click titles). Also hear the recording the first time the gift spoke, in A Stairway to Heaven.

The gift or words was first called the “spiritual philosophy of God.” The spiritual messengers of God soon suggested “association” be placed in front of this, and asked that a club or church be formed––“Permanent records must be kept.”

People began to come to hear who were from many faiths. On December 18, 1974, the spiritual messengers of God suggested the name be changed to the “association of universal philosophy.” All are welcome.

“We give this knowledge so that man, all of man, would know of the love of our Father, and by knowing of the love our Father has to give,
of the tears our Father sheds, that all men of all religions should come to our Father together in peace and love.”

Spoken by spiritual messengers of God on July 15, 1970

“The spirit was left that it may flow through all mankind….

“We have come but for one purpose, and that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And we say unto you, all of you, open your door that we might enter, and therefore, there can be a place prepared within each of you for his coming.

“But from a mother’s womb, so shall he be born….”
Spoken by the spiritual messengers of God, December 29, 1972

To hear the voice as the spiritual messengers of God speak these words, click here.

“Let new birth come into you.
Let it be born in you. And each day as you arise,
let it become a new day and a new world.
And as you close your eyes at night,
thank the Lord that He has placed you at this time where you are,
in the time of the preparation of the coming of the Messiah….
“Let it (the Spirit) reach unto all religions of all faiths.”

Spiritual messengers of God, December 8, 1978

“What Is the Destiny of This Organization?”

December 2, 1977, a man asked this question of the spiritual messengers of God. “Aka,‘What is the destiny of this organization?’…‘And will the new Messiah use the organization to accomplish his purpose?’”

God’s spiritual messengers answered him through their instrument (or prophet) Ray Elkins, who had given up his body and gone on to God that they might come and speak: “The organization is only here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And there will be those within the organization who shall walk with him. But all shall serve with him. And a thousand years of peace shall come upon the earth, and a new heaven and a new earth shall be born again.”

Answering him further, they said: “You have asked within your mind, must you believe? And we say unto you, that decision must come from within yourself. But a man without the belief, and the tradition of belief, shall build rainbows in the sky.

Look into the order of all things upon your earth, and then tell us there is no God.

Look into the order of your universe and galaxies, and tell us there is no God.

And look from where we have come.

Beyond time and space in the eternal and in all there is, close beside the Creator, Aka dwells.

“We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, no other.

We are here to serve your needs,” the spiritual messengers of God said. “We have done so. We have provided,” they answered him, knowing the fullness of the love and blessings they had given him with God’s permission — and knowing his day-to-day thoughts as they had walked beside him, providing for his guidance and individual needs. “We did not strike a bargain with you; we stated in fact that which we would do, and have completed that task in full. We would say unto you, what is greed, and what is need?”

As the spiritual messengers of God speak, the thoughts from spirit so close to God seem to reach into in many minds and many places throughout the world. A woman had a dream in the same month the spiritual messengers of God answered the question on the destiny of the organization.

She asked the spiritual messengers of God, April 21, 1978, “Could you explain a dream I had in December 1977…” about “working with Ray, especially with children?”

The spiritual messengers of God answered, “That which soul Ray is showing you is a scripture that shall come forth, and be blessed by the people.

“When you were prepared for death, he gave you life. When you were prepared to have nothing but yourself, he gave you the fulfillment.

“The scripture is the writing of the coming of the Messiah that shall be written, and is written, in the many religions across the land. But yet farther, he has fed your mind that you shall enhance the knowledge in threefold.”

On August 5, 1977, the spiritual messengers of God said: “We are here for the preparation and the coming of the Messiah, that the mark [of the beast, see The Revelation] shall not be cast upon God’s children. As we came forth, we came forth in five places, and the readings as you hear them now, and our voice was heard in five places upon your earth. Now we are able to reach into many mouths and bring forth that day of preparation.

“Our words, give them wings. And wherever you should say it in truth for the betterment of mankind, we shall travel and be there to serve you. For we do not sleep. For wherever you journey, the gift that you shall receive here shall go with you. And only the thought, and we shall be with you. But we are not great. We are but the messengers of your Father and ours, God.

“In your minds you say, ‘Why then do you not speak of the one known as Jesus of Nazara, the first-begotten son?’

“And we say unto you, we speak of these things unto which you seek knowledge as we look unto your minds. We need not speak for him who shall come later, for he shall speak for himself, and you shall hear him. Our job is not to place words in his mouth, our job is the preparation for his coming.

“Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children; and glory be the name of the Messiah.” Spoken August 5, 1977, by the spiritual messengers of God.

“We have come, not to change the Laws, but to fulfill the prophecies of the same. We have come not to change that that was given within Moses’ time. We have come not to change that that was given unto Isaiah. We have come not to change that that was given, and the gift that was given, in the one known as Jesus.

But hark unto these words — we have come for this time.

“We have come from those who should make their entry. We have come from those who did say unto our Father, ‘Send those who know You best to prepare a way for our coming, that our Father’s words should not be misinterpreted.’” [See John 14:15–26, 15:26–27, 16:7–15, and 16:19–24.] Spoken by spiritual messengers of God, December 29, 1972. To hear them speak this message, click here.

