Gotta Prune To Grow

Vincent Apunike
5 min readMay 20, 2022


Why? I asked myself for 10 months now while getting better. Never the type to put myself before others, I said nothing. Why? I asked myself for the last 2 months. I even stumbled upon a book that says to ask “Is there any other reason apart from that?” to ascertain people’s true intentions, and why some people are outrightly wicked, oppressive, and callous. Listen, in case you ain’t heard me before, if you want to run, I have written how to enjoy it. Thank you for the constant reminder of why I will never regret this. Like every other noise, all these will die down. Who do you think you are getting off like that? Trust is earned and it goes both ways, forgotten?

In an interview, this guy says it depends on how you want it. The question is if, not how, and my answer is No. Never. I’ll pass. But that’s what happens when people look at the wrong reasons behind why you do good. Selfishness makes people lose sight of what’s important. But who am I to judge? However, when an understanding cannot be reached and selfishness is treated as a virtue, how do you expect the other person to always see from your perspective? There are other players who inspire. Check my track record I never put myself before others. Maybe it has something to do with my name, how it is attached to charity. But when people take advantage of that, I remind them to read it again…it got its perks too. My mind is on series, and someone will always relate. Check and see how the thing goes.

From me, you can never have what I cannot give. I cannot be scared of you. Moreover, I was always on a path. They question the filibuster and why people have their beliefs. People with ugly means call the efforts of others devilish. I have tried to see how good theirs is and it’s been horrible. These guys have no interest in any good that isn’t theirs in some way. The way it’s cloaked you will never know. I ask, do you think this shit is the best way? Again, I find out I am asking the wrong question to people who wrongly assume.

It’s like the proverbial barren tree. It never produces. It tries to suck all the nutrients but it never produces. And after the benefits of the doubt, the owner of the vine has to cut it down. The wolves in sheep clothing have to be separated from the true flock. Your potions better be beautiful, honestly… God bless. And make something people can look at, don’t worry about what I see.

I have talked about the dynamics of patience. I never hate what I don’t understand. I don’t go against what I don’t believe. I understand the importance of neutrality in some matters. But I fight with might whatever thinks she is my God. People will talk, what, don’t they always? Y’all will get together and say what now? As if you have been missing the clues. When people have only their interests in mind, they are blind to other people’s pain. It happens every time. I wonder what you think, but then, we are living in a world where ungrateful backstabbers want loyalty. What else but navigate?

Knowledge is infinite. There are many I don’t know. Believe me, there is a plethora you don’t also know and may never understand. How come this simple fact surprises you? I am curious but there are things I don’t want to learn. You can question my capacity. I believe in my gifts. If this is what you intend to pass on, then, I am not interested. Please feel free to share with those interested. It ain’t me.

The energy required for useful things is put in the wrong way. You position stuff as a test as if you are above that too. I kept asking myself, “Is there anything am missing?” “Why the hell are they doing this?” “They told you that’s how to flex your muscles, get started and you believed them?” Lol. It is obvious you think, I don’t know, that if it worked out in the past it is always going to be the same? By the time you realize how confused you have become, who will you blame? The people who fueled your dark beliefs in something not possible, not where I am concerned anyway, or in yourself for never at least exerting yourself to think? Never assume people’s meekness or silence as weakness. It always unfolds.

Respect to who respect is due. Gratitude to anybody deserving. But as humans, it’s evident one has to think about their interests every once in a while, in order not to use the word selfish here. I don’t ever see it as a vice, something I learned from the fictional character Nucky Thompson. Sure, it does clash balance of goodwill and usually, nothing ever brings that back. You really gotta be kidding me. It took me this long to say, get lost, because I tried everything thinking you will consider common sense. But what do I expect from someone who thinks everything has to be done their way?

In delivering stellar work, a writer prunes, for the story to grow. I woke up this morning feeling like editing should be called pruning. My faith in creativity will keep me going. In the first draft, writers are encouraged to write freely. If they could, entertain all ideas. Don’t try to edit much when initially writing. My style is to give a project time for it to breathe. When practicing my writing flow and editing, I try to use Grammarly also if you know what am spelling. Someone who knows better says write drunk, edit sober. I thank God for clarity. How do you take what you don’t own? Give me a break and see what I come up with. Maybe two versions, but what’s main?

If you are critical and observant you will notice I approach subjects I treat here and generally other things from a bird’s eye view. What’s my claim? I am not dragging anything with anyone. As God will have it, I encountered different disciplines at different times. Various influences. That’s why sometimes even when I favor a certain angle, I still keep it rounded. I don’t apply bias. In a free world, I understand why people’s opinions can be different. The filter I use is that if millions of people feel a certain way, there must be something in their opinions. And yet, one has to take a stance. We need others. This time around, I will approach, at least, within the scope of this stuff I know that is beautiful, compromises that incorporate others. I may lose advantages in some places but I don’t bugger with fear. Who said I cannot enjoy video games while contributing my quota in interpreting what might make the world a better place? Truly, a beautiful world. I have not lost that notion. I realize we always know or will figure out what’s true and real to us. I am steadfast in my values and opinion of what I think is good, the reason I don’t claim validation from everyone. Now your interest is not directly served, what’s your take? I am hopeful, goes both ways I guess. At a party where a man cannot have coffee or peace of mind, what’s the closest thing?

