Partnerships, vNodes and mChain — Vitreus Weekly Highlights

October 8th, 2023

Vitreus Chain
5 min readOct 8, 2023

Welcome back, Vanguards and technology enthusiasts! If you missed last week’s recap of events, you can quickly catch up here.

If you’re not familiar with us, Vitreus is a permissioned blockchain in the presale phase integrated with an AI technology named COMPLiQ™. Its purpose is to assist regulated industries like energy and banking with their data and compliance needs, including data management, interactivity, and storage. Compliance places a significant burden on these companies, involving high costs and demanding labor. Our clients can leverage distributed ledger technology without exposing themselves to the world of digital assets.

Social links you may find helpful:

Website | Litepaper | Discord | Youtube

Now, let’s dive into what you came here for: our weekly highlights! Last week was a relatively light week for announcements, this week was quite a bit different.

October 2nd, 2023

A thought provoking article from Taylor Cox, our Director of Product Design, on LinkedIn. Definitely worth the read!

Welcome Mr. Harrell to the Board of Directors!

Mr. Harrell will help guide us as well as champion our Energy Sector efforts as we continue to build out our platform and onboard users. We are excited to work along side him to see eChain reach its potential!

October 4th, 2023

NetSpi — Official Hacking Partner

We’ve teamed up with NetSpi, the cybersecurity titans, to fortify Vitreus! This is a game-changer! Their track record in securing giants speaks volumes. Expect nothing less than an impregnable fortress as we raise the bar for corporate security.

Did someone say hoodie weather? We have you covered!

October 5th, 2023

Welcome PLAID — Our Official Financial Data Pipeline Partner!

In the realm of technology, partnerships aren’t just collaborations; they’re the bridges to innovation. VITREUS, powered by Plaid, breaks down walls with traditional systems.

This. Is. HUGE.

October 6th, 2023

Friday Vitreus Build Update — My favorite Day of the Week

Vitreus Corporate Platform ~>
Last Week’s Achievements:
✅ Server architecture for CompliQ scripts
✅ Сluster OS interconnect research
✅ LOKI stack deployment in other way using Observatorium
✅ LOKI auth with streams in multitenant

Next Week’s Plans:
🟡 Compliance checks between RTQ form and transactions history
🟡 Keep working on LOKI and Cluster infrastructure

Vitreus Power Plant and vApp ~>
Last Week’s Achievements:
✅ VIP status
✅ Ranking rewards mechanism
✅ Prepared DappNode backend for mobile team
✅ Extended whitelists on all layers to allow cross-domain requests
✅ DappNode infrastructure investigation
✅ Added saving cookies of cross-domain request for DappNode
✅ Zeroed out gas and gas_price fields in ETH RPC
✅ Custom estimate_gas partial implementation
✅ Custom storage-related ETH RPC partial implementation
✅ Bug Fixes and improvements
✅ Web socket implementation
✅ InnoConnect (Mobile part of Vitreus Wallet Connect)
✅ Connection between DappNode and mobile
✅ Added theme module
✅ Database created for Whitelabel
✅ Improved data processing for Explorer
✅ Improved request logics for Claiming
✅ Vitreus Wallet Connect improvements
✅ UI improvements for mobile view for Explorer
✅ NAC improvements for Claiming
✅ Build custom iso image with preseed
✅ Explore DappNode services

Next Week’s Plans:
🟡 Keep working on VIP status
🟡 Keep working on Vitreus Wallet Connect
🟡 KYC procedure improvements
🟡 Build custom iso image with preseed
🟡 Explore DappNode services
🟡 Ranking rewards mechanism

Yahoo Finance Article

Great article focusing on Vitreus and discussing COMPLiQ! It would be a valuable asset to share on social media if you desire.

Introducing our THIRD Parachain — mChain!

“Vitreus is too powerful to be overlooked and too unique to be concealed…”

Now, you may be thinking, ‘That sounds cool, but why is this a big deal? Why should I care?’ Well, there are a few reasons:

  1. One million TPS is far beyond what other leading blockchains offer in this space.
  2. Consider what this level of transaction load would mean for vNRG demand.

October 7th, 2023

What an amazing visual representation of our initial vNode coverage!

Can’t wait for the day we see the whole world covered in GREEN!

Welcome to the FINAL TWO Stages of the VITREUS Progressive Presale!

Stage 8 has concluded and Stage 9 is now LIVE!

The price has increased to $0.0425! Purchase 300,000 tokens during the ten stages of our presale and receive a FREE vNode!

A thread…

A great thread by Brenton, our COO, discussing mChain.

Final thoughts…

What. A. Week.

Another incredible week has come and gone. If you’ve spent time in our Discord server, you may have noticed we’ve held back on sharing some exciting details, or as we call them, ‘beans.’ If you’re not already part of our community, come join us on Discord!

We hope you found this Medium post informative, enjoyable, and helpful! If you have any questions, feel free to find us on Discord — linked above.

Wishing you a wonderful Sunday! Enjoy some football or spend time with your loved ones. Until next time…

— Vitreus



Vitreus Chain

Vitreus is marrying Proprietary Artificial Intelligence and Decentralized Infrastructure with Corporate Solutions