Here are the first recorded words, April 3, 1970, after Ray’s wife hears him say, “Not Ray.”

“Not Ray, Who then?” Margaret asks her unconscious husband. He’d just fallen onto the sofa in a coma-like seizure like others he’d had since brain injuries five years before. But for the first time, he spoke.

“Body — spirit — soul — God! — many worlds — many universes —
many galaxies, like pebbles on a beach, so vast. Each galaxy set up for man’s expansion,”
a voice whispers through Ray Elkins’s unconscious body. Ray had left his body to go on to God, as he had done recently upon dying. Spiritual messengers of God had entered it to speak.

“Which is most important?” his wife wisely asks the voice that was not Ray.


“Who is God?”

“God is everything.”

“Not one thing?” she asks.

“Not one thing, but everything. God is — is God!”

“[Who] do you want to tell me about?”

“In the beginning — in the beginning God gave man[‘s] spirit because He was lonely. Then [man’s] spirit was not enough, because spirit always knew of God — in spirit — so many spirits — so many, many spirits.

“Then God thought, ‘I SHOULD [MAKE] MAN….’”

Do you see the spiritual messengers of God in the photo? See the 12 or 13 parallel rays of infintie light shining down from above and beyond the ceiling over Ray’s head, surrounding and entering into his unconscious body to dwell within it to speak? From eterniity, spirit sent from God shines through universes and galaxies beyond galaxies, to enter into time — and into this time as they hover above the Earth, and Globe, Arizona — to enter into a man to speak to us, so we can hear. Two microphones on a stand cast a horizontal shadow across his shirt from the ceiling chandalier, above and in front of Ray. The microphones have been blessed by the spiritual messengers of God to not interfere with their coming, they said.

If you look closely you can see 12 or 13 rays streaming down from above and entering into Ray’s body after he left it to stand with God. Each ray is the colors of the rainbow — all the spectrum of the universe, visible and invisible — in God’s covenant to man.

The editor took this photo in 1973 with a 35-mm-Nikormat camera after 8 p.m. It was dark outside. The corner of this room has dark-brown wall paneling with darker verticle stripes. There is no light source or window above or behind Ray. The living room window (in front of and to the right of him, and behind the photographer) has closed blackout curtains. (They were probably there to help block out daylight when Ray suffered severe headaches). On this night, the only light source in the room is a very dimmed chandelier on the ceiling, facing Ray. (It is above and to the left of the photograher.) The chandalier’s light is perpendicular to this light shining down from God. It could not cause the diagonal rays of light you see shining down upon Ray’s head and upon and into his reclining body from above the ceiling. This is an actual photo of the spiritual messengers of God!

One may be reminded of these words: “When all things began, the Word already was. The Word dwelt with God, and what God was, the Word was. The Word, then, was with God at the beginning, and through him all things came to be; no single thing was created without him. All that came to be was alive with his life, and that life was the light of men.

The light shines on in the dark, and the darkness has never mastered it.

“There appeared a man named John, sent from God; he came as a witness to testify to the light, that all might become believers through him. He was not himself the light; he came to bear witness to the light. The real light which enlightens every man was even then coming into the world.

“He was in the world; but the world, though it owed its being to him, did not recognize him. He entered his own realm, and is own would not receive him. But to all who did receive him, he gave the right to become children of God, not born of any human stock, or by the fleshly desire of a human father, but the offspring of God himself. So the Word became flesh; he came to dwell among us, and we saw his glory, such glory as befits the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth.

“Here is John’s testimony to him: he cried aloud, ‘This is the man I meant when I said, “He comes after me, but takes rank before me;” for before I was born he already was….’

“No one has ever seen God; but God’s only Son, he who is nearest to the Father’s heart, he has made him known.” (John 1:1–18)

The spiritual messengers of God say, “We have come but for one purpose, and that is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.”

Here is an account of their coming — “A Gift from One with More Love in His Eyes than Anyone” that Ray had ever seen.

The spiritual messengers of God said to a man on December 9, 1972: “That of God shall be of God’s.

“Hallowed be the name of the Lord, our Father. Hallowed be the name of His children.

“As you should make ready upon this land for the celebration of the one known as Jesus’ birth, let each of you place forth upon this night of nights unleavened bread, that that has no yeast. Let each of you take of the wine. Kneel before your God and give thanks that once again your Messiah shall come into you and your world shall give joy everlasting. Open your hearts. Let the spirit of this one enter, for he left it upon your earth to flow as a river — but not rushing — gently, slowly, ever more beautiful….”

“Therefore, we should say, pick up the yoke of love. Study of the wine we have placed before you. You shall have many questions. We have placed teachers at your feet. Come with understanding, and the knowledge thy seek shall be given with understanding. Come with love, and the love shall be returned in kind.

You shall answer us in this manner, that you fully do not understand that we have spoken of. But we should answer in this manner, let your mind digest that that it can. Let it hold that that it cannot for another time. But cast not aside any part, for new knowledge should come each moment through all the planes of time.

“Thy have other questions, ask.”

