Features To Look For While Choosing An eSignature Solution.

VeriDoc Sign
3 min readNov 18, 2022


eSignature Solution

In the business world, time is of utmost importance. And when it comes to signing documents, no one wants to wait for days or weeks for someone to sign off on something. This is where eSignature solutions come in. eSignature solutions are a digital way of replicating a handwritten signature. They’re legally binding in most countries and much faster than the traditional paper-and-pen method. In this blog post, we’ll explore the features of the latest VeriDoc Sign eSignature solution so that you can know what ti expect when you choose it for your business.

The Benefits Of Using An eSignature Solution

The benefits of using an eSignature solution are many and varied. The most obvious benefit is that it can save time and money. Traditional methods of signing documents can be pretty time-consuming, especially if you have to send them back and forth between multiple parties. With an eSignature solution, you can sign the document electronically and send it off with a click of a button.

Another significant benefit of using an eSignature solution is that it adds a layer of security to your documents. When you sign a document electronically, it is stored securely on the server of VeriDoc Sign. This means that your papers are less likely to be lost or stolen and are more difficult for unauthorised persons to access.

In addition, electronic signatures like VeriDoc Sign is legally binding in many jurisdictions, so you can be confident that your documents will be honoured in court if necessary.

If you’re looking for a convenient and secure way to sign documents, VeriDoc Sign is worth considering. It can save you time and money and add an extra layer of security to your essential documents.

The Features To Look For In An eSignature Solution.

eSignatures are the latest way to sign documents electronically. Here are some features to look for in an eSignature solution:

-Ease of use: The best eSignature solutions are easy to use and don’t require special training.

-Security: An excellent eSignature solution will offer security features like encryption and digital signatures.

-Compatibility: Make sure the eSignature solution you choose is compatible with the software you use.

  • Price: eSignature solutions vary, so shop for the best deal.

How To Choose The Right eSignature Solution For Your Business?

If you are looking for an eSignature solution for your business, there are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure you choose the right one.

First, consider what type of documents you will be signing. If you only need to sign basic contracts and agreements, then a simple eSignature solution may suffice. However, if you need to sign more complex documents such as NDAs or loan agreements, you will need a more robust solution like VeriDoc Sign.

Next, consider how many users will need to sign documents. A personal signature plan may be enough if you have a small team. However, you need an enterprise plan to accommodate multiple users if you have a large group or company.

Finally, consider your budget. Decide how much you will spend on an eSignature solution and compare prices between providers.

Keep these factors in mind when choosing an eSignature solution for your business, and you will be sure to find the right one for your needs.


The latest eSignature solution from VeriDoc Sign is a powerful tool that makes it easy to sign documents electronically. With this solution, you can add your signature to any document in just a few clicks.



VeriDoc Sign

VeriDoc Sign is a blockchain-secured eSignature solution that ensures improved productivity, document transparency, and higher efficiency at workplaces.