I Thank God

Vincent Apunike
4 min readOct 31, 2021


I thank God for life. You have no idea how happy I am to see today. How much grateful we should be everyday we wake up, each time we go out and come in safely. It has been a challenging year globally. Half through the third quarter, the resourcefulness of us humans amazes me. While it has been the second hardest year of my life, looking at the effects of Covid-19, I share with the grief and hardships others faced. The bonding together, sensible deliberations, less selfish approaches needed to helm this pandemic have been encouraging and yet there is room for more. I thank God because at my lowest moment I called on him and received answers. I thank him for direction. Honestly, there are no words for his infinite mercies but I will keep writing. Sometimes I argue about religion and posit a certain skepticism but I don’t deny the majesty of God. We humans understand better the things we could see or hear but there is no denying the mightiest existence somehow and somewhere that harnesses everything. I reached limits I never knew existed some few months ago. I met with some parts of me that kept me wondering where it had been hiding all these while. I thank God for the faith that he knows our deepest heart desires, the consolation he or she or it doesn’t judge like humans. I thank God because he is ever forgiving and that his hands filled with bountiful and choicest blessings are always wide open.

I thank God for integrity. The most important values inculcated in us, cultivated as we grow, appreciated due to standards, never fail to keep us in line. I thank God for his greatest gift which is freewill. The freedom to live and make choices that serve us right so long the concerns of others are dully considered — responsibility. I am grateful for the values that remind us how special we are. I appreciate his gift of intelligence which aids important decisions. The strength to do better when our actions are lacking. The resolve to do what we must. I thank God for the unique purposes he bestowed on us, available for us to discover for ourselves. The mere understanding that our existence is not entirely a chance event. I thank God for the lessons, pains, and privileges from the past because from thence come the raw materials which usually help the blossom. I appreciate the different turns which doesn’t always make sense but proves God exists and fights hidden battles for us. The omniscient God. God of love. The caring father. I put my faith in you and you didn’t fail me. A certain strength comes for accepting that we are humans and there is a larger power, this is an easy form of prayer.

I thank God for water. Why? I remember a prayer I said when I was little. I was asked to ask for some intentions. It was at night. We had switched the TV off and was about to retire for the night. I started with thanks. I thanked him for water, maybe because I had drank some before then and probably would have gone on to thank him for food as well, but something caught my tongue and I kept repeating water. I thank God for water until my brother shouted if water was the only thing I wanted to thank God about. I don’t think I continued. I remember that particular occurrence and still want to thank him about that. Water is probably the biggest element on earth, bigger than land at least, and vital to life. Using it as a point of reference, I thank God for all his provisions. Needs and wants are plenty. I thank him for the constant provisions of the basic things I need and a promise for better. No matter how bad it gets, all it takes is a look across some other person’s life to see how better off we might be. The food, clothes, shelter, health, family, care, friends, education, opportunities, love, and more. I thank God for time. I thank God for the things I can effect and the things I cannot control that shuffle to my favor. I gats to thank God everyday. Appreciation is the biggest prayer which is simple to say.

I thank God for humanity. I thank God for others. I thank God for the good in people. The funny thing is that God wouldn't descend to physically solve our problems. Usually, he blesses us through our fellow human beings. Due to the myopic horizon our human vision can accommodate, we might neglect or take for granted. No man is an island. We all need others. There are those who give me reasons to want to live. I don't joke with this statement. In some cases, I pointed this out but some don't care so I rather use my energy to bless God for people like this. Today, I heard we shouldn't be the reason someone stops believing in love. What about those who make us believe in that? I thank God and bless people like that. I thank God for giving us strength to adapt. Strength to dare and resolve to go for more. I am grateful for the light at the end of the tunnel. Today, I have gratitude and not supplications because the more I thank him the more I receive. Amen.