A young woman, who felt their incomprehensible vastness of this that was far more than a man speaking, tried to think of what messengers had come from God in more recent times. Could this be who was speaking?

She asked “if you are the same messenger as the one who came to Joseph Smith, who began the Mormon faith?”

“We are many. We have come unto many throughout the time of times, for where we dwell there is no time, and where we dwell there is no form. We came upon the earth, this you should call of your home, in the beginning.

“For that of myself, for I am soul Ray and soul Ray is I, and that his karma should be no more, for that that he was in the beginning, so was I.

“Yet, as life was given into his body, we were allowed to enter.

“For both of the prophets thy should ask about are one of the same. Yet each shall do that which they were placed upon the earth to do, for they are but instruments of our Father.

“And from the beginning and through to the ending is but the same, for life to life, as dust to dust. For does not a wise God place His children upon the earth to hunt and feed that of His kind?

“Thy have other questions, ask….”

“Aka, are you also speaking of Nezahualcoyotl?” [an anthropologist asked.]

“Yes, we see thy need. And we speak of the same.

“And glory be the name of the Lord.”

As spiritual messengers of God — just as those who spoke through prophets before — they often refer to earlier prophecies and scriptures, with which they are in keeping. They say they have come, not to change the Laws or prophecies, but to show man their fulfillment for this time.

There are many scriptures that speak of this fulfillment. One is Jesus farewell message written in John 17.

Decembeer 29, 1972: “We are here but for one purpose, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. Open your door that we may enter, and therefore, there can be a place prepared within you, each of you, for his coming. But from a mother’s womb, so shall he be born.”

They speak through all time. They are many; and they have come unto many throughout time.

The spiritual messengers of God were recorded speaking through Ray from 1970 to 1989. They gave guidance, prophecies, teachings and healing of the body, soul and spirit to many who asked who came in need. And they continue to do this in many other ways. They have come with a message and gift from our Father for individual men and women, and for our world.

Some consider Aka’s words much like those of the “sleeping prophet,” Edgar Cayce, or prophets of many faiths — such as those translated from a messenger of God to Joseph Smith; spoken by Quetzalcoatl, the South American Indian prophet; and given in other North American Indian prophecies. Their words bring to mind those written in the Laws and prophecies of the Jewish holy scriptures, the Tanakh, and in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible; and told by the archangel, Gabriel, to the prophet, Muhammad. Their teachings also are as the knowledge of the Buddha, or the enlightened ones. And they resemble ancient Egyptian writings on the resurrection and the God of one, and the Vedic hymns.

The spiritual messengers of God said, February 25, 1977: “You may have many religions upon your earth, many faiths. God has laid no rules down for His worship. This man has done. If all the faiths upon the earth could take the time to understand the other’s faith, this would be the first step for your peace upon earth. If this were done this day, the reign and the time for the Anti-Christ could not be at all.

“Remember, through your prayer, through your meditation, the face of the earth could be changed in the twinkling of an eye. And through unity, a man linking his hand with another, then all could stand.

“There is but one God, and that is all that should matter. How another chooses to worship Him should not matter, but linking the hands.
Choose your own direction in your own way to worship. Give the other, your neighbor, the right that they may worship in their own way.

“It is said that all that is good will stand, and so it has been with the philosophy that has stood within your religions. The one thing is, and has been, man’s own selfishness to say that, ‘Only my way can be the pathway unto the Lord.’ If a river came through your land, the way you’d drink from it would make little difference; it would all be the same water. But if you chose to dam it up a little, and share it, then all mankind could rejoice in the sweet bread….”

September 10, 1970: “Remember, your greatest work is to unite all your religions unto one. And by doing so, not to change a man’s faith, but so that thy and that man should respect each other’s religion and your worship of God in such a way that each of you may enter our Father’s many mansion in his own way. But your love for your fellow man shall be such that even though he enters our Father’s kingdom in a different way from yours, you shall help him enter.”

In 1973, the Association of Universal Philosophy (AUP) was formed.

February 25, 1977: “We say unto you, there are many studies upon the earth. As a river should flow, it should have many beginnings, but one ending. It should either flow out upon the lands in many places, or it should flow to the sea and complete its cycle, and there­fore, flow unto the many lands. It should begin as a brook in many places. But the home of the brook lies in the sea. The vastness of the sea is like the vastness of the Lord. Prepare, therefore, unto the coming of the Messiah, and fulfillment shall come in abundance…. “

“Glory be the name of the Lord. And glory be the name of those who have chosen to walk with him….”

“We say unto you, look at us. We speak unto you through one instrument, yet we are many. Some of us have walked upon this earth of yours many [arcans] ago. Yet some of us have walked across land and earths and planets where your seed lays, those of your kind. They have changed and adapted themselves to their own planetary substance. But we walk through all of these things. The vastness of the Lord is unlimited. We have but one God. He is the God of the living, not of the dead, so there is no death for those who should worship Him. For did He not promise unto you an everlasting life?

Many times there are those among us who have experienced what you call death. The taste of life is sweet. The breathing of the air that we experience as we come through this instrument is wondrous — the feeling and the touch — all of these things. But for us is yet of a greater mission. For we walk as close to God as a tear from His eye, yet we walk as close to you as the beat of your heart. Glory be the name of the Lord.

