Why Does Virtual Rehab Need a Blockchain?

Virtual Rehab
6 min readAug 6, 2018


Virtual Rehab’s evidence-based solution leverages the advancements in virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technologies for psychological rehabilitation of vulnerable populations (pain management, prevention of substance use disorders, enhancement of autistic individuals’ communication skills, and rehabilitation of repeat offenders)

The 10 Million VRH (1 Million Dollar) Question ! Why Blockchain?

Ladies and gentlemen, in order to answer this question, we must first look at the situation as of today and then delve into why blockchain?

So, let’s start …

As you already know by now, Virtual Rehab is dealing with vulnerable populations. Unfortunately, many of these vulnerable populations end-up relapsing and re-offending since they never get a second chance at life. All of their information is completely exposed to the public, which prohibits them from moving forward in life or changing their life to become better people.

As a society, we tend to be judgmental. Nothing surprising there. However, that doesn’t make it right. In order to be a healthy society, we need to be able to give others a second chance, especially if they went through a tough period in their life, and made mistakes, and genuinely wanted to change to the better. We all make mistakes. Imagine if people stopped forgiving each other for every mistake made. No one would speak with another person ever. We would be all living in a silo. Now how healthy is that?

Punishment is Not the Solution

Therefore, in order to allow these vulnerable populations to have a second chance at life, we must find a way to:

  • Address their mental health disorders and psychological issues
  • Ensure that they have some sort of privacy

The first point regarding mental health and psychological well-being has been discussed at length in previous articles.

We discussed in our article entitled, “Virtual Rehab’s All-Encompassing Solution,” the ways in which Virtual Rehab is tackling these issues. To summarize, Virtual Rehab is leveraging Virtual Reality (A virtual simulation of the real world using cognitive behavior and exposure therapy to trigger and to cope with temptations) and Artificial Intelligence (A patented unique expert system to identify areas of risk, to make treatment recommendations, and to predict post-therapy behavior) to further address the underlying mental health disorders.

We also shared that existing studies by leading universities supported our own work, which demonstrated that 87% of participating patients have shown an overall improvement across 62 different metrics within the following categories:

1- Problem Recognition & Acceptance
2- Openness to Change
3- Locus of Control
4- Decision-Making Influences
5- Emotional Intelligence & Regulation
6- Motivation & Resilience

To help put things in perspective, below is an overview of the Virtual Rehab solution:

So, on to the second point — the privacy issue ! How can we tackle that?

Well …

That’s where the blockchain kicks-in? The question is how?

The blockchain will first and foremost allow us to tap into the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) market. We had a great deal of demand to offer this directly to consumers and as always, we never disappoint. However, before we rush into offering any kind of solution to the public, we had to study our next steps very well and do it in the most secure and the most efficient manner.

Blockchain will allow us to solve the privacy and the protection of all data and all information of these vulnerable populations and in a decentralized manner. Now, how neat is that?

However, that’s not the end of it. There is way more than that.

Our VRH utility token has four clear use cases:

  • It will allow users to order and download programs straight from our Virtual Rehab Online Portal
  • It will allow users to request further analysis of the executed programs through our Virtual Rehab Online Portal. These programs will then be run through our patented unique expert system, which leverages Artificial Intelligence, in order to identify areas of risk, make treatment recommendation (along with any prescribed medication), and predict the future behavior of the user post therapy session
  • Moreover, something that we are extremely excited about is “Proof of Therapy”. Yes. That is correct. If the user actually proves to us that he or she has sought help and counseling from a medical doctor, psychologist, or therapist in order to improve their mental health and psychological well-being, then we will reward him or her with VRH tokens, which the user can claim straight from our Virtual Rehab Online Portal. The user can then use these tokens to acquire additional services from our the portal
  • Last but definitely not least, the token will be used to acquire services offered through our Virtual Rehab Therapy Center — anonymously

Now, we have been asked this a lot. Are we going to offer our programs and our expert analysis only in VRH tokens?

The answer is simple:

We obviously want to promote the use of our VRH tokens. Having said that, we will initially offer our services in Fiat and VRH tokens.

So why would anyone use the VRH tokens if the Fiat option is there?

Well … They are more than welcome to use the Fiat option. However, it will be at a premium. In other words, the same program that they would acquire, if offered, for example, at $100 in Fiat, it will be offered at 800 VRH ($80). Therefore, it will be cheaper to order our programs in VRH versus Fiat. Eventually, once we have more mass adoption of our VRH token, we will stop offering the Fiat option.

Makes sense?


The blockchain will first allow Virtual Rehab to enter into the consumer market.

Furthermore, when dealing with the most vulnerable populations out there, privacy and security of information/data shared, become extremely important. Unfortunately, as of today, this information is publicly available and could be accessed through online databases which expose the identities of these vulnerable populations. As a result, this prevents these populations from re-integrating back into society and becoming an effective part of it as well.

Fortunately, this level of privacy/data protection can all be made possible when integrating blockchain technology as part of the Virtual Rehab solution. We will not gather the first name or the last name of these vulnerable populations — they will be associated with a wallet address. The only information which will be gathered are the age, gender, race, biometrics (heart rate, blood pressure, biodermal activity), and eye-tracking. This will ensure complete HIPAA compliance and anonymity of these vulnerable populations information/data.

Moreover, Virtual Rehab is solving an even bigger problem which is data sharing among medical institutions, correctional departments, researchers, and patients worldwide. As of today, this data cannot be accessed due to privacy and patient protection laws. However, with our Virtual Rehabsolution, everyone will have access to this information, which is completely anonymous and would allow for a database of input data and metrics to be accessed, which can further enhance existing research in the area of mental health through the global collaboration of researchers and medical professionals from around the world. Patients will also be able to access this data and find some synergies or relations with their existing symptoms and attempt to apply some best practices accordingly.

Finally, we would like to leave you with the below comments from one of the developers out there (just to put things in perspective).

The Cryptopian meant to say *gas not (has) in the first tweet (just in case you didn’t figure it out) :)

Anyway, that’s all we have for today. In case you have any more questions, then please do not hesitate to contact us. Drop in at our Telegram Group.

Oh, one more thing ! Thanks to all who believe in Virtual Rehab, we have hit our soft cap as part of our private sale, and for those interested in purchasing additional tokens, kindly feel free to reach out to us at investorsATvirtualrehab.co or through our Telegram Group. This process will continue until the announcement of our public sale.

And always remember …

Be Safe and Make a Difference in this World !!!

Peace Out !

