Go Achieve More Today

VEON Careers
6 min readApr 28, 2017


Advice from the Head of Administration at VEON Global Shared Services Pakistan

“In Pakistan, technology is becoming more embedded in people’s lives,” notes Kashir. “It’s gone from ‘ Telegram to Landline to Facebook, as at my home three generations are living, my 76 years old mother ‘Telegram Generation’ has recently learned to use Facebook and enjoying a constant contact with children & grandchildren.”

Indeed, technology changes quickly. And it’s making life easier and more enjoyable for lots of people, like Kashir’s mother. “You have to keep up with this technology if you’re going to succeed,” says Kashir. Now, that’s some solid advice. Let’s hear some more great tips from Kashir about accomplishing more in life.

1. Carnivorous plants don’t waste a good meal (aka take advantage of opportunities)

Have you even seen a carnivorous plant eat an insect or worm? It’s quite the sight.

What’s the point here? Well, carnivorous plants never let an opportunity for a tasty meal pass them by (yummy insects!).

You should also be ready to snag opportunities when they come knocking. Kashir’s career has been all about that. Here’s what he says about his career:

“In the early 2000s I joined the handset industry right when companies like Nokia and Samsung entered the Pakistani Market. I then joined Mobilink (now Jazz) as Logistics Manager responsible for ‘imports & exports’. After a merger of the Logistics & Procurement department I became the Regional Head of Supply Chain. I then moved to admin in 2015.”

While working for Mobilink, Kashir was made officiating head of administration at Islamabad office. This challenging assignment necessitated managing Operations, Services & Facilities the 7000+ employee base spread across the country.

When Mobilink and Warid merged, forming Jazz , Kashir was right there to make a difference during this incredible moment.

“This was the first time in Pakistan two major telcos merged,” Kashir emphasizes. “It’s been a great experience to be a part of something so historical.”

Kashir is now Head of Administration for VEON at our office in Islamabad. He’s taking advantage of the opportunity to better serve 235 million customers across 12 markets.

“Moving to VEON Pakistan Global Shared Services Administration has been incredible as I have been given more responsibility to build things from Scratch!”

As you see, Kashir doesn’t settle. And neither should you. Be like a carnivorous plant — and catch the opportunities in front of you.

2. Don’t work under a rock (there’s no light!)

You’ve probably heard the expression about living under a rock — or being unaware of things. Well, you shouldn’t work under a rock, either. Because then you’ll only be able to see what’s under the rock (and there could be snakes). That means you won’t get much accomplished.

Kashir knows this. That’s why he’s designed the office to be open and collaborative.

“Everyone was in small cubicles before,” describes Kashir. “Now, those barriers are gone. We’ve created an agile work environment where people have flexibility in how they work and how they communicate.”

Kashir is finding this new workplace model to be successful. And he’s realizing that most employees are happy with it.

“We’ve also added colors to the office to brighten the mood,” says Kashir. “We’re even converting some areas into game zones so we can play foosball and table tennis. It’s all in an effort to maintain the proper team spirit.”

VEON Pakistan Global Shared Services Opening

Now, you know you can’t go hide under a rock. Because there’s great work to be done while having some fun.

3. Move with the music

How do you dance in rhythm? You move with the music! Otherwise, your performance just won’t look great (or you could invent one of the worst dance moves ever)

What’s the connection here? You have to be in tune with what you’re doing. Because you’ll get lost if you’re not. That’s an idea that drives Kashir’s work forward.

“Feedback from others gives me inspiration and helps me see how I’m doing from a different perspective,” says Kashir. “We also share ideas well and give advice. It really helps us get things done better.”

Kashir’s redesign of the VEON office has also been in an effort to create an environment where people are in tune with one another. That’s why the layout flows so well.

“There’s no concrete hierarchy now and we can solve problems quickly,” states Kashir. “There’s just so much more visibility.”

VEON Pakistan Global Shared Services voluntary floor wardens with Kashir

Now that you understand the importance of staying in tune, go dance. You deserve it.

4. The butterfly effect is real

Have you ever heard of the Butterfly Effect? It’s a concept which states that one single occurrence, regardless of how insignificant it may seem, can change the world. That’s pretty awesome, right?

This concept can apply to anything we do. Do something good each day, and it could have a major impact.

“We’re working on corporate social responsibility here, like cleaning out parks and trails, going to orphanages, and helping the elderly,” Kashir tells. “We’ve found we can help society just by doing little things. We’re planning to allocate more budget towards this program when possible.”

Giving back to society has become a part of Kashir and his team’s activities. And he’s been very happy with the outcome. As he says:

“I’m excited by how involved people are getting with these volunteer projects. It’s even had positive effects beyond my initial vision. For example, Islamabad does sit on fault lines. Since I’m responsible for health and safety, we’ve done training for this. We had an earthquake actually. And my team was ready immediately to go out and help. This made me so happy that they’re taking responsibility.”

That’s all very cool stuff. Remember: A little good can go a long way. The Butterfly Effect is perhaps true.

5. Play cricket as much as possible

Just as you don’t want opportunities to pass you by, you shouldn’t miss out on the good times, whether that be a hot air balloon ride, trip to the beach, or night out with friends. You need it — otherwise, your batteries will run out.

“One of my goals is to ensure employees are happy, which means time for having fun. We’ve been organizing a cricket tournament between departments!” exclaims Kashir. “Cricket is big in Pakistan and we want it part of our workplace culture.”

Outside of work, Kashir also makes a point to enjoy himself. That means spending time with the family, playing sports, and more.

“Right now, I’m looking for a hobby I can do in retirement,” says Kashir. “I’ve been reading, gardening, and practicing photography. Of course, I also like eating! My favorite dish is chicken karahi.”

So, if you want to stay happy, do something you love outside of the office. That’s how you can be as efficient and long-lasting as the Energizer Bunny. You take time to recharge!

It only gets better

Kashir has given you a plan to achieve more now and in the future. Grab opportunities, set up the right work environment, get feedback, and do good things. Along the way, take time for yourself. At the end of the day, you’ll end up where you need and want to be.