“Now is the time of the Cherubim.”

“You have asked another question in you mind, ‘How high or how low are the spirits of us?’

“Then, I shall answer this way –
for we who were sent from God may speak with God.

“There are many missions upon this earth in different work from ours, but I shall tell you this, at this time, this mission, and the spirits gathered here, are as close to God as His eyes and His heart.”

Do angels gather flocks? Or do flocks gather to hear angels?

A man was touched by what he felt and heard while he sat beside the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, the first month of their coming to read people’s questions to them. The presence was unlike the man’s body he sat beside; it felt so holy, vast, loving, so close to God.

A group was beginning to flock to listen, or to ask the loving spirit sent from God for healing, guidance or help with their needs. What they asked was often given to them from the Father, yet, they were told the spiritual messengers of God had come but for one purpose, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

All this perhaps inspired Rod to ask a question, May 21, 1970: “Are we coming to the end of the age? We talked about, ah, that Lucifer would be put in a pit, and that, I believe you said, that Christ would rule for a thousand years — are we coming close to this time when this will take place?”

The spiritual messengers of God answered: “Yes, you are close, but first, there must be a way made for him. For his warriors, as on earth and in heaven, must be chosen.” [See The Revelation 14:1–5, 14–20; 15:2–4; and chapter 19.]

“For this to be done, that, and for the coming of eternal peace on earth, our work and our coming has happened in many places upon thy earth. Others, like soul Ray, have been chosen. If man is to heed thy word of God and to build thy temple of God, not from riches or material things, for is it not better to look upon God in an open field and love Him than to build Him a castle of many jewels and hate Him, and turn your false faces to Him?

“For now, [your need, learn thee], and I shall give thee the name now of thy group, for yours shall be the philosophy, ‘the spiritual philosophy of God.’ This shall be the name of thy group.

“If during the day, each of you could spend a little time in meditation, and thinking of God and love, and each day thy could seek out one soul upon thy plane and speak one word in the name of God, then God’s temple would slowly be built, and no more of God’s tears should be shed, and all of His mansions shall be full.

“Do not ridicule any church, as thy would call it upon this plane. For in their own way, if thy should shed but one teardrop from God, it is as important as many — and God shall love thee the same.”

On June 9, 1970, Aka spoke to a woman: “Look within thyself, my daughter, and think upon us and think upon God.

“We are not great; we only carry the message of God. This is a philosophy of man and a philosophy of God. This is why we’ve asked that thy would call thy group ‘the spiritual philosophy of God.’

“For her, remember that God is with thee everywhere. It is not necessary to fall on your knees at a false altar. The altar of God is all around you. We shall help you if you will accept this help.”

“This is a philosophy of man, and a philosophy of God.”

On July 12, 1970, the spiritual messengers of God told those who were gathered listening: “Form thee a club. Permanent records must be kept! Can thy understand this?” [Note: The words Aka spoke from April 3, 1970, through August 30, 1989, were recorded on tape and archived. You can now read transcripts here or here.

And you can listen to some of their recorded words at AUniversalPhilosophy on YouTube.

We honor their request on April 15, 1970: “This I shall repeat again, there can never be any gain, material gain, from these readings, or from my work, only the gain that your souls shall receive from God’s word.”

Here is the newsletter, “Rays of Philosophy,” which subscribing members of the Association of Universal Philosophy receive every two months. Please join us.

On August 24, 1970, the spiritual messengers of God said: “We have called this group the philosophy, the spiritual philosophy of God.”

August 13, 1971: “But remember, with faith thy can now walk on the water, for the water is the spiritual philosophy of your God.” [See Acts 1:12–26, 2:1–39.]

The first Annual Meeting of the Association of the Spiritual Philosophy of God was on May 10, 1972. Seven ministers were ordained, including Ray, in a sacred service where each made vows to God. As each vow was made and a candle on each seven-stick candelabra was lit, the light of God entered into each minister, who became one of God’s people, as He became their God. The spiritual messengers of God also joined with and in each minister, to walk as one, in this new covenant between men and women and God.

Three months before, on January 28, 1972, the spiritual messengers of God provided vows for the ministers to make.

And now we should say unto thee these words. The time grows near when those of thy group thy have chosen for the ministry shall walk before our prophet, and therefore, be made unto ministers of this, our Father’s work.

“And they should do so in this manner. Each should walk before this one. And this one should say unto them:

‘Should thee promise in our Father’s light to teach these things our Father has given unto thee to teach?

‘Should thee at no time be prejudiced against any man?

‘Should thee at all time, for those who come in need, minister in both healing of the body and healing of the soul and the spirit, and the immortal body of the same?’

“And should they say, ‘yes,’ then he should take of what thy should know of the candelabra, but this one should have of seven candles. And each one who is chosen should be presented with this. And, as each time he should say, ‘yes,’ one candle should be lit. And then unto another.

“These who should be chosen should be versed into the words we have spoken unto thee. They should have the honest effort unto helping mankind. And above all, they should enter all things with an open mind, closing their mind to nothing. And they shall never cease in their learning.

