For Future Generations

Vincent Apunike
4 min readJan 10, 2022


I saw a meme that asked what those who grew up poor associated with being rich. One entry said being able to afford those who help us move, especially companies that actually pack everything and haul it to the new location, preferably, the new house. I can relate to such feelings of easiness and freedom. In my little calculations, securing some trust accounts which my children can access when they get older appears top of my list so things like tertiary education tutions and available funds to pursue their dreams wouldn’t keep them and myself and wifey or anybody up at night. As such, thinking farther ahead for the future generation is one of the progressive thoughts we maintain. Most of the times, that alone makes us work harder. That alone gives us the bounce in our steps, the reasons never to give up, a reason to smile. It is one thing to accept what was handed over to us and work with what with have. It is another strata of hopefulness to strive for the betterment of our kids. This is where I am at.

Spreading the net wider, we start to consider implications of our actions and inactions for the future generations. The implications of the legislations we pass and choose not to pass. Things like health care coverage and education, job infrastructure and opportunities. Remember the onus lies on each and every one of us to help make the world better than we found it. This is a civic clarion call of duty. A noble effort in making sure the hard work of those who came before doesn’t go to waste. We have to pick up the baton and improve where we should. I always say we owe the future generation this attitude because people worked for the things we enjoy now whether we care to acknowledge this or have time to think about it.

In some aspects, this topic is hard for me to write because of my fraility as a human being just like the next person. We always talk about karma. How what we do come around and all. Myself too. You witness certain oppression, injustice, and cruelty you cannot help but heap curses on those who cause such pains but also on their future generations. A topic like this one dealt with this topic a long time ago. In our lowest moments we find ourselves in a temptation that proves two wrongs never make a right. Then when our head clears a bit and you think about children of the future — innocent cute babies who have their own future and problems to contend with, you imagine, if all those utterances come through how does it figure? I think I have mentioned this before because it ultimately came to a head in a heated discussion. One person saying yes, the sins of the forefathers should live with the children to serve as a deterrent. Maybe this is the take of the holy book. The other group saying no, everyone should be responsible for their actions even when it seems that the perpetrators are evidently going scotfree. This conversation has always tugged at my mind. Somehow though, whenever I refer to Karma I always refer to the truth that when you do good, it returns manifold. Knowing am not perfect and I never want anybody talk more of my progeny to bear the consequences of my actions.

Looking at my own life sometimes I question what might have happened that I didn’t know of. I believe however in my power to steer my destiny, regardless, because looking back all that much ain’t really helping. If I have the gift of seeing the future, I question myself on the best way to live right now. At least thinking about the future is a nice guideline to have somewhere. Even, thinking about our own future. There are some who want to transfer whatever pain and hurt they have experienced in their lives to the next. I don’t see how that helps the needed healing process. Somewhere in my mind I wonder if really there is an accurate connection between the deeds of those who came before and those who come later. There is reincarnation and the like I suppose. And yet, there is a sphere of individuality which marks us separate and allow us lead our lives how it best suits us not with entanglements that have nothing to do with us. I may really not know all the answers to these questions but all in all considering that some time somehow some people would walk these paths is enough inspiration for us to do better. And for the good things we worked hard for may we live long to reap the fruits and may the future generations remember us with pride and goodwill spurring them on to continue with the good work.

