Community And Public Office

Vincent Apunike
4 min readJul 21, 2022


Activism in its simplest form is offering your voice and gifts for progress. For me, it comes full circle as community organizing which is when a group of people champions causes for grassroots developments. Democracy is about the people. For civilization to stay abreast of the fast-paced modernization, you and I have to get concerned. It is not enough for just some of us to prosper.

Family is the first unit in the social strata which grows to incorporate different people who we live with and others we share the same ideas with. All fingers are not equal. The sheer implications of where someone lives within a city or town sometimes affect the opportunities available. It affects the schools a parent can afford to send their children to. It affects other social activities available because especially in the formative years, a kid’s exposure usually manifests. While some can afford to live in the finest suburbs, some cannot. This is where grassroots organizing comes in, neighbors can meet up and discuss pressing matters that affect their communities that do not always make the front pages and seek solutions in peaceful and innovative manners.

In such exchanges, everyone’s life gets bettered. It becomes easier for those in office to address issues because they are organized. Through the proper channels, they also relate better with those who voted them into power. When important strands of our communities are nurtured and elevated, the inclusiveness becomes deeply satisfying. Humans are social animals, they need to be accepted and loved is almost primal. And this is what propels everyone deep down to be good to others, to be kind, and be more receptive to other people’s concerns.

The other day, I wrote about the importance of education. I outlined the roles the formal sector plays and the importance of investing in other channels that bring out the best in each of us. Even after learning in school, students for instance still have to live with their parents and among their peers. They have to work and associate with others so institutions that safeguard important values are important. . I am proud of the significance of various U.S. campuses and the opportunities they foster for the future.

Having access to suitable environments where young people, adults, the elderly, and kids can spend quality time, learn new things, and challenge themselves is absolutely superb. Our minds are powerful and each time we direct these potentials the right way, then, we can little by little tackle challenges facing society at large.

I have heard different opinions concerning the choices people make when it comes to activism and running for public office. Should you become a feminist and get involved with problems women struggle with? Are you concerned about the discipline of the youths living in your neighborhood? Is there more you can do to contribute to the collective action needed to mitigate global warming? Do you care about animal welfare? These are a few questions each of us has. Some directly seek these improvements by running for office. Others question if they are good enough while others have to strive harder to access the opportunities that they deserve which may not be in their immediate reach, knowing that indeed nothing is impossible.

Most of these ideas crop up at a point in our lives. I mentioned the family unit initially because when a child is born, he or she is exposed to many things they don’t have control over initially. Some see the community and societal structure more clinically because maybe their parents held public offices. Some who may not have had such opportunities, through different supports attend schools, have access to libraries, and themselves seek out careers of their choice. What am saying is that people from different backgrounds, people who care, and people who are influenced to seek civic diligence that honors human dignity come together to achieve great things. Simple things like cleaner neighborhoods are achieved. The convention for independence was born this way. Diplomatic and social understanding for important processes like ratifying the constitution of the United States came about through a communal mechanism possible when people bring their ideas together.

It is by getting involved even at a very basic level that we learn more. Young stereotyped people can be tutored to approach life knowing that many opportunities abound and not just the narrow prisms from which they see things due to one reason or other. When your mind gets stimulated, intelligent ideas are shared during conversations, and solutions to problems deemed impossible avail themselves.

Looking back, there are bound to be key moments that affected some important decisions you made. One thing I know is that, when we invest in the progress of others, they always give back. Knowing things would have turned out quite different, they always maximize the opportunities given, and make sure they help provide opportunities for others. That’s how the human race advances. We wouldn’t have gotten this far if we didn’t tap into the strength ushered by the well-being of social cognizance.

Just like in marketing, word of mouth works wonders under this umbrella too. If I read a good book, I would talk about it to friends, suggest it to book clubs, and share it online like I do here so others can go get them. Books hold marvelous things. Well, I just got one today which I know will be an inspiring read. In the same way, you can talk about the issues in the community and share the efforts that have been taken towards solving them. You can show up at meetings. Register and vote. Make sure those who care about important issues like reducing the price of prescription drugs are at the helm of things. There is power in being an active member of a community where your ideas, voice, and contribution are welcome.