“But you should remind them that the oath that they should take should be for [their] lifetime upon this plane and all others.

“And then thy should ask into them, ‘Are you prepared to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah?’

“And should they say, ‘yes,’ then have them rise. And walk with them, and break bread with them and drink wine with them.

“For remember, for those who you shall choose, among you, nothing can be hidden from one another. All things must come in truth from God, for you shall walk in the light of God, and should be known as men and women of God.”

“Are you prepared to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah?” The light of God and spirit He sends shines in the seven candles and also as the light within each one who is ordained before God. The Revelation 5:6 says: “And I looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as though it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth. Then He came and took the scroll out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne.” (See sll that is said in the Revelation, chapters 4–5.) A way must be prepared within an individual’s heart and mind, and then it can be given to others in the same manner of love it was given to him or her.

Each year, the Ministers and Teachers renew their vows at the Annual Meetings. The Teachers promise one thing: to show prejudice against no person. If you think about it, if we learn but this, we could begin peace on Earth.

The following year, on April 20, 1973, the role of Teacher was created:

“And now we should say unto thee, for we see thy need — for those who should come before our Father in a righteous manner, our Father should give glory unto them. But we should suggest in these words, that before one should become in whole, ministers, they should be teachers for one year first. Those who have been chosen should be honored as teachers in your May meeting.” [Editor’s note: the second annual meeting.]

“It is good that you should review all of the ministers within your group. Do so as you have suggested. But for the new, after they have served one year as teachers, then they should know in full within their hearts their own destiny before them.

“You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. When you speak of these people as teachers, do you mean that they should teach in separate sessions in their own homes, or do you mean that they should work with the group much as they have been working?”

They should do both. But they should work at all times within the structure of your group.”

“For the teacher can never be greater than his student. And the student can never be greater than his teacher….Take from thy hands all prejudice, that they shall teach in a righteous manner before their God.’ Each Teacher receives one candle for they year he or she serves first, before becoming a Minister.

Apil 27, 1973: “Aka, do you have any words for us on the certification of the teachers?”

“Yes, we should answer in this manner. Let the teachers come unto the prophet. And let the prophet say unto the teachers, ‘For the teacher can never be greater than his student. And the student can never be greater than his teacher.’ Let the prophet say unto them, ‘Take from thy hands all prejudice, that they shall teach in a righteous manner before their God.’

“They shall serve under the direction of the prophet. They shall learn from your ministers.

“And let the ministers stand and take a vow before the teacher that all of their knowledge shall be given freely unto the teacher, and they shall hide nothing from one another. But we say unto thee in these words, let minister or teacher hide that that has been given from one another, they shall no longer remain of either. And we say unto you in these words, what the Lord has given, the Lord can taketh away. Beware.

“For this day we have laid aside that these teachers should be honored. And the Lord, God, shall look upon them, and He shall honor them. And the Council shall be present, and they shall honor them. For we, as they, are but teachers. And we are not great. We are here but for one purpose, as they should be, for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

“Let not they bring into this work prejudice of any kind.

“And glory be the name of the Lord.”

Several months before, on February 16, 1973, Aka named the organization that was coming into being: “This shall be the Spiritual Philosophy of God.” The name was given four months before the Association for the Spiritual Philosophy of God was incorporated in June 1973. (Here is the June 10, 1973, newsletter.)

The following year, the spiritual messengers of God said, February 16, 1974: “Soon shall be the time that should cometh forward into the certification of your teachers and ministers. As this is a philosophical organization, the ministers of this work are different than any other known upon your earth, and the teachers are different. Now is the time to take into thy mind serious thought of that unto which you, each of you that should be asked to serve, can fulfill. We have come not to take you from your religions or your faiths, but to build upon that that is already there. We have come not to change the laws of Moses, nor Jesus, but to show you the fulfillment of the same.

“We have shown you that of the light in the sky you should call Kohoutek, the one we should choose to call Yahweh, that has spread and [coveth] one third of the earth at a time. We have shown you the light of our Lord.

“Now cometh the time that we should show you the flowers.

“But remember also that the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Now eruptions shall arise, and the toil upon the earth shall be heavy. The Anti-Christ is walking upon your earth. Greed is walking upon your earth in a multitude of manners; cast aside this monster. Jealousies should walk upon your earth; cast aside this monster. For each of these are a head of the Beast.

“And for those who should stand apart and be not marked by these, then the new heaven and earth shall come forth into fullness.” [See The Revelation, chapter 13, 20:1–7, and 21:1–7.]

As people learned of this work, soon, more and more people from many faiths came for healing and help with their needs. They listened to the spiritual messengers of God help all who came in need who asked. Ray and Aka were so busy throughout each day and night healing and giving counsel to them, while asking and listening to the Father for guidance. The needs of most who came seeking help were beyond his own knowledge.

Soon many came to Ray’s front door; who’d heard from another who had been helped or healed. They came from far and wide. Some came from other countries. Some did not speak English. But our Father saw their needs, and answered Ray’s fervent prayer to help them. For he remembered he had been asked by one with more love in his eyes than he had ever seen––when he’d had his own miracle of being given the choice to return from death back to life––to give this gift in the same manner of love it had been given to him.

