How to Work Hard and Live Wonderfully

VEON Careers
VEON Careers
Published in
4 min readJan 27, 2017


Get inspiration on how to achieve a work-life balance by hearing how our team members do it.

So, the sun hasn’t touched your skin in months and work plays a starring role in your dreams.

If this is you, take a deep breath. It’s all going to be okay. You just may need a break, hobby, or, better yet, a nice vacation.

You simply can’t deny the importance of rejuvenation. Good old science has found that breaks and time off increase productivity.

But it’s more than just getting away from work. You have to find something that gets your juices flowing and makes you say, “Yeah!”

Thankfully, we’ve made finding ideas and motivation easy for you here. You’re welcome. Read about the inspiring things our folks at VEON do outside the office. You’ll be wowed by how they maintain a work-life balance.

1. Pack your bags and go. Research shows travel helps your mental health. Leave today if you need (just inform the appropriate people first).

“I make a point to do things outside of work, like travel. One place I really like is Karelia. It’s a gorgeous region with a lot of pristine lakes and neat architecture. It really helps me refuel.”

Sergey, a product owner at Beeline Russia

2. Everyone needs a hobby, even Batman. Hobbies can help you connect with others, enjoy time with family, find inspiration, and reduce stress.

“I play tennis with my kids. I’m not going to be the next Nadal or anything. But it was my childhood dream to be a tennis player. Maybe my kids can be pros!”

— Abraham, the simplification manager for emerging countries here at VEON

“I like to fly drones. I have a drone I partially made myself, and flying it gets me out of the swamp. I’m up in the sky, discovering new things and seeing the world from a new angle!”

Igor, the head of integration and systems support at Beeline Russia

3. You may have heard that living in the moment is the key to happiness. Putting this into practice can give you the energy you need.

“I like to take pictures when I travel. I just have to capture the beauty in front of me. Those images are a helpful reminder to never let the moment pass you by.”

Yury, an information systems development manager at Beeline Russia

4. Studies have proven that being with nature reduces negative thoughts. So, get out of the concrete jungle. And go get some wisdom from nature.

“I feel like there is a relation between everything in the universe. I get that feeling when in nature. In nature, patterns are formed in a way that is aesthetically pleasing. Everything is in rhythm. I actually have shells and minerals on my desk to remind me of this powerful rhythm”

Benny, a UX/UI designer and data visualization specialist at VEON

“I like to hike in the Pyrenees Mountains. It’s such a contrast to the busy weekdays. All those daily tasks aren’t really relevant. It puts things into perspective.”

— Caspar, the group director of revenue transformation and simplification at VEON

5. Explore your learning interests outside of work. Better yet, do it with others. You can master new skills, casually network, and simply relax. That’s three birds with one stone (yes, that’s a new saying).

“I’m involved in a learning community called Arzamas in Moscow. We do things like learn about history at historical sites and practice emoji poetry. I’ve met a lot of interesting people.”

Tatiana, a marketing manager at Beeline Russia

“Every three months, we have a course at our data school. It’s quite hard to get in. So, competitions are always fun and you can network with great talents.”

— Alexander, a data scientist at VEON

6. Have a bucket list for non-work endeavors. Don’t be afraid to go wild. Because a bucket list is all about what you want. If that means joining in the world’s biggest food fight, do it.

“I want to go to space. I am actually preparing for it. I think commercial space travel is not far from going mainstream. It’s one of my big goals!”

Elena, the head of organizational development at Beeline Russia

7. Most experts believe competition is good for businesses. If you find competition helps make you feel alive outside of work, go compete! It just may be the release you need.

“I participate in Kaggle competitions. I like the challenge of trying lots of methods and creating from scratch. It’s a good way for me to explore my interests and build skills without too much pressure. It’s also a way to relax at night after my baby has gone to bed!”

— Anton, a data scientist at VEON

Live the life you want and still achieve your career goals

Whatever your formula is, make sure you balance work and life correctly — just like our employees at VEON are doing. Whether it’s clearing your mind or unleashing your creativity, you need something that rejuvenates you.

That way, you’ll not only be satisfied with your career, you also know what the sunshine feels like.

Soak it up. Life is good.

