All About Virtual Rehab’s Token Sale

Virtual Rehab
7 min readJul 13, 2018


Virtual Rehab’s evidence-based solution uses Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, & Blockchain technology for Pain Management, Prevention of Substance Use Disorders, and Rehabilitation of Repeat Offenders.

We’re Baaaaaaaaaack !!!

So, first is first — How are we doing on those articles? We sincerely hope that you enjoyed reading our first and second article. If not, then we count on you to tell us what didn’t you like and how could we improve? Otherwise, we will keep boring you over and over and over and over again. Remember, a lot of us are techies, so we’ll do a pretty darn good job at it.

No seriously ! Let us know your feedback and we will always strive to make these articles better as we get the hang of it.

So, as we are approaching our Private Token Sale (starting August 1st), we thought of providing you with a quick snapshot of the key things you should know about our upcoming token sale.

Virtual Rehab’s Logo

First and foremost, we got a kick-bottom team — be it the founders, the advisory board, or even our contractors, we are top-notch with plenty of experience, global awards, and we never take no for an answer — heck, we have an advisor who was recently inducted into the CIO Hall of Fame (we didn’t even know that they had one), but yeah, this CIO Hall of Fame holds the top 100 CIOs from around the world. That gentleman’s name is Mr. Philip Fasano, who was the CIO for Kaiser Permanente. We also have the 2017 recipient of the global corrections research award. Told you we’re not joking here. And that gentleman’s name is Dr. Jeffrey Pfeifer. Please take the time and read more about our team in our White Paper.

Actually, this may very well be a good starting point. So, since we’re talking about awards, please allow us to share with you some of the notable accomplishments, recognition, and awards we have received since our inception back in 2017.

Here is a list:

  • Evidence-based solution with proven efficacy results approved by physicians, psychologists, and therapists
  • 87% of participating patients have shown an overall improvement across various metrics
  • Described by US Digital Government Head as a “capability that is very very promising for public services”
  • Only VR/AI company included in the US Department of Justice, Institute of Corrections Environmental Scan report
  • Partnership agreements in-place across the North America, Europe, Middle East, and APAC regions
  • Only company to represent Canada as part of the Canadian Delegation to Arab Health
  • Selected as one of Canada’s most promising high-growth life sciences companies (Dose of the Valley, CA)
  • Featured by Microsoft’s leadership team at the Microsoft Inspire Innovation Session
  • Nominated by The Wall Street Journal for the WSJ D.LIVE Startup Showcase (Laguna Beach, CA)
  • Ranked by Spanish media as the first option for training correctional officers and rehabilitation of offenders using virtual reality
  • Featured by the media across 28 countries worldwide
  • Founder awarded with the “Expert” status by the United Nations Global Sustainable Consumption & Production (SCP) Programme with focus on Sustainable Lifestyle and Education

Now, you tell me what do you think?

Of course, we would not have accomplished all of this without our great leadership, our seasoned advisory boards, and most definitely, the contractors who helped us throughout this journey.

So, let’s give a quick introduction (yes … yes … we know … introductions normally come first … but we got too excited with the awards topic) to those who have not read the first two articles:

Virtual Rehab’s evidence-based solution leverages the advancements in virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technologies for pain management, prevention of substance use disorders, and rehabilitation of repeat offenders. Our all-encompassing solution includes services in a telemedicine context and can extend to individual users of the Virtual Rehab solution to serve the B2C market, in addition to hospitals, rehab centers, correctional facilities, and others to serve the B2B market. Furthermore, using blockchain technology, we can now reach out to those vulnerable populations directly, to offer help and reward, by empowering them with the use of Virtual Rehab’s ERC20 VRH Token within our network.

Now, that’s all nice and dandy, but you’re probably thinking — “That’s a lot of technology to use. How are they making this happen?” So, let us tell you more:

Virtual Rehab’s innovative and powerful solution (supported by existing research) is intended to psychologically rehabilitate those in most need for our service offering.

Although the scope of our existing solution includes pain management, psychological, and correctional rehabilitation, the Virtual Rehab team reserves the right to explore new industries to further expand our global operations.

Virtual Rehab’s all-encompassing solution covers the following pillars :

  • Virtual Reality — A virtual simulation of the real world using cognitive behavior and exposure therapy to trigger and to cope with temptations
  • Artificial Intelligence — A unique expert system to identify areas of risk, to make treatment recommendations, and to predict post-therapy behavior
  • Blockchain — A secure network to ensure privacy and decentralization of all data and all information relevant to vulnerable populations
  • VRH Token — An ERC20 utility token that empowers users to purchase services and to be rewarded for seeking help through Virtual Rehab’s online portal

Once again, please make sure that you take the time to read our White Paper. We have put so much time and effort to make it as detailed and as concise as possible. Yes. It does get too technical in some parts. However, in case we lose you at any point while reading the White Paper, please reach out to us on any of the social platforms below:

Telegram Group:
YouTube Channel:

You folks have absolutely no excuse for not finding a way to track us down. Don’t worry. We’ll love it.

Now, let’s tell you more about our actual token sale (indeed … it’s about time).

So, we will be starting on October 1st with our Private Sale (Yes. It is called Private and we are still opening it up to everyone who is interested in contributing at least $15k to our token sale). Therefore, if you are interested, and willing to take an educated bet on a stellar team with a stellar technology, then please feel free to drop us a line at and you bet we will get back to you at the earliest.

If the Private Sale is not your thing, then no worries, we do have a Pre-Sale and a Main Sale.

In the table below, you will have all the information that you need to know about both along with some additional information, which you will wish to keep in consideration as well:

OK. This is all good. However, you’re probably thinking now — “How are they going to use all the money, they raise?”

Great question. Please see below the way we plan to use the funds:

Virtual Rehab’s Use of Funds

Let’s explain a bit more:

  1. Future Development — further product development (VR programming, enhancement of AI expert system, blockchain integration, new features launch, telemedicine platform, and further enhancement of the online portal), research & development, hiring of additional staff, opening of Virtual Rehab Centers (to leverage our solution and serve users directly — will be the first centers of a kind to leverage VR, AI, and the blockchain technologies altogether)
  2. Marketing — seminars, conferences, hosting, pilot programs, exchanges, sponsorship, etc.
  3. Partnerships — sealing new strategic partnerships with leading universities and institutions from around the world

Yes. We got a lot of work ahead of us. But wait, let us share the high level 2018/2019 roadmap to further put things further in perspective:

Our 2017 milestones can also be found on our website.

Sorry for the long article, and we do hope that we gave you a decent overview of our Token Sale information. Having said that, again and again and again, please read the White Paper in complete. Come back to us with any questions. We will be more than happy to answer all of them. Listen, we know that you work very hard for your money, and we want you to be 1000000% positive that this is the right investment.

Thank you once again for taking the time to read this article, and thank you a million times for your support of Virtual Rehab.

And always remember …

Be Safe and Make a Difference in this World !!!

Peace Out !