With each person who came, Ray tried as much and even more than is humanly possible to help them––even reaching all the way he had gone before in dying to the Father to ask for their healing, their needs. Love can transcend even life and death––and sickness, into health again.

It never crossed his mind to ask anyone’s faith. The one with more love in his eyes than anyone Ray had ever seen had not asked his. Nor had he judged Ray, through he saw everything about Ray’s checkered lifetime. This one loved Ray without any conditions or reservation. He gave Ray a gift, and offered him a choice to stay or to return to life. If Ray did choose to return, he was asked to give this git to others in the same manner of love it was given to him, asking nothing in return. Ray didn’t know what the gift was. But he returned.

It was all done in free will.

And Ray tried to do the same.

As people were healed, more and more came with hopes to receive help or healing for their own, sometimes very serious, needs. The compassion Ray felt as he silently wept inside, then reach to God to find help for each precious one, transcended even his own human ability to contain this powerful love–– and love from God entered into him to help. It flowed through his mind and hands as he (They) saw and healed others’ needs.

And so, it all continued to grow––the people who flocked to Ray’s front door asking for help––the compassion, knowledge, spiritual gift and guidance entering from God into Ray of love, power and presence for healing.

It was all growing, forming into something new. Perhaps he was showing us each a way to God.

On August 2, 1974, Aka said: “And now we should say unto thee unto these words. For as river should flow so should your time of change come forward, one unto another. In the beginning we gave of thee a name for thy organization, that of the Spiritual Philosophy of God. Now we should give unto thee a new name, for now is a new time, that thy messages should flow unto the universe, and be accepted unto all faiths, of all religions. That the brook may flow, as our Father’s spirits unto the ocean, we say unto you, unto this manner. From this day forward thy name shall be the Universal Philosophy, the Association of the Universal Philosophy. Can thy understand of which we speak?”

“Yes, Aka. What about our corporation, Aka?”

“You shall change of the name of the same, and it shall flow with the words we have given unto thee. For there is a time and a purpose for all things, and we are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Your book and all material shall carry the name of the same.

Your newsletter form shall be called the Rays of Philosophy.” [Here are the 1973 and June 1974 newsletters that show the AUP beginnings.]

Click here to see the past 20 years of newsletters called “Rays of Philosophy”

August 20, 1975: “That the world should know of the coming of the Messiah, so should it take mankind. For as a brook should feed of the Seven Spirits of God that should run forth as a river, and the sands of the river should be as the spirits of man that should rush forth unto the ocean, and the ocean should be as the souls of man, and therefore, reach the lands upon the earth — only as those of true spirit [plan] and come forth into one house, laying aside their petty differences, respecting each other [in] the way they worship unto their God, can this be accomplished.

“We say unto you, we have come forth but for one purpose, and that purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Should we fail on our mission, then the Lord, God, shall take back that wonderful seed that He has implanted upon your earth, and [now] cannot destroy [in its maturity]. He shall [give] it back unto the heavens and you shall have three-thousand years of darkness upon the Earth. And man shall go back into his caves, and [plot, claw] and kill, and live [as an animal], [and worse than that happen.] So we should say unto you, bring forth in your tablet [form]. [Editor’s note: The Ten Commanments were written by God upon tablets of stone. Throughout scriptures, prophets, such as Joel, ask men and women to write His words upon their hearts; they report what they heard from the Father.]

“When we first came unto this land, and unto this nation, we did say unto the people, form thyselves [a group]. We did say unto them that they shall be known as the Spiritual Philosophy of God. And then, as the growth matured, we said unto them, form unto a new group, and it shall be called the Universal Philosophy. And so it has been done. And then we did say unto them, prepare a teacher’s course with the teachings [thy may become] ministers. And we did say unto them, take no man, nor woman, from [ ] their religion. This should be founded to add to, in the works they already have, that what we have brought forth and the knowledge we have brought forth is for this time. We have come not to change the Laws of Moses, we have come not to change the prophecies of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. We have come for this time, for the time into which you live now, and the time you are [near], then for the next twenty-five [ ] years. If our work is accomplished, then the Earth shall know a thousand years of peace, but not as you would count, but as the Lord should count; and each day should be as a thousand years. The earth shall then be plentiful and bountiful [of all], and a new heaven and a new earth shall arise from the same. And the Messiah shall rule, not as a [group?], not as punishment, but as love. And for those who have not been [ ] at that time, then all, even the lost souls, shall be lifted from the earth, and they in turn shall have [another] choice, the choice to enter this new heaven and new earth. For the earth you build shall be your heaven, [a new heaven you have].”

November 12, 1976: “And know he comes but for one purpose, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Bring forth that of yourselves and others. As one hand links unto another, the Spiritual Philosophy of God shall endure, and so it should become a Universal Philosophy. All is reaching to God in the preparation for the coming. This shall take many hands in many places. Yet if you should come unto one house, your strength with each new part should become stronger even yet.”

And this is how the Association of Universal Philosophy was formed ––the spiritual messengers of God asked us.

In much love, December 9, 1972, the spiritual messengers of God said: “New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first.”

Would you like to join us?

“This organization is designed, not as a religion; each of you here belong to you own religions, and this is as it should be. This is a philosophy,” Ray said.

Become a subscribing member for $35/year per family ($25 for seniors or the disabled). You will receive the newsletter, “Rays of Philosophy,” every two months. (See samples here.)

Importantly, your contribution will be helping the Association of Universal Philosophy to go on with, and to support the work of the spiritual messengers of God, in whose Association you will be.

Twelve years after Aka arrived a church was built. In December 1982 (during the season many celebrate the Advent of Christ and the preparation for his coming) Ray dedicated it to God and named the building simply, “a church to God.” A sign in front says, “All faiths welcome.”

See a slideshow of the church through the years, from 1982 to 2018. And see “A church that is dedicated simply to God.”

This is the purpose of the Association of Universal Philosophy, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Books of the spiritual messengers of God’s teachings are now written (you can click on the links or their names to see what they’re about).

Here are the parables that Aka spoke to us in paperback:

Here are the parables as ebooks, if you prefer. (They are also published in 17 ebooks, one for each year in which they were spoken. Both series, Angels Messages: Parables of Wisdom for the Thirsting Soul (Books 1–5) and Angels Tell Parables for Today (ebooks 1–17) contain the same parables. So just choose one series.

Angel Messages: Parables of Wisdom for the Thirsting Soul (Books 1–5) is available in ebooks and paperbacks (black and white) with book 1 also in color paperback. (Click links.) The same parables are ao avaiabe in shorter ebooks as Angels Tell Parables for Today (Books 1–17)

The spiritual messengers of God said, July 16, 1971:And now we should give thee a task….Therefore, you should separate these readings. Separate the philosophy from the medical readings; separate the life readings from the medical readings; but combine all three into one writing, yet make yet three writings. Can thy understand of which we speak?”

Aka lovingly said, March 5, 1971: “This task shall be laborious. But remember these words, our time grows short, for now is the time of the Cherub.”

August 13, 1971: “In the forms that thy should write, take of the philosophy and place them into booklet form. Thy must realize there are many personal messages.

This writing of philosophy includes much personal guidance (because it is philosophy or teaching too). All of this is collected into the book, Universal Philosophy. The first two books below are the philosophy in paperback (with 792 and 786 pages respectively). The third book you see is the ebook edition (with 2,086 pages.) The parables included in Universal Philosophy are also shared separately in the illustrated series, Angel Messages: Parables of Wisdom for the Thirsting Soul (Volumes 1–5).

The spiritual messengers of God said, August 13, 1971: “But remember, with faith thy can now walk on the water, for the water is the spiritual philosophy of your God.” [See Acts 1:12–26, 2:1–39.]

Readings of individuals’ past lives, to help guide them in their growth back to their Father, are told in Angels Give a Glimpse through All Time, either as the illustrated Books 1 and 2 or as a (mostly) unillustrated book. These are available ebooks or paperbacks (in black and white or color). In these amazing glimpes shared through angels’ eyes, we are see a view of mankind’s history, and origins, since the beginning, in very individual ways. Some accounts confirm history that has only been theorized, until now. Other accounts tell of long forgotten civilizations that pre-date modern recorded history. Man is much older than we know.

Finally, as we were asked to do, the medical or health readings are gathered in one collection called, Angels “See Our Needs”: the Health Readings. This title was chosen because always the spiritual messengers of God would look to see our needs even as they were entering upon Earth to speak that evening. Hours beforehand, one could feel their presence gathering in the stars, hovering overhead––literally over our heads wherever we were on Earth––looking into our thoughts and problems to see our needs, as angels do, so they could tend and help to heal us. But they would never interere with our own free will. Their suggestions were given in love to help us learn in taking care of our own selves in a way that empowered each individual and helped us grow. In the eyes of God, each individual soul (and body) is unique and specially loved. No two souls are alike. Thus, neither are two minds or bodies. Each need was inividually seen. So no two health readings are exacty alike, and should not be followed by someone other than the one for whom the guidance was given. Angels do see our needs. And that is like the love our Father has for each one of His children.

All these books are part of one writing we were asked to do, called the Book with Wings. Please see more about it below.

But first, let’s be sure to include the first book of Aka’s words; it was written in 1974. And it shares some of the loving philosophy spoken from 1970 to 1974, in A Rose without Thorns:

The second book, The Psychic Light, published in 1979 by the Association of Universal Philosophy, tells of the life and times of Ray Elkins through whom Aka spoke and healed:

And the third, Parables for Today, which was published in 1982, is now part of the complete and beautifully illustrated collection of all of the parables from 1973 to 1989, Angel Messages: Parables of Wisdom for the Thirsting Soul.

Why do we take so much time telling you about their words that are now written for you, so you can see them too, in books? It is not for profit, for April 15, 1970, the spiritual messengers of God said:

“There can never be any gain, material gain, from these readings, or from my work, only the gain that your souls shall receive from God’s word.”

No. It is a gift from God through His spriritual messengers to you, one being given to you in very great love. It is more love than you, or I, or anyone can imagine. It is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

“New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first.”

There is a notebook from the 1970's called The Book with Wings; it has a cherubim on its cover, holding an ankh, the sign of eternal life, and a great sword (mentioned in Genesis and The Revelation.) The wings of the cherubim were on the ark of the covenant given to Moses.

We often wondered why they would give their words this name? Could the spiritual messengers of God have called their messages the Book with wings because in scriptures God spoke to man through the outstretched wings of two cherubim atop the Ark of the Covenant He made with man?

They often say, “Now is the time of the Cherub.” They ask that their words be given wings and go unto the world.

A new book with the same title, the BOOK with Wings, was completed in 2004. The two volumes contain almost all of the transcripts of the words of the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, recorded from 1970 to 1989. In 2007, revision 1 of the BOOK with Wings was published. These voumes are available in libraries, including the University of Arizona and the Association of Research and Enlightenment in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

April 7, 1970: “All knowledge is at your bidding. If you have permission of a soul, ask of any subject and you shall know through me.”

July 15, 1970: We give this knowledge so that man, all of man, would know of the love of our Father, and by knowing of the love our Father has to give, of the tears our Father sheds, that all men of all religions should come to our Father together in peace and love.”

September 21, 1970: “We give this message from our Father.

We are not great; we are but messengers. We are here to prepare a way.”

October 8, 1971: “And the Lord, God, sayeth to thee these words: ‘HARK, FOR IN MY NAME I SHOULD GIVE FORTH A NEW COVETH.’”

November 30, 1971: “And we say unto thee in this manner, we are here but for one purpose, for the coming of the Messiah. For we reach outward for the need of your souls to prepare a way upon your earth for this time. And as we have said before, he has been born upon your earth, and as the Lord has sent him into the desert to be guarded, the time grows near. Must our Lord take him back and protect him or will thee stretch out thy arms and prepare a way within thyself? Now is the time of the Cherub.”

December 10, 1971: “And hark, for those who have ears to listen — for now is the time a new coveth [covenant?] should be given unto your earth, and it should come through the Book with wings.”

March 30, 1973: “We have given unto you the Book with wings, a new testament before God.”

May 23, 1973: “For this Book is not a book for today or tomorrow, but the book you are providing shall lay forth before man for a thousand years, not as you count, but as our Father counts.”

December 29, 1972, the spiritual messengers of God answered: "Your question is that of the coming of the Messiah.

“And we should answer, first, in this manner. Within your mind is the name of the one known as Jesus and that of the preparation for the entry of those who have reached the Christ state into this one. As we have said before, there are many who have reached the Christ state, and through the combination of these shall be the new Messiah. [See John, chapter 17.]

The spiritual messengers God sends have come, not from one faith, but they are of many. And they come to many — for they have come to all mankind who wish to receive.

God’s spiritual messengers explained, December 9, 1972: “We are many. We have come unto many throughout the time of times —
for where we dwell there is no time,
and where we dwell there is no form.
We came upon the Earth,
this you should call of your home,
in the beginning.”

They added, December 15, 1972: “In some places we have built whole universes,
in others, but small souls.
Yet all was mighty in the eyes of our Father.
For…we stand as close to our Father
as His eyes, His ears, and His heart;
yet, we do so in humble reverence of our holy Father.”

Join the Association of Universal Philosophy!

Join us. You will be so welcome!

And you will help this work go on — in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah!

How did the Association form? (The angels told us to). “New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first.”

In the Beginning

Near March 25, 1970, the spiritual messengers of God
were born in a man. Read their first words

What Is the Philosophy?
(the spiritual philosophy of God or universal philosophy)
Click here to know more.

“O Come to the Church in the Valley…”
O come to the church beneath the springs.

Follow the promise to the Dripping Springs —
on Christmas Star Route.
Follow his star.

Please give a gift of a dollar for firewood to help keep the church to God warm. See https://www.gofundme.com/f/warm-up-a-country-church-with-firewood?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet

Follow us also on Facebook (Association of Universal Philosophy), Twitter (@universalphilos) or AUniversalPhilosophy). Listen to Aka’s recorded words at YouTube/AUniversalPhilosophy.

You can read more at medium.com/@universalphilos (John).

Read all of the transcribed words at the amazon.com author pages, A. Ray Elkins, or Assoc.Universal.Philosophy. (The words of Aka were copyrighted in 2000 by A. Ray Elkins, 309 E. Bailey, Globe, Arizona 85502, through whom the spiritual messengers of God spoke.)

Want to join us? Have questions?
Send an e-mail to the Association of Universal Philosophy
or AUniversalPhilosophy@gmail.com.

Donate or join. Becoming a subscribing member of the Association of Universal Philosophy.

You can donate any amount you like — $1 or more. It will be very appreciated.

Or if you want to join us, subscribing membership per family is $35 a year (or $25 for the disabled or elderly). It’s important to be sure to email us your name, and your email or U.S. mailing address, to let us know you’re joining so we can send you the bimonthly newsletter and other gifts. Please email us at one of the addresses above. We are so happy that you’re joining us. Know that you are welcome!

Also see “How did the Association of Universal Philosophy Begin?

Read more at A Stairway to Heaven.



A stairway to Heaven

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are here...to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